Seriously, intelligently and with real democracy, the 24th Session of the 18th Provincial People's Council discussed and resolved many mechanisms and policies, removed obstacles and shortcomings in practice, and created a legal corridor for development. The session also spread the determination to break through the "threshold" of 2025, joining the whole country in entering a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise.
Provincial People's Council delegates passed a resolution at the 24th Session. (Photo: Minh Hieu).
Scientific and flexible
As the highest State power agency in the locality, representing the will, aspirations and mastery of the people, therefore, through each session, the Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Council has prepared thoroughly and elaborately, focusing on innovation to continuously improve the quality of content and programs. The success of the session is the sum of many factors, but it is necessary to affirm that the scientific organization and management of the chair is the decisive factor. In order for the session to go in line with the issues and content that have been prepared, the chair must manage in a scientific, methodical and flexible manner. That not only helps to complete the entire session program with a large amount of work, but also opens the way for delegates in the process of comprehensively discussing issues, questioning, and critical criticism with focus and key points, satisfying the expectations of voters and people. This was emphasized by Comrade Lai The Nguyen, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation when delivering the opening speech of the session.
The reality of the 2.5 days of the 24th Session of the 18th Provincial People's Council shows that the flexible management of the chair plays a very important role in orienting and guiding the issues and contents brought up for discussion to reach a high level of consensus. For example, when conducting the discussion session, the chair always has suggestions for delegates to objectively and comprehensively assess the achievements of socio-economic development in 2024, while focusing on planning new directions for 2025. Or like the question and answer session, the chair of the session always guides the delegates of the Provincial People's Council to ask short questions, focusing on the content of the question, and at the same time requesting the person answering the question to go straight to the heart of the question raised by the delegate, clarifying the current situation, causes, responsibilities, and roadmap to overcome shortcomings and limitations.
Provincial People's Council delegates attend the meeting. (Photo: Minh Hieu)
Another highlight in the innovation of the organization is that in this session, the Provincial People's Council continues to apply information technology, implementing paperless meetings through the use of VNPT e-Cabinet software. Therefore, reports and proposals are presented in a brief, concise manner so that delegates can spend more time studying, discussing, and proposing solutions to promote socio-economic development in 2025.
Do not "glorify" achievements, do not "blacken" limitations
True to the spirit expressed by the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Lai The Nguyen at the opening session of the meeting, in the discussion session, the delegates of the Provincial People's Council promoted their spirit and responsibility, actively participated in the discussion, contributed many passionate, profound, intellectual opinions, focusing on the report on the socio-economic development situation, ensuring national defense and security of the province in the direction of not "glorifying" the achievements, but also not "blackening" the limitations.
In 2024, overcoming many difficulties and challenges, Thanh Hoa has achieved very impressive results in socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security with many important indicators far exceeding the plan and being in the leading group of the country. In particular, the most prominent is the growth rate of gross regional domestic product (GRDP) reaching 12.16%, exceeding the set target and ranking 2nd in the country; state budget revenue reached 54,341 billion VND, the highest ever, ranking first in the North Central region and in the group of 10 localities with the highest revenue in the country... Along with the "tripod" of industry - agriculture - tourism, many economic, cultural and social indicators have also established very positive numbers. Expressing their excitement at these results, many delegates said that these achievements will create a solid foundation for Thanh Hoa to realize the province's socio-economic development goals in 2025 - the year of reaching many important targets of the 5-year socio-economic development plan (2021 - 2025) and the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025.
The Presidium of the meeting. (Photo: Minh Hieu)
The meeting acknowledged the frankness, objectivity and impartiality of many delegates when they spoke frankly, honestly and pointed out the shortcomings, limitations and weaknesses that need to be promptly addressed. Regarding the industrial sector, delegate Le Minh Nghia, Director of the Department of Planning and Investment and delegate Ngo Dinh Hung, Director of the Thanh Hoa Tax Department mentioned the slow progress of implementation, leading to the "picture" of the infrastructure of industrial parks and industrial clusters in the province still being unfinished, lacking land to attract investment projects. Delegate Cao Tien Doan, Chairman of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Business Association, raised the "hot spot" and the biggest concern for businesses and investors at present is the serious shortage of raw materials, causing difficulties for investment and construction projects in the province. Regarding the education sector, delegate Ha Thi Huong, Secretary of the Quan Hoa District Party Committee, analyzed in depth the difficulties in attracting teachers and workers to work in mountainous districts and ethnic minority areas, especially in mountainous districts that no longer have communes in Region III (particularly disadvantaged communes). Because when leaving the particularly disadvantaged areas, cadres and teachers working in these communes will no longer enjoy preferential policies from the State, affecting their lives and income. Therefore, many cadres and teachers who have worked for many years have asked to transfer to work in the lowlands, or even asked to leave the industry. This situation has led to a local shortage of teachers in mountainous districts in the 2024-2025 school year... From there, the delegate proposed solutions to overcome this.
These are very legitimate opinions and recommendations, aiming to solve practical requirements, both ensuring the promotion of socio-economic development of the province and ensuring better service to the people's lives and activities.
Comrade Do Minh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.
With careful, meticulous preparation, enthusiasm and responsibility, the delegates of the Provincial People's Council brought to the meeting a rich amount of information, full of practicality, recorded from the process of operation, movement and development of their own industry and locality.
Success on many fronts
Another outstanding success of the 24th Session of the 18th Provincial People's Council was the question and answer session, which was highly appreciated by delegates and voters and the People. At this Session, the Provincial People's Council questioned the Director of the Department of Planning and Investment on the progress of implementing a number of direct investment projects, especially large-scale, key projects of the province, which are still slow and have not met the set progress requirements; questioned the Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment on the environmental pollution caused by production and livestock farming that still occurs in some localities; the overload at many landfills in the province, the slow progress of implementing projects to treat domestic solid waste; and questioned Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Mai Xuan Liem on a number of issues related to digital transformation and handling of false information and fake news in the media. These are prominent issues, of concern to many voters and people during voter meetings, and need to be properly "dissected" by the authorities.
With a high sense of responsibility towards voters and the people, the provincial People's Council delegates asked many in-depth questions to clarify the existence, limitations, causes, and core nature of the existence and limitations as a basis for fundamental solutions to the issues raised for questioning. In particular, the issue of some direct investment projects, especially large-scale, key projects of the province, being slow and the environmental pollution caused by production and livestock farming still occurring in some localities; the slow progress of implementing projects to treat domestic solid waste, attracted the most questions from delegates.
To trace the co-existence and shortcomings, delegates requested that the "commanders" of the sectors answer and clarify the responsibilities of each sector, locality and related unit. As in the story of assigning agencies in charge of urging the implementation of a number of large projects, delegate Do Ngoc Duy (Thieu Hoa district delegation) asked the Director of the Department of Planning and Investment Le Minh Nghia: To what extent is the responsibility of the responsible agencies and units for the slow progress and is the solution of assigning relevant departments and sectors to be in charge of urging the progress of the projects still suitable for reality? Or the issue of environmental pollution, many delegates frankly asked questions to trace the situation of waste treatment plant projects in Dong Son district and Bim Son town being behind schedule for many years... The question and answer session also received many questions from voters and people sent to the session. As voters in Nong Cong district requested the Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to clarify the handling of environmental pollution at the Dairy Farm in Yen My commune...
The question and answer session of the 18th Provincial People's Council at the 24th session was successful in many aspects. The selected questions were all prominent issues that attracted public and voters' attention. The questions of the delegates were all focused on the issues. The person answering the questions went right to the heart of the question, without shirking or avoiding responsibility. The flexible management of the presidium created closeness between the delegates, the person answering the questions and the moderator.
Mr. Dinh Viet Ba, Vice Chairman of Ham Rong Club
In the question and answer session, with a frank and responsible spirit, without shirking or avoiding, the directors of the departments and the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee answered clearly and directly to the point of the question. In particular, they analyzed the causes in depth, clarified the responsibilities of the relevant departments, branches and localities, as well as accepted their own responsibilities. At the same time, they proposed solutions and recommended consensus and participation of the departments, branches, localities and people in the province to thoroughly overcome the problems mentioned.
In addition to the answers of the department directors, the meeting chairman asked the leaders of a number of relevant departments, branches and localities to clarify the questions raised by the provincial People's Council delegates in the hall, as well as the opinions of voters and people in the province sent to the meeting.
Comrade Do Minh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, spoke to explain and receive opinions from delegates, voters and people.
According to Mr. Dinh Viet Ba, Vice Chairman of Ham Rong Club: The question and answer session of the 18th Provincial People's Council at the 24th session was successful in many aspects. The selected questions were all prominent issues, of interest to public opinion and voters. The questions of the delegates all focused on the issue. The person answering the questions went right to the heart of the question, did not push or avoid responsibility. The way the Presidium operated was flexible, creating closeness between the delegates, the person answering the questions and the operator. All focused on delving into, clarifying, and going to the end of the issue raised for questioning, meeting the expectations of voters and people in the province.
"Untie" the entanglements to enter the new era
At the meeting, with a spirit of openness and high responsibility towards voters and people in the province, comrade Do Minh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, spoke to explain and clarify some recommendations that delegates were interested in and proposed at the meeting. He emphasized: "These are very legitimate opinions and recommendations, aiming to solve practical requirements, both ensuring the promotion of socio-economic development of the province and ensuring better service for the lives and activities of the people".
On behalf of the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Do Minh Tuan seriously accepted all opinions and recommendations of delegates, voters and people in the province.
Session view.
Reporting to the Provincial People's Council on 8 key tasks of direction and administration, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Do Minh Tuan stated: The tasks set for 2025 are extremely heavy and of great importance, requiring all levels, sectors and localities to continue to promote the spirit of solidarity, unity, dynamism, innovation and creativity, not to retreat in the face of difficulties and challenges, to be more determined, make greater efforts, act more decisively, ensure focus and key points; strive to successfully complete all the set goals and tasks of the plan, and firmly step forward with the whole country into the new era.
At the 24th Session, the 18th Provincial People's Council discussed and passed 38 resolutions to create a foundation for mechanisms and legal corridors for the province to accelerate its development breakthrough in 2025 and the following years. Among these, there are resolutions that have promptly removed difficulties and obstacles for localities to develop. One of them is the resolution on adjusting the Land Price List for the period 2020 - 2024, or the resolution on the List of land plots for bidding for investment projects using land in the province... Because, after the Land Law 2024 took effect (from July 1), the old land price list was no longer suitable, causing legal problems in the auction of land use rights in many localities. Many planned areas have completed infrastructure, but cannot organize auctions due to problems with the basis for determining land prices. In particular, Thach Thanh district has 3 planning areas, Thuong Xuan district has 2 planning areas... The above resolutions were issued, not only to remove difficulties for revenue sources but also to promote the real estate market, increasing the province's budget revenue.
Comrade Lai The Nguyen, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation delivered the closing speech of the session.
In addition, the Provincial People's Council has amended, supplemented and abolished a number of resolutions that are no longer appropriate. Such as amending a number of articles of Resolution No. 17/2024/NQ-HDND regulating the policy of additional food allowances for a number of groups of subjects being cared for and raised at units managed by the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs; supplementing the regime and policies for children being cared for and raised at the Thanh Hoa SOS Children's Village. Or abolishing Resolution No. 26/NQ-HDND regulating the price of medical examination and treatment services not included in the list paid by the Health Insurance Fund but not medical examination and treatment services upon request for state-owned medical examination and treatment facilities managed by Thanh Hoa province...
All cadres, soldiers and people of all ethnic groups in the province should further promote the tradition of solidarity, proactiveness, creativity, strive to overcome all difficulties and challenges, and fulfill the highest goals and tasks of 2025 and the 5-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021 - 2025), contributing to the whole country entering a new era, the era of national growth.
Comrade Lai The Nguyen, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation.
The 24th session of the Provincial People's Council was successful in many aspects, both in terms of content, flexible and creative organization and management methods, intelligence, spirit, and high responsibility of the delegates in response to practical requirements in the province's development journey. Through this direct supervision, the role of the highest state power agency of the province, the rights and responsibilities of each Provincial People's Council delegate, as well as the responsibility of leaders of administrative agencies towards issues of concern to voters and the people, was affirmed.
2025 - the year of breakthrough to reach the goals and tasks of the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress and the 5-year Socio-Economic Development Plan 2021-2025. The 24th session of the Provincial People's Council has created an open corridor. The remaining issue is the determination to move forward, do real things, with the spirit of "only discuss doing, not retreating".
In his closing speech, Comrade Lai The Nguyen, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, called on all cadres, soldiers and people of all ethnic groups in the province to further promote the tradition of solidarity, proactiveness, creativity, and strive to overcome all difficulties and challenges, to fulfill the highest goals and tasks of 2025 and the 5-year Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021 - 2025), contributing to the whole country entering a new era, an era of national development.
Thu Vui - Do Duc
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