This also requires local authorities at all levels, especially in complex and sensitive areas, to continue to closely monitor the area; people of all walks of life must constantly raise their vigilance, not to be lured or drawn into illegal activities, sabotage the government, and harm the great national unity bloc.

Founded in 2011, the terrorist organization "Montagnard Support Group" (English name is "Montagnard Support Group, Inc."-MSGI) is led by Y Mut Mlô and Y Duen Bdăp (former members of the "Montagnard Fund - MFI" in the US). Operating in a violent manner, "Montagnard Support Group" advocates attracting and recruiting members in the country, training and educating them on methods of operation, inciting protests and armed riots; providing money, weapons, and means, directing terrorist attacks, killing officials and people, and destroying property of the State and people. The group's goal is to demand secession, autonomy, and the establishment of a "Dega State" in the Central Highlands. According to the investigation results of the authorities, after establishing the organization, through the social network Facebook, Y Mut Mlo (born in 1960 in Dak Lak) propagated and attracted H'Wuêñ Êban to join the group and assigned the task to Êban as commander, establishing an armed group called "Khan Đêga" ("Đega Soldiers"). The subjects quickly promoted the construction and development of forces, found a location for a base in Dak Lak, prepared weapons, searched for and recruited members; contacted and met with people selected by Y Mut Mlo to attract them to join the organization. On the other hand, they increasingly mobilized members to contribute money to buy weapons and practice martial arts to prepare for the terrorist attack plan. In April 2023, after a period of preparation, the "Montagnard Support Group" met and agreed to let the "Dega Soldiers" group attack the headquarters of state agencies, kill officials and people to cause instability in the area; at the same time, Y Sol Nie was sent from the US to infiltrate Vietnam to directly command. In the early morning of June 11, 2023, the subjects divided into two groups carrying many weapons to attack the headquarters of the People's Committees of two communes, Ea Tieu and Ea Ktur (in Cu Kuin district, Dak Lak province), killing 4 police officers; 1 commune party secretary, 1 commune People's Committee Chairman and 3 people; injuring 2 commune police officers, kidnapping 3 people as hostages; burning and destroying property of the commune People's Committee and people, causing damage of more than 2.5 billion VND. In June 2023, the police agency prosecuted and temporarily detained 2 subjects; issued a wanted notice for 5 subjects who are members of the organization "Montagnard Support Group" for the crimes of "Terrorism against the people's government" and "Terrorism" (according to Article 113, Article 299 of the 2015 Penal Code, amended and supplemented in 2017). In January 2024, the People's Court of Dak Lak province brought the above case to trial and sentenced the defendants to between 9 years and life in prison.
Established 8 years after the "Montagnard Support Group", the organization "Montagnards for Justice" (English name is "Montagnard Stand for Justice - MSFJ") was founded by Y Quynh Bdap, Y Phik Hdok, Y Pher Hdrue, Y Aron Eban, H' Sarina Krong, H' Tlun Bdap, Y Ruing Knul, H Mla Hdrue in July 2019 in Thailand and has been operating in the US since April 2023. This organization makes many people extremely worried because the leaders are all young and reckless: Nhu Y Quynh Bdap was born in 1992; Y Phik Hdok was born in 1993, H'Biăp Krông was born in 1987, Y Aron Eban was born in 1985. Choosing the method of violence, as soon as it was launched, "Montagnards for Justice" immediately stepped up propaganda activities, attracted, recruited members, assigned tasks, trained methods of operation; sponsored money, directed the purchase of weapons and vehicles, carried out terrorist attacks, killed officials and people, destroyed property of the State and people to establish a "separate State" in the Central Highlands. In August 2023, Vietnamese authorities issued a decision to prosecute and search for Y Quynh Bdap - a member of the terrorist organization "Montagnards for Justice" for the crime of "Terrorism" under Article 299 of the 2015 Penal Code (amended and supplemented in 2017). In January 2024, the People's Court of Dak Lak province tried the case of "Terrorism against the people's government; terrorism; organizing illegal exit and entry for others; concealing criminals" that occurred in Cu Kuin district on June 11, 2023 and sentenced Y Quynh Bdap to 10 years in prison. At the trial, the defendants all publicly admitted that the indictment was true to their crimes, and at the same time expressed remorse, apologized to the victims, and hoped that the Court would be lenient and reduce their sentences.
Based on undeniable evidence, the announcement of the Ministry of Public Security affirms: "The Montagnard Support Group" and "Montagnards for Justice" are terrorist organizations, therefore anyone who participates, propagates, entices, incites others to participate, sponsors, receives sponsorship from "The Montagnard Support Group", "Montagnards for Justice"; participates in training courses; operates under the direction of these organizations is guilty of "terrorism", "terrorist sponsorship" and will be handled according to the provisions of Vietnamese law. The announcement of the Ministry of Public Security widely broadcast on mass media has received the agreement and support of the majority of people, especially people in the two communes of Ea Tieu and Ea Ktur (in Cu Kuin district, Dak Lak), where the massacre took place in the early morning of June 11. More than anyone else, the people here deeply feel the painful and tragic consequences that these terrorist organizations have caused to their fellow countrymen.
However, with their extreme and reactionary nature, reactionary and hostile forces immediately launched arguments criticizing the announcement of the Ministry of Public Security, condemning the government, distorting the nature of the incident, claiming that these were just two "dissident" groups overseas that were "retaliated" by the Vietnamese government, and continued to accuse Vietnam of violating human rights and religious freedom with unreasonable arguments. At the same time, the "Montagnard Support Group" and "Montagnards for Justice" tried to deny their responsibility for the shootings in the two communes of Ea Ktur and Ea Tieu in Dak Lak on June 11, fabricating stories that the Vietnamese government was trying to "rob the Montagnards of their land" and "suppress the Montagnards fighting for freedom". Intentionally ignoring the evidence collected by the investigation agency as well as the testimony of the subjects who directly committed the crime in court, a representative of "Montagnards for Justice" still tried to justify that his organization was just "a small civil society organization fighting for human rights, religious freedom and land rights for indigenous people in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in a peaceful manner and absolutely does not support violence". This person defended that the organization's activities always "respect human rights, respect national and international law and there is absolutely no establishment of a separate state in the Central Highlands and has nothing to do with the "Montagnard Support Group" as accused by the Vietnamese government". Some subjects even deliberately steered the incident on June 11 in Dak Lak because "people are also dissatisfied with the regime, religion, culture and there are also cases of Kinh people or the regime discriminating against ethnic minorities and looking down on indigenous people". A co-founder of the organization "Montagnards for Justice" fabricated that: "The reason the government hates MSFJ is because they have written many reports of violations to the international community, so they hate them, they want to eliminate the group members, so they framed them and want to carry out their human rights violations."
More brazenly, Y Duen Bdap - the subject identified by the Ministry of Public Security as one of the leading members of the terrorist organization "The Montagnard Support Group" brazenly declared: "Our organization is a non-violent organization. The Vietnamese government is a terrorist organization, they steal our land and kill our people". At the same time, Y Duen Bdap stubbornly asserted: "I fight for human rights and our right to live on the land where we were born. We have lived here for thousands of years before Jesus, before the Kinh people came". With similar arguments, Y Quynh Bdap - founding member of "Montagnards for Justice" said that he was "slandered" and accused of "terrorism", and that his group operates in the field of religion and peacefully demands human rights for indigenous Montagnards in Vietnam. Song Y Quynh Bdap is also the one who directed the thorough exploitation through social networking sites to contact and incite ignorant people in the country to commit violations of the law, not cooperate with the government, cause insecurity and disorder, and sabotage the regime. When being strictly handled by the authorities according to the law, this organization loudly accused Vietnam of discriminating and oppressing ethnic people. Claiming to fight for the Montagnards, Y Quynh Bdap and his organization often caused unrest in the Montagnard community, on the other hand, using the name "indigenous people" to mobilize and gain support from countries and international organizations for the purpose of profiteering, opposing our Party and State, dividing the great national unity bloc, and lowering Vietnam's reputation in the international arena.
The Ministry of Public Security's identification of the "Montagnard Support Group" and "Montagnards for Justice" as terrorist organizations, and at the same time clarifying the identities of the leaders, methods and tricks of these organizations, is extremely timely. Local authorities, especially in complex and sensitive areas, need to continue to closely monitor the area, promptly detect signs of instability in order to take measures to handle and prevent them. At the same time, from the information provided, people need to be alert to identify, heighten their vigilance, and not be lured or led into participating in the sabotage activities of these organizations. Through this, we see the determination of our Party and State towards organizations and individuals who are determined to carry out dark plots to harm the interests of the nation and people, sabotage the regime, and hinder the development of the country: they will be severely punished according to Vietnamese and international law.
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