Brigade 293 always carries out its missions with high intensity, in difficult and arduous conditions, requiring discipline, safety and good health of the soldiers. Meanwhile, the unit is mostly officers and military personnel, so the Party Committee and Brigade commanders pay special attention to, focus on leading and directing agencies and units to strictly comply with State laws, military discipline, directives and regulations... of all levels, especially the regulations prohibiting the use of alcohol, beer and alcoholic beverages during working hours and lunch breaks of working days and on-duty days.

According to Colonel Nguyen The Luong, Brigade Commander of Brigade 293, in the past, there were times and places where the unit used alcohol in violation of regulations. At parties organized by agencies and units, there were soldiers who abused alcohol, affecting their health, work quality and efficiency, and even affecting the style and reputation of individuals and units. However, in recent times, the Brigade has strengthened inspection and control of the implementation of prevention and control of the harmful effects of alcohol and beer for agencies, units and individuals; actively propagating and disseminating the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Beer, Government decrees, circulars of the Minister of National Defense, regulations of the Engineering Corps related to management and maintaining discipline on the use of alcohol and beer... Therefore, up to now, in the Brigade, there have been absolutely no cases of drinking alcohol and beer before or during working hours or on duty days; the use of alcohol and beer at parties has decreased significantly.

Brigade 293 regularly organizes physical education and sports activities, contributing to limiting alcohol and beer consumption and improving soldiers' health.

Along with doing a good job of disseminating, educating and propagating, Brigade 293 has concretized the provisions of State law and military discipline on preventing and combating the harmful effects of alcohol into regulations suitable to the actual conditions of the unit. Senior Lieutenant Trinh Van Dung, driver, Battalion 4, shared: “The agencies and units in the Brigade strictly implement the regulation of not drinking alcohol during working hours. Each soldier writes a commitment to strictly comply with the regulations of not drinking alcohol during working hours; not drinking alcohol at any time, anywhere; and not driving if you drink alcohol. The measures when implemented have received the approval of officers and employees in the entire unit.”

Along with propaganda and legal education activities, military administrative discipline and discipline training are strictly maintained by the unit. Accordingly, the Brigade organizes on-site and mobile military control forces in areas with many soldiers and vehicles passing by, especially on holidays, New Year's, and major events of the unit. The guards regularly closely check people and vehicles entering and leaving the unit, preventing and handling cases of using alcoholic beverages in and out of the barracks. In 2022, the unit will be equipped with additional alcohol concentration measuring machines to control soldiers using alcohol and beer in and out of the barracks. If alcohol concentration is detected in the body, they are absolutely not allowed to leave the barracks. In addition, to manage independent units stationed in remote areas, the Brigade stipulates: When there is a plan for a festival, it must be reported to the Brigade commander, approved before organizing and ensuring safety in all aspects. The duration of parties has also been shortened, and the level of alcohol consumption has been moderate. In particular, heads of agencies and units have seriously and voluntarily implemented and used alcohol and beer in a cultured manner for subordinates to follow. Thanks to this, soldiers have a better awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol and beer, gradually changing their living and eating habits, adjusting their behavior, in accordance with current regulations.

To control soldiers from using alcohol when returning home, going on business trips... commanders at all levels proactively coordinate with soldiers' families to propagate, educate, and thoroughly implement regulations, especially for soldiers who show signs of alcohol abuse. When soldiers enter the barracks, after measuring alcohol concentration, if they violate, they will be required to stay at the unit, not assigned work and have a supervisor, then depending on the level, they will be handled. Lieutenant Colonel Tran Xuan Linh, Political Commissar of Brigade 293 added: "When soldiers organize a wedding party, if it is in the area, the Brigade will support the transportation of guests who are soldiers of the unit and relatives in the family. In case soldiers participate in other parties, when using alcohol, they are absolutely not allowed to drive vehicles in traffic, cases of non-compliance will be handled according to regulations...".

Article and photos: PHAM BAO TRUNG


Do not underestimate the work of education and dissemination.

Alcohol abuse has become a burden for society and each family, leading to many violations of the law, discipline, disunity, traffic accidents... In order to prevent this problem, Regiment 19, Division 968 (Military Region 4) regularly educates and thoroughly instructs officers and soldiers to strictly comply with regulations on alcohol use; harmful effects of alcohol... Thanks to that, the use of alcohol in the Regiment is always strictly controlled, ensuring strict compliance with regulations.

Shooting training at Regiment 19, Division 968. Photo: HOANG THAI

This year, Regiment 19 has more than 100 soldiers promoted and raised in rank and salary. Most of the unit's officers are still facing financial difficulties, so each time they are promoted or raised in rank, they are very happy. Because, in addition to being recognized by their superiors for their efforts and endeavors, soldiers also have an additional income to support their families. However, if education and dissemination work is neglected and officers are allowed to organize parties and celebrate promotions and salary increases arbitrarily, it will create public opinion and bad habits, affecting the quality of the unit's discipline management. Therefore, the leaders and commanders of Regiment 19 met and congratulated the comrades who were promoted and raised in rank and salary; at the same time, they urged soldiers to strictly follow the regulations and not organize lavish parties leading to the abuse of alcohol and beer, causing safety risks, wasting money, affecting the health and performance of the unit's tasks. Thereby, it has created a high consensus and unity among the staff, both happy and ensuring strict compliance with regulations.

Lieutenant Colonel NGUYEN VAN QUYET (Commander of Regiment 19, Division 968, Military Region 4)


"Light wine, small cup, pour little"

Recently, Division 312, Corps 1 has deployed many synchronous measures to prevent alcohol abuse.

Along with promoting propaganda about the harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption, the unit also strictly maintains the regulation "if you drink alcohol, do not drive", implements "superiors set an example for subordinates" and "light wine, small cups, pour lightly" when necessary to organize parties and exchanges within the unit.

Using healthy alcohol and beer helps soldiers ensure their health and spirit to fully participate in activities. In the photo, officers and soldiers of Battalion 3, Regiment 141, Division 312 (Army Corps 1) read the newspaper during break time. Photo: DAO NGOC

In addition, the agencies and units in the Division regularly promote the criticism and self-criticism of cadres and party members in the fight against and criticism of deviant viewpoints and disciplinary violations. Thanks to that, most cadres and soldiers of the Division always strictly comply with regulations when using alcohol and beer, ensuring joy, health, and absolute safety when participating in traffic and in performing training and combat readiness tasks. I see that building a healthy culture of using alcohol and beer brings many benefits, especially improved health, better concentration on work, no more pressure or finding ways to refuse invitations to drink alcohol...

Captain DAO NGOC LAM (Propaganda Department, Political Department of Division 312, Army Corps 1)


Don't be subjective with your health

From a scientific perspective, wine and beer are drinks that, if used properly, are beneficial to human health.

In the life of Vietnamese people in particular and Eastern people in general, drinking alcohol has long been a unique culinary culture. However, the abuse of alcohol and beer causes many unpredictable harmful effects, especially in the military environment - where discipline and health are highly required.

Promotion, salary increase, appointment, job rotation are always great joys for every soldier. However, to share that joy, it is not necessary to use alcohol, beer, especially toasting each other until drunk. Many people think that when they are young and in good health, they can drink alcohol and beer freely, but that thinking is completely wrong. Because if you do not exercise, build a healthy lifestyle, create a good physical foundation, then at a certain age, your health will decline and you will suffer from many dangerous diseases. Therefore, when you are young, everyone needs to strictly follow the regulations on alcohol and beer use; do not be subjective about your health.

Lieutenant LUU VAN TUAN (Political Commissar of Radar Station 69, Regiment 292, Division 377, Air Defense - Air Force)