Overseas news sites such as BBC, VOA Vietnamese, Radio Free Asia, Facebook, disgruntled elements, and political opportunists have published many articles distorting personnel work. They "arrange" leaders A and B into the four-pillar positions; leaders C and D into the Politburo, comrade E as the leader of this province, comrade G "retired" due to losing power, etc. Along with "arranging" personnel for important positions, they also fabricated stories distorting personnel factors related to the situation of internal "fighting", factions, regions, and areas.
Not only posting information and edited, distorted images, they also use statements and comments of some disgruntled "experts" and "scholars" to "argue" and stereotype, turning nothing into something, "little" into much, causing doubt in public opinion, creating negative effects on the psychology, thoughts, and feelings of a part of the people and cadres who lack courage.
It is worth mentioning that they disseminate anonymous and impersonated petitions and letters on social networking sites; spread false information to incite internal divisions; defame the honor and dignity of officials in the planning source; distort the viewpoints, opinions, and directions of Party and State leaders on important and sensitive issues of the country and society.
In addition to causing division and doubt within the Party, reactionary elements also create an image of our Party organization as negative individuals, people without sufficient qualities and abilities, and interest groups, rather than a pioneering revolutionary organization with courage, intelligence, vision, responsibility, morality, and civilization to lead the nation and people to progress toward civilization and modernity.
In the face of hostile forces trying to distort, slander, and defame the personnel work of Party Congresses at all levels for the 2025-2030 term, towards the 14th National Party Congress, cadres, Party members, and people of all walks of life need to raise awareness, be vigilant, clearly identify, and resolutely fight against false and hostile plots and arguments on the eve of Party Congresses at all levels.
At the same time, cadres, party members and people of all walks of life must not be indifferent to the distorted and destructive arguments against Party Congresses at all levels; they must regularly monitor and expose the reactionary nature of hostile forces and their wrong and destructive viewpoints; they must collect positive information, suppress negative information, and propagate the achievements after 40 years of renovation to affirm the position of the Communist Party of Vietnam in the cause of national construction and defense;...
Hostile forces always seek ways to exploit issues of public concern, especially personnel work in the process of preparing for Party Congresses at all levels, to sabotage. However, with the solidarity and vigilance of the entire people, the participation of the entire political system in the fight against fake news, bad and toxic information, we can prevent and repel plots, not allowing any force to sabotage the achievements that the Party and people have worked hard to build./.
Long An Veteran
Source: https://baolongan.vn/khong-tho-o-truoc-luan-dieu-xuyen-tac-chong-pha-dai-hoi-dang-cac-cap-a192033.html
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