2 types of water if consumed too much can cause pancreatic cancer
Mr. Tu, an architect in Jiangxi, China, in his 40s, knew early on that alcohol was bad for his health, so he hardly drank. He only drank a few glasses on social occasions. So when he was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer , he was extremely shocked.
After studying his lifestyle, the doctor finally found out that the "culprit" causing his illness was not alcohol but two other popular drinks: coffee and carbonated soft drinks. It turned out that because of his job, which required him to stay up late, be stressed and travel constantly, Mr. Tu often drank coffee and carbonated soft drinks to cope.
The important thing is that he took them many times a day, for many years. When his body showed signs of fatigue, stomachache, weight loss, digestive disorders, etc., he did not pay much attention. He thought that he was overworking and was getting old, and the burden of making a living was making him dizzy and unable to go to the doctor right away.
Explaining this, medical experts say that the pancreas is responsible for secreting insulin to control blood sugar levels, but when we consume too much sugar, the pancreas will have to work continuously to produce insulin. High sugar levels not only increase the risk of diabetes but also cause pancreatitis, which can develop into cancer.
As for coffee, excessive coffee consumption, especially coffee with added sugar and cream, is also a cause of damage to the pancreas. When the pancreas has to work continuously to process both caffeine and sugar, the organ will gradually become tired and can lead to a decline in function. In the long term, this overload can cause chronic pancreatitis and if left unchecked, pancreatitis can progress to cancer.
Signs to help recognize pancreatic cancer
One of the most typical and common signs of pancreatic cancer is abdominal pain. The pain appears early, at first it is only a transient, dull manifestation in the epigastric region, so many times the patient thinks it is a symptom of stomach pain.
As the disease progresses, the pain gradually spreads to both sides and may radiate to the back. In many cases, the pain is not constant, but after eating or lying on your back, the pain becomes severe. If the pain is more severe in the back, it is likely that the tumor is located in the tail or body of the pancreas.
Abdominal pain caused by pancreatic cancer usually occurs gradually, worsening over time, but there are also cases where the pain suddenly appears with a severe nature. The cause is due to the tumor growing too large, causing blockage of the pancreatic duct, leading to acute pancreatitis.
In addition to abdominal pain, patients also need to pay attention to some other symptoms such as: dark urine, jaundice, loose stools, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever, rapid weight loss, and body weakness.
How to prevent pancreatic cancer
You can't prevent pancreatic cancer, but you can take steps to reduce your risk factors for pancreatic cancer, such as:
- Do not smoke.
- Limit drinks with high alcohol content.
- Eat lots of fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains...
- Reduce red meat, sugar, and processed foods.
- Limit exposure to toxic chemicals such as asbestos, pesticides, and petrochemicals; wear protective gear carefully when working in chemical environments.
- Maintain a weight suitable for your body type, regularly exercise in accordance with your health.
- Get regular pancreatic cancer screening if you are at high risk for pancreatic cancer (family history, known gene mutations, etc.).
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/khong-phai-ruou-bia-day-moi-la-loai-nuoc-khien-nguoi-dan-ong-40-tuoi-bi-ung-thu-tuyen-tuy-172241012122834131.htm
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