"No surprise"
This is the affirmation of Ms. Duong Thanh Thuy - Head of Literature Group, MV Lomonosov Secondary and High School, Hanoi.
"This regulation is in line with the 2018 General Education Program.
In fact, the program was issued 6 years ago, with very clear orientation from the characteristics of the subject, goals, requirements and educational content in the subject, and at the same time there are specific explanations and instructions for implementing the program.
Furthermore, taking materials outside of textbooks has been partially implemented in 10th grade entrance exams and high school graduation exams for about the past 10 years. Therefore, this is not surprising information, difficult to implement," Ms. Thuy said.
Ms. MLA, a secondary school literature teacher in Hanoi, also said: "In the past 3 years, many schools no longer use textbook materials in periodic tests. Or schools with Connected Textbooks will use materials from Canh Dieu textbooks and vice versa, with the purpose of helping students get used to the new testing and assessment methods."
Candidates taking the 2024 high school graduation exam (Photo: Manh Quan).
It has been noted that at many public high schools in Hanoi such as Yen Hoa High School, Nguyen Thi Minh Khai High School, Xuan Phuong High School..., the semester exams for literature subject for the past 3 years no longer use textbook materials.
The same thing happens in private schools.
Ms. Duong Thanh Thuy shared that since the implementation of the 2018 General Education Program, MVLomonosov Secondary and High School has not used any of the three current textbooks to create periodic exams for literature.
"To be able to do this, we let students practice and apply reading comprehension of texts outside of textbooks right after finishing learning the genres.
In addition, the department also focuses on the content of extracurricular programs and clubs to help students develop extensive reading habits and build a reading culture in schools.
Teachers are trained to understand the requirements and appropriate teaching methods, clearly define the objectives of teaching literature, and ensure that reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are provided to students.
In particular, in teaching reading, we emphasize the requirement of teaching reading according to genre characteristics," Ms. Thuy shared.
Stop rote learning and model teaching
The teachers consulted emphasized the benefits of ending the situation of students learning by rote and learning by heart when there is no longer a situation of students learning a work and then taking exams on that work like in the past decades.
According to Ms. Duong Thanh Thuy, this regulation will completely solve the problem of rote teaching and learning that has caused students and teachers to lack initiative and creativity for many years.
When applying this new regulation, teachers and students will study and read more by themselves, thereby developing their own abilities better.
Besides, in the process of organizing exams, test makers are no longer limited to the scope of the materials, and the content of the questions can be more diverse.
Examiners will be more objective when they are not influenced by familiar conclusions about works in textbooks.
Candidates taking the 10th grade exam in Hanoi (Photo: Thanh Dong).
Ms. NTH, a literature teacher in Quang Ninh, added: "This regulation not only affects students' learning but first of all affects teachers' teaching methods. If there is no more rote learning, there will also be no more model teaching. Teachers must also improve their professional skills to guide students to develop positivity and initiative in approaching literary works."
Ms. Duong Thanh Thuy added: "We should not worry that not using textbook materials for testing will cause students to lose the habit of reading deeply and understanding the work thoroughly.
In fact, to meet the requirements of a periodic test, students must apply good reading comprehension skills in both the content and form of the text.
With the system of questions in the test, students are required to read the text carefully to answer.
If in the past, students had the habit of reading comprehension based on the knowledge provided, now students can read comprehension actively using reading strategies, allowing them to freely explore the text, thereby having the basis for deep understanding and real feeling."
The real risks
From another perspective, Ms. NTH thinks there is reason for parents to worry about changing the way literature is assessed and tested.
According to Ms. H., there has been a situation where inappropriate materials outside of textbooks are chosen for literature exams, such as materials that are too long, making it difficult for average students to access and understand. Meanwhile, even good students cannot do well on the test due to lack of time.
Selecting poor quality materials and materials of unclear origin has also happened.
"There are works taken from the internet, with only the author's name, no one knows who the author is, whether he is the real author of the work or not, what the circumstances of the work's creation are. All have no information.
This is something I think is taboo in teaching literature. Teachers are proactive and creative in choosing materials, but they cannot choose any material they like.
The selected material must ensure aesthetics, literary value, clear origin, and full citation.
Many literary works can only be appreciated when the reader clearly understands the author and the context in which the work was created.
Not to mention the general students, the essay section on literary appreciation outside the curriculum will cause difficulties for both teachers and students if the information about the materials is too limited," said Ms. H.
According to Ms. H., the new program does not focus on knowledge but on skills, so the test focuses heavily on methods.
This requires teachers to teach well the exploitation of genre-specific features so that students are not confused by texts they have never read before.
"If teachers teach word and sentence arrays and rhetorical devices in detail, students will have difficulty recognizing them when approaching new texts.
Not to mention, there are knowledge units that are not consistent in the three textbooks. For example, the isolated components in the Connected Literature textbook have 4, while the Kite book has 5.
Teachers are required to read all current textbooks to provide comprehensive methods for students," Ms. H. commented.
Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training issued an official dispatch guiding the implementation of secondary education tasks for the 2024-2025 school year.
Accordingly, in assessing middle and high school students in literature, the Ministry requires avoiding the use of texts and excerpts from textbooks as materials to assess reading comprehension and writing skills in periodic tests in this subject.
This requirement is made to overcome the situation where students only memorize lessons or copy available materials.
The Ministry of Education and Training also requested the Departments of Education and Training to strengthen the construction of question banks and test matrices to prepare students in grades 9 and 12 to get acquainted with the new exam orientation according to the 2018 General Education Program, including two important exams: the 10th grade entrance exam in 2025 and the high school graduation exam in 2025.
From 2025, the literature exam for grade 10 entrance exams and high school graduation exams will no longer use materials from textbooks, in accordance with the orientation of the 2018 General Education Program.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/khong-dung-ngu-lieu-sgk-de-ra-de-van-giao-vien-noi-gi-ve-tinh-kha-thi-20240805114823990.htm
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