Among the Party's principles, democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism are very basic principles in Party leadership, organization and activities. However, when operating, with personal motives and group interests, these principles are exploited, abused, distorted, becoming a cover, rationalizing the leaders' mistakes...
When “centralism” and “democracy” are separated
Democratic centralism is the basic organizational principle, the backbone principle in the organization of the Marxist political party. President Ho Chi Minh often called this the principle of democratic centralism with the implication of emphasizing and promoting the democratic element in the content along with the centralization element. He clearly stated that: "All party members, all levels, and organizations are unified according to a certain principle. That principle is democratic centralism". He clearly stated that this is the leadership principle, the highest organizational principle, the leadership regime of the Party.
It can be seen that the principle of democratic centralism represents the core characteristic and has a decisive significance for the quality and effectiveness of Party leadership, organization and activities. However, in reality, many cases of violations of Party discipline and State law in recent times are related to the implementation and enforcement of this principle.
According to data from the Central Inspection Commission, during the 12th Congress term, Party committees and inspection committees at all levels discovered and handled, within their authority, many Party organizations, cadres, and Party members with signs of violating Party discipline in many provinces, cities, agencies, and units nationwide. Specifically, 214 Party organizations were handled for violating the principles of democratic centralism, accounting for 24.6% of the number of Party organizations subject to disciplinary action; 3,943 cases of Party members were disciplined for violating the principles of democratic centralism, accounting for 7.1% of the total number of Party members subject to disciplinary action. Most of the violations caused very serious consequences, especially serious ones stemming from violations of the principles of democratic centralism.
What is worth mentioning here is that the principle of democratic centralism is established and regulated very strictly, both in the Party Charter as well as many specific implementation guidelines of the Party, but why is it still distorted and exploited, abused to cover up the wrong decisions of the leaders? The answer here is due to the perception and operation of the principle.
It must be affirmed that the principle of democratic centralism is a unified principle that regulates the organization and operation of the Party, in which, centralism must be based on democracy, democracy must go hand in hand with centralism; Party members are equal in rights and responsibilities; the Party's leadership bodies are established by election; Party resolutions are decided by majority; the minority obeys the majority; lower-level Party organizations obey higher-level Party organizations; Party members must comply with Party resolutions..., in order to ensure that the Party is a tight organization, unified in will and action, and strictly disciplined.
In the principle of democratic centralism, centralism and democracy determine each other. Centralism without democracy will become bureaucratic, authoritarian, and arbitrariness; and democracy without centralism will fall into a state of disorganized, chaotic democracy.
The principle of democratic centralism regulates the Party's specific working and decision-making regime. If in the leadership regime, the leader is free to make decisions and is responsible for his or her decisions, then in the Party, the head of the Party Committee must follow the collective leadership regime, and leadership decisions must be discussed and decided by majority. Recently, many leaders and managers who are also heads of Party Committees have violated the principle of democratic centralism in this content, imposing, lacking democracy in leadership and direction, not discussing and consulting within the leadership collective, leading to policy decisions that are not in accordance with regulations, exceeding authority, violating the principle of collective leadership, and working regulations of the Party Committee, causing huge economic losses, negatively affecting the political and social situation and the Party's reputation. Thus, in agencies, units, and localities where the leader holds both roles as the head of the agency and the head of the Party Committee, if he does not grasp the principles firmly, and if there is no collective control and restraint, it is very easy to violate the principle of democratic centralism.
Do not let the party organization become a tool for wrongdoing. Illustration photo: VNA
The principle of democratic centralism stipulates that party organizations at all levels decide on issues within their authority, but they are not allowed to issue resolutions in the name of the party organization that are contrary to the principles, policies, and guidelines of the Party, the policies and laws of the State, and resolutions of higher levels. Recently, many party committees at all levels have violated this regulation.
In violating party organizations, leaders do not adhere to the principles, lack democratic discussion, and impose subjective personal opinions. Democracy becomes a formality, a sham, and is only an external facade, while the internal content is controlled, manipulated, manipulated, coerced, and even threatened by some individuals, especially leaders, to force the collective to follow their will. Many individuals in party organizations show concentration in the way of flattery, "following the fire to eat the leftovers", regardless of principles. Democracy is operated in the wrong process and concentration is "personalized". Therefore, the opinions of cadres and party members are not listened to, not considered for acceptance, and even ignoring the request for opinions, thereby violations of the law have not been prevented.
Professor, Dr. Nguyen Huu Khien, former Vice President of the National Academy of Public Administration, said that the essence of the principle of democratic centralism is to take the majority's opinion to make decisions. The recent violations of the principle of democratic centralism by individual leaders are due to errors in democratic procedures, formal democracy, and bureaucracy. Some leaders have a management style that focuses on authority, making subordinates afraid of opinions.
In many places, leaders have used many tricks and methods to force the collective to pass decisions of a personal nature and group interest. The tricks and methods are often providing incorrect information, directing others to follow their own will, promising, binding certain interests or using influence and power to pressure others to support or "silence means consent"... Comrade Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat, Head of the Central Organization Committee once emphasized that: "Recently, we disciplined a number of party organizations, basically violating the principle of democratic centralism. Using the will of the leader to impose subjectively, not respecting democracy".
In this case, the principle of democratic centralism becomes a front. Individual will and interests are protected by the collective “cover”. That is why, although formal procedures are followed correctly, the results are still violations and unpredictable consequences...
"Ear cover hat"
The reality is that many violations, even long-term violations by groups and individuals, especially by leaders, are not detected and handled promptly. The masses know, cadres and party members know but do not dare, do not want or cannot comment, and have to accept "keeping their ears to the ground". This situation is caused by the perception and implementation of the principle of self-criticism and criticism - an effective weapon to ensure the existence and development of the Party.
Returning to the recent violations that have been concluded and handled, it shows that many cadres, party members, including high-ranking leaders, have committed many serious violations over a long period of time. The main ones are: Lack of responsibility, lax leadership, direction, inspection, and supervision leading to large losses of state assets; loss of internal solidarity; violations of regulations on personnel work, investment management, construction, land use, finance, and assets; corruption... or violations due to arbitrariness, patriarchy, participation in social evils, violations of regulations on what party members are not allowed to do... These violations cannot be said to be unknown to cadres, party members, the masses, comrades, and colleagues in that agency or unit, but due to the weak spirit of struggle, criticism, and self-criticism of the collective and each individual, and the lack of frank comments and criticism, the leaders' violations have more opportunities to "act freely", becoming more serious and prolonged.
According to Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Trong Phuc, former Director of the Institute of Party History (Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics), the collective violations also show that the practice of democracy within party organizations is not good, even formalistic, leading to cadres and party members not daring to defend what is right, and not daring to fight what is wrong. It is the lack of democracy and struggle that has paralyzed party organizations.
Self-criticism and criticism at Party committees and organizations are ineffective, even ineffective, stemming from key leaders and leaders who are not exemplary and open-minded, even taking advantage of the principle of self-criticism and criticism to discredit others or to form cliques, create “cliques”, and oppress honest people. Internally, many people are respectful, afraid of conflict, and “avoid” fighting, so the spirit of criticism and self-criticism becomes lost or paralyzed. Some people are very enthusiastic about criticism, but when it comes to self-criticism, they avoid it or do it perfunctorily. There is also a phenomenon of flattery and caressing each other in criticism. The nature of the principle of criticism and self-criticism is distorted.
Regarding this issue, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thao, Regional Political Academy II, pointed out the reality that in many places, leaders do not respect and listen to the opinions of party members, discriminate against and suppress opinions belonging to minorities, contrary to the leaders' policies, leading to a state of indifference, apathy, and reluctance to express opinions...
Here, it is also necessary to emphasize the role of the Party cell in implementing the Party's principles in general, self-criticism and criticism in particular, to prevent, detect and fight against violations. President Ho Chi Minh said: "The Party cell is the root of the Party", "The Party cell is the stronghold of the Party fighting among the masses", "strong Party cells mean a strong Party"... Party members, regardless of their position, operate in a specific Party cell. Therefore, if the Party cell is truly strong, firmly implements principles, and has a good fighting spirit, then there will certainly be no individual abuse of power, leading to serious and prolonged violations.
However, in reality, the violations of many leaders are not discovered or "named and shamed" at the "roots" and "strongholds of the Party". Officials who become rich abnormally with mansions, super cars, or who rapidly and massively appoint their children and relatives to public agencies, or who show signs of violating principles, arbitrary and patriarchal styles... the Party cell and Party members there cannot help but know. However, in activities, Party principles are taken lightly and are not operated seriously and effectively. Party members in the Party cell are bound by relationships, interests or the idea of seeking security, each person does his own thing, leading to not protecting what is right, not fighting what is wrong, and uniting to follow the wrong... The consequence is that violators are "stained on the face but not seen" or "a small mistake leads to a big problem", even taking the organization lightly, becoming increasingly rampant, turning the Party cell and Party organization into a front, a tool for violations.
Inspection and supervision work is not timely
In recent times, although the work of Party inspection, supervision and discipline has seen many innovations and breakthroughs in preventing and combating corruption and negativity, in general it has not fully met the requirements and tasks in the new situation; quality and efficiency are uneven at all levels, and self-inspection and supervision still have many limitations.
Inspection and supervision agencies in some places and at some times have not fully promoted their spirit and responsibility in developing programs, plans, and inspection contents, identifying weak and prominent issues, especially detecting signs of violations for timely prevention. In inspection and supervision in some places, there is still deference, avoidance, fear of conflict, not speaking frankly, telling the truth, even covering up and condoning wrongdoings, not relying on the people to listen to reflections on violations and shortcomings of cadres and party members... It is a fact that in many cases, although there have been signs of violations, there have been denunciations, but because the Party inspection work has not been carried out promptly and resolutely, the individuals who have committed violations have been given more and more space to go further, sinking deeper into violations, with increasingly serious consequences.
The 13th National Party Congress pointed out: Inspection and supervision of the implementation of a number of Party resolutions are not regular. Inspection work in some places lacks focus and key points...; many Party organizations and Party members have committed violations but have not been detected in time.
These are the reasons why some party organizations are almost paralyzed, becoming a front and a tool for wrongdoing. Therefore, it is necessary to find a remedy to cure the above mentioned very dangerous disease.
Ta Ngoc (According to
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