This afternoon, November 16, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH, Vietnam National University, Hanoi) and Dao Minh Quang Foundation (Germany) organized a "Scientific workshop to evaluate and implement the project on Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Startup in Vietnam following the German model".
I wish there was a standard curriculum on entrepreneurship.
Professor Hoang Anh Tuan, Principal of USSH, affirmed that the school pays great attention to the issue of entrepreneurship and career establishment in the training program. The entrepreneurship subject has been officially taught in the school with the support of a special partner, the Dao Minh Quang Fund.
Professor Tuan also shared that through monitoring the career trends of students after graduation, he found that they do not only work in the field they were trained in, not many of them choose to work in the public sector but also seek many startup opportunities. Many students said that the university provides them with a basic foundation of knowledge, methods and a spirit of readiness to be able to do any job or anywhere. Reality has proven that many students have been successful in their startup path.
According to Professor Tuan, the Dao Minh Quang Foundation implementing the sustainable start-up project is a very appropriate direction to overcome the shortcomings in starting a business among young people today. The school's desire is to have a set of standard national-level learning materials in this field to be included in teaching for students.
Dr. Dao Minh Quang speaks at the conference
Dr. Dao Minh Quang, Chairman of the Dao Minh Quang Foundation, also shared his desire to devote his last years to effectively implementing the fund he founded. Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Startup Project in Vietnam following the German model is an important project that the fund wants to cooperate and implement first with USSH, and at the same time with some other universities. According to the signed agreement, the fund will sponsor this project for 4-5 years at USSH.
At the workshop, Ms. Do Thuy Duong, President and General Director of TalentPool - a prestigious training organization in Vietnam, said: writing an inspirational book about entrepreneurship is not difficult, but writing a textbook is definitely very difficult. Ms. Duong acknowledged that this is the first project talking about sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable in both will and capacity.
According to Ms. Duong, the curriculum on entrepreneurship should be published as a "living book" so that it can be continuously updated and have the necessary interaction.
Agreeing with this proposal, Dr. Nguyen Duc Kien, former Head of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Group, said that the living book format will help users interact, use artificial intelligence, and apply technology to solve this problem.
Avoid general startup advocacy
Mr. Trieu The Hung, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Culture and Education, highly appreciated the project, while also pointing out many shortcomings in the current startup sector in our country.
Mr. Trieu The Hung believes that it is necessary to avoid the situation of supporting startups in general, by perfecting the legal corridor for this issue.
In particular, the commercialization of student start-up projects still faces many difficulties due to unsystematic implementation, lack of practicality; low technical expertise, lack of market information, limited investment funds, etc.
From a legal perspective, Mr. Hung said that regulations and policies on startups are currently scattered in many different legal documents issued by many state management agencies.
Therefore, according to Mr. Hung, there should be recommendations and suggestions to the National Assembly and the Government to be able to research and perfect the legal system on startups, support young people to start businesses and establish businesses. Avoid the current general situation, supporting startups but not clearly identifying the target and implementation method...
Dao Minh Quang Foundation is a German charitable foundation, established by Dr. Dao Minh Quang in December 2016 in Berlin under the German Civil Code. Dao Minh Quang Foundation is recognized as an independent legal entity by the Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection of the state of Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany. The Foundation only carries out public and charitable activities.
The goal of the Dao Minh Quang Foundation is to promote development cooperation activities between Vietnam and Germany, through five activities, especially in promoting general education, vocational training and university training, encouraging sustainable entrepreneurship and start-up projects as well as music and culture.
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