“I believe in the limitless potential of human beings – which can be unlocked and developed brilliantly through a process of continuous learning throughout life. This process is not only influenced by the environment and macro policies but also lies in the self-determination of each individual.”
Tong Lien Anh and representatives of the Compassionate Bookcase - Wisdom House program received the Award at the headquarters of the US Library of Congress, Washington DC. |
You are often referred to with a very impressive nickname “The Chosen One”. As a companion who has helped many organizations and localities in Vietnam achieve the most prestigious international titles and awards in the field of promoting reading and lifelong learning such as: UNESCO’s International Literacy Award, the US Library of Congress’s Literacy and Knowledge Dissemination Award or UNESCO’s Global Learning City title…, do you think you are really “destined” to receive international awards?
I believe that everything that happens requires a word of “fate”. That fate does not come by chance but is the combination and resonance of many factors. The first time I heard about the awards of UNESCO, of the US Library of Congress…, I was extremely surprised when I did not find any name of Vietnam in those lists. The thought that immediately appeared in my mind at that time was: “Vietnam must definitely be listed here!”
For me, a prestigious international title or award is not only an honor for the country, nor does it only acknowledge the efforts and dedication of the honored unit. More importantly, it brings many further opportunities for organizations and individuals to expand their scope of activities, influence, attract domestic and international cooperation opportunities and resources to strongly support educational activities and lifelong learning for everyone.
This desire has led me to find organizations and individuals who are wholeheartedly serving the community, and fortunately, they have entrusted me with the mission of “The Chosen One”. I am always grateful to be able to contribute my small part to the common efforts of thousands of dedicated people, to work together to create beautiful things for our country.
General Lien Anh in a sharing session about the work "Lifelong Learning" with Nghia Dung Duong students. |
You also left your mark as a policy maker, a social activist, a translator, a speaker... It seems like you are very "multi-tasking" in many different fields?
It sounds like I am a person who “can dance to any music” (laughs). But in fact, up to this point, all the roles I have taken on, the fields I have contributed to… revolve around a single axis: Lifelong learning.
When working at the Ministry of Education and Training, I participated in advising on the promulgation and implementation of policies to build a learning society; as a social activist, I joined hands to bring books to mountainous and rural areas and accompanied the construction of lifelong learning spaces in all regions of the country; as a speaker, I talked about reading culture, self-study and personal development; as a translator, I translated books... "Lifelong learning"!
I see myself as the shepherd Santiago in Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist”, everything he does and everyone he meets is to help him realize his dream of finding the “treasure” of his life. My dream is to promote lifelong learning in Vietnamese society, so that each person can find and exploit the “treasure” within themselves. In whatever role I play and whoever I meet, I always aim for this one goal.
Tong Lien Anh: The most beautiful treasure lies within each person |
What motivates you to constantly strive to promote lifelong learning in Vietnamese society?
I believe in the limitless potential of human beings – which can be unlocked and developed through a lifelong process of continuous learning. This process is not only influenced by the environment and macro policies but also lies in the self-determination of each individual.
Many times, in my talks with students, I have been asked whether the ultimate purpose of learning is to get “a good job, a stable life?”. Many of us consider “Learning to know” and “Learning to do” to be all when talking about education, forgetting that we also “Learn to live together”, not only with people but also with nature and all the creatures around us.
And finally, the most important of the four pillars of lifelong learning is “Learning to find yourself”. People often fall into deadlocks, get lost, and suffer because they cannot find the meaning of their presence in life. Continuous learning helps us develop our value system, beliefs, self-awareness, and self-understanding. There is a saying by Osho that I find very true: People crave to explore faraway places like thousands of miles under the deep sea or planets thousands of light years away from Earth, but they are afraid to turn inward to discover themselves. Lifelong learning is the path that both takes us far and allows us to return deeply. It is the path to build knowledge to master life and the outside world, while nurturing the richness and richness of the spiritual world within each individual.
We are in the atmosphere of Women's Day March 8th, can you share about the female role model that you admire, who has had the greatest impact on your personal development journey? On this occasion, do you want to send a message to the other half of our world?
I love and am most influenced by the ordinary women close to me, my mother and sister. My mother is an example of an extremely strong will to live, overcoming chronic illness and harsh events in life to live better every day. She taught me the lesson of courage to overcome adversity.
The second person is my sister, who helped me understand that the greatest and most beautiful things in life do not come from a few giant leaps, but from small and persistent efforts like water flowing through stone every day we live. She taught me to accept and love the rain and sunshine, even the storms on the journey to the destination of my dreams.
The third person is my daughter. One day, while reading the book “Nightly Stories for Girls - 100 Inspiring Women”, she said to me: “Mom, in this book there are stories about wonderful women from all over the world but not Vietnam. Who knows, you might be the first Vietnamese woman to appear in the book”. I carry that saying with me on every journey I take, reminding me to always strive and remember to be worthy of my daughter’s love and pride no matter what I do.
I have no words specifically for women on a special day like March 8. I hope that for us women, every day is a “normal day in a special way”: live deeply, love fully and no matter what age, keep your youth in your soul to always be surprised, eager to explore and welcome the miracles of life!
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