The workshop was chaired by the Central Propaganda Department , in coordination with the Central Organizing Committee, the Central Theoretical Council, and the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and took place in Hanoi .
"Original foundation" and the responsibility of cadres and party members to preserve it
At the above-mentioned conference, Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang stated: We need to face the truth that there is still a group of cadres and party members, even at high levels, who have degraded in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle, showing signs of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation", causing discontent, anxiety, and a decline in people's trust in the Party, the State, and the socialist regime. Practice shows that when cadres and party members do not regularly study, cultivate, and practice their qualities, they will gradually lose themselves, lose their "root foundation" of revolutionary morality, leading to degradation in political ideology; and that is a short, extremely dangerous step leading to "self-evolution", "self-transformation"...
The assessment of the Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council is the concretization and clarification of the contents and implications of the risks of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" that our Party has pointed out in its resolutions, focusing on Resolution 4 of the 12th Central Committee. Revolutionary ethical standards are the "root foundation" of cadres and party members, the factor constituting the Party's ideological foundation, and the culture and ethics within the Party. In other words, revolutionary ethics in each cadre and party member are the "stem cells" that make up the strength, effectiveness and efficiency of the Party's leadership; playing a core and decisive role in the survival of the socialist regime in our country. Losing the "root foundation", cadres and party members are no different from trees that have been uprooted. The "gradual death" is the process of political and moral degradation, leading to "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". When Party members and cadres, especially high-ranking Party officials, suffer from political ideology, morality, and lifestyle degradation, sliding to the point of "self-transformation", the impact on the Party's prestige and the people's trust is enormous. When cadres and Party members lose their "root foundation", it will create gaps and cracks in the Party's ideological foundation. And those are the excuses and loopholes for hostile reactionary forces to carry out propaganda campaigns, incite, and sabotage the Party and the country.
The fact that a series of high-ranking officials, including many under the management of the Politburo and the Central Committee, and heads of a number of ministries, branches and localities playing strategic roles in the country, have been subject to Party discipline and criminal proceedings in recent times are typical examples. The practical work of Party building and rectification, the work of fighting against corruption and negativity with a spirit of perseverance, determination and no forbidden areas has left cadres and party members with many "bloody" lessons about the responsibility and duty to preserve the "root foundation" of revolutionary ethics in the new situation.
At the above-mentioned conference, leaders, managers and experts stated: Building the Party in terms of ethics and building revolutionary ethics of cadres and party members is a very important issue. This is one of the key tasks of Party building and rectification work, and one of the core contents of Ho Chi Minh's thought. Throughout the process of establishing, educating and training our Party, President Ho Chi Minh always identified revolutionary ethics as the core content of the Party, ethics is the "root" of revolutionaries. He emphasized: Revolutionaries must have ethics, without ethics, no matter how talented they are, they cannot lead the people...
Reiterating and emphasizing the fundamental issues of the Party to see more clearly, deeply and broadly the importance of reviving culture and ethics in the Party; consolidating the "root foundation" in each cadre and party member, especially the exemplary role of key cadres and leaders. The higher the cadre's level, the purer the example must be. This crucial issue has been deeply and thoroughly recognized by our Party. In principle, the Party has "armed" all cadres, party members, and party organizations at all levels with a system of contents, viewpoints, goals, solutions... creating an environment for cadres and party members to study, cultivate, train, contribute, push back negative manifestations, degradation, prevent "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". The 27 manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation" summarized and specified by the Party in Resolution 4 of the 12th Central Committee are the bases for cadres, party members, and party organizations at all levels to build and rectify themselves. The deeper we go into the implementation, the more clearly we see the importance of early and remote preventive solutions to limit, repel, and eventually eliminate its growth and development.
Respect self-education and self-cultivation solutions
Building revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and party members in the new period is a scientific issue, demonstrating the strategic vision of the Party. We are continuing to research and determine based on theoretical foundations, traditional foundations, summarizing practices and goals, requirements, tasks of building and rectifying the Party, building and defending the Fatherland in the new situation. In addition to the universal and core contents and connotations of revolutionary ethics that have been built and developed from the history of the nation, the history of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the practice of building and rectifying the Party and the development trend of the country, the times have set new requirements that require us to supplement, develop and perfect.
Looking back at recent years, we see that: After 7 years of implementing Resolution 4 of the 12th Central Committee, in addition to the very important achievements, the manifestations of degradation of political ideology, moral qualities, and lifestyle, seriously affecting the "root foundation" of a number of cadres and party members, are still complicated. The conclusion of the 4th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee pointed out that: A number of cadres and party members, including leaders and managers, do not fully understand the nature and importance of Party building and rectification work; Not yet upholding the sense of responsibility, lacking in exemplary behavior, fading ideals, declining will, falling into individualism, words not matching actions, violating party discipline, violating the law... The main cause of limitations and shortcomings is that some Party committees, Party organizations, leaders, managers, especially leaders, have not fully recognized the level of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" in their localities, agencies, and units...
One of the fundamental issues to consolidate the "root foundation", so that the "root foundation" is not attacked, faded, lost... is to change the awareness of cadres and party members about the importance and seriousness if internal degradation occurs. Resolution 4 of the 12th Central Committee clearly states: The deep and main cause of the degradation in a part of cadres and party members is first of all due to the lack of self-cultivation and training of those cadres and party members themselves; their ideological stance is not stable, they are confused, wavering in the face of external influences, falling into individualism...
Thus, the revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period not only set high goals and requirements for "building" but also attach to it the mettle, duty and responsibility for "fighting". Cadres and party members need to be deeply aware of the risks, correctly identify the signs of degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within themselves, within their own party organization in order to have effective prevention and combat solutions.
Among the groups of solutions proposed by many researchers to maintain the "root foundation" of revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members, self-solutions (self-education, self-cultivation, self-training) play an important and decisive role. Moral qualities and lifestyle are factors formed from within the cadres and party members. Forms and solutions from outside are only supplementary factors.
Cadres and party members, especially those holding important positions and responsibilities in the political system at all levels today, have a great advantage in the learning environment and are given the opportunity to study and conduct basic research on political theory. The higher the position of the cadre, the more opportunities are created for them to study and conduct extensive research. Theoretical knowledge and the process of studying, working and doing practical activities are the environment to transform the educational process into self-education, self-cultivation and self-training. The degradation of a number of cadres and party members, including many high-ranking cadres, leading to the loss of their "original foundation" is entirely due to subjective reasons, which are lack of self-cultivation, disregard and elimination of the process of self-education and self-training.
In order for the "root foundation" to become an endogenous resource that controls people's thinking, actions, and deeds, more than ever, cadres and party members must value self-solutions. If one loses the "root foundation" and violates discipline or the law, one should only blame oneself, not the agency or organization...
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