Who pays the lunch allowance?
Currently, many teachers have suggested having a lunch care regime; working overtime; supporting preschool teachers to teach at remote schools, and teaching Vietnamese language enhancement.
In response to this opinion, according to the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), currently, the working regime of preschool teachers is implemented according to the provisions of Circular No. 48/2011/TT-BGDDT dated October 25, 2011 of the MOET.
Preschool teachers have to look after students at noon but currently do not receive any allowance (photo source: internet).
Accordingly, for teachers teaching groups of children and kindergarten classes with 2 sessions/day, each teacher teaches in class for 6 hours/day and performs preparation work for class hours as well as other work as prescribed by the principal to convert to ensure working 40 hours/week.
In addition, the policy for preschool teachers teaching multi-classes and enhancing Vietnamese for ethnic minority children is implemented according to the provisions of Decree No. 105/2020/ND-CP dated September 8, 2020, stipulating policies on preschool education development (Article 7).
At the same time, Clause 3, Article 4 of Decree No. 105/2020/ND-CP also stipulates financial support for organizing cooking for children at public preschools in communes with especially difficult socio-economic conditions, especially difficult communes in coastal areas, islands, and communes in difficult areas.
The Ministry believes that, according to the provisions of Joint Circular No. 07/2013/TTLT-BGDĐT-BNV-BTC dated March 8, 2013 guiding the implementation of the overtime pay regime for teachers in public educational institutions, for units that are lacking the number of teachers as approved by competent authorities or units with teachers on sick leave, maternity leave as prescribed by the Law on Social Insurance or going to study, training, participating in inspection teams, and participating in other tasks assigned or mobilized by competent authorities, other teachers must be arranged to teach instead, then the time that preschool teachers teach overtime compared to the prescribed norm will be calculated to pay overtime pay.
In addition, many localities have issued specific policies to provide additional support for preschool teachers to help them have an income more commensurate with their actual working hours.
At the same time, in places with favorable socio-economic conditions, the socialization of preschool education has been implemented on the basis of agreements with parents to pay for boarding meals, Saturday childcare, after-school learning, etc.
Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training is researching and adjusting the Preschool Education Program. After the Preschool Education Program is adjusted and officially issued, the Ministry of Education and Training will have a comprehensive assessment to propose and adjust regulations on regimes and policies related to preschool teachers to ensure the rights of the team.
In the immediate future, the Ministry of Education and Training recommends that teachers make direct recommendations to localities to have additional specific policies to support preschool teachers.
When will preschool teachers get a 10% increase in allowance?
Also related to the regime for preschool teachers, the Ministry of Education and Training has agreed with the Ministry of Home Affairs to increase the allowance for preschool teachers by 10% and for primary school teachers by 5% from 2023. But it has not been implemented yet.
Regarding this, the Ministry of Education and Training said that recently, in the process of localities implementing preferential allowance payments for teachers, some difficulties and problems have arisen due to the amendment and adjustment of legal documents related to the division of administrative areas.
In addition, according to statistics, the total income (including salary and allowances) of preschool and primary school teachers is not commensurate with their professional activities, not enough to ensure the living standards of teachers and meet the needs of social security. Income pressure is one of the reasons leading to the situation of teachers quitting the profession, changing jobs, quitting jobs, lack of recruitment sources, and failure to attract talented people to the teaching profession.
In the spirit of inheriting existing and suitable regulations, the Ministry of Education and Training is proposing that the Government adjust the preferential allowance level for preschool and primary school teachers to suit the characteristics of the field of study and level of education; in accordance with the regulations on standard training levels according to the 2019 Education Law; in accordance with the policy of the Central Executive Committee in Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 and ensure comprehensiveness, feasibility, and suitability with practical conditions.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Training has proposed adjusting the preferential allowance for managers and preschool and primary school teachers by 5-10% to encourage and motivate teachers to perform the tasks of caring for, nurturing and educating preschool children and teaching and educating primary school students.
Up to this point, the Ministry of Education and Training has received consensus from relevant ministries and branches. In the coming time, the Ministry of Education and Training will proceed with the process of drafting a Decree to submit to the Government for regulations on this content.
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