When will the military service be transferred in 2024? In 2024, how many years of military service? Please refer to the article below.
1. When will the 2024 military service be transferred?
On November 6, 2023, the Ministry of National Defense issued Official Dispatch 4267/BQP-TM on selecting and calling citizens to join the army in 2024.
Accordingly, in 2024, there will be 1 round of recruitment and conscription of citizens; the military transfer period will be 3 days, from February 25, 2024 to February 27, 2024 (from January 16 to January 18, the year of the Dragon).
2. In 2024, how many years of military service?
- The term of service in peacetime for non-commissioned officers and soldiers is 24 months.
- The Minister of National Defense may decide to extend the term of active service of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, but not more than 06 months, in the following cases:
+ To ensure combat readiness;
+ Performing tasks of preventing and fighting natural disasters, epidemics, and rescue.
- The service term of non-commissioned officers and soldiers in a state of war or a state of national defense emergency is carried out according to the general mobilization order or local mobilization order.
- The service time of non-commissioned officers and soldiers is calculated from the date of military transfer; in case of not being transferred or received in a concentrated unit, it is calculated from the date the People's Army unit receives it until the competent authority decides to discharge them.
- Time of desertion and time serving prison sentences in prison are not counted as time of active service.
(Article 21, 22 Law on Military Service 2015)
3. Rights and obligations of soldiers on active duty
- Non-commissioned officers and soldiers are guaranteed by the State preferential regimes and policies appropriate to the nature of the People's Army's activities.
- Non-commissioned officers and soldiers have the following obligations:
+ Absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the People, the Party and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
+ Be ready to fight and sacrifice to protect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Fatherland; protect the People, the Party, the State and the socialist regime; complete all assigned tasks and perform international obligations;
+ Protect the property and interests of the State, agencies and organizations; protect the lives, property, rights and legitimate interests of the People; participate in protecting national security and social order and safety according to the provisions of law;
+ Strictly comply with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and the People's Army's Regulations and Statutes;
+ Study politics, military, culture, science, technology, and profession; practice organization, discipline, and physical strength; improve political and combat qualities.
(Article 9 of the Law on Military Service 2015)
4. Reporting regime of military delivery units
According to Official Dispatch 4267/BQP-TM in 2023, the reporting regime of military transfer units is as follows:
* Report in advance, during the military transfer period (Quick report to the Ministry of National Defense via the Military Department/General Staff). Specifically:
- For military regions and localities sending troops:
+ Military regions and Hanoi Capital Command report: Military handover schedule of localities (clearly stating date, time, location, expected number of soldiers handover of each district and province) before January 20, 2024; preliminary quality after finalizing the number of soldiers and issuing the call-up order, including: Total official and reserve numbers; political quality; primary education level; junior high school level; high school level; intermediate technical expertise level or higher; health: Type 1, 2, 3.
+ Before 10:00 a.m. every day of military transfer, provinces, centrally-run cities, and localities (districts and counties for Hanoi City) report the results of military transfer to military regions and Hanoi Capital Command to quickly summarize and report the results of military transfer to the Ministry of National Defense (through the Military Department).
- For receiving units
Before 3:00 p.m. every day of receiving troops, military regions, Hanoi Capital Command, and focal units under the Ministry of National Defense quickly report the results of receiving troops for the day to the Ministry of National Defense.
* At the end of the military handover period, localities and units will synthesize and report to the Ministry of National Defense according to regulations.
* Report on the quality of military recruitment: Units receiving soldiers under the Ministry of National Defense must report in writing with data according to the prescribed form before March 20, 2024 (after reviewing the standards of new soldiers).
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