Tien Phuoc district IOC operates 8 smart monitoring services simultaneously, including: Security and order, traffic monitoring camera subsystem; Information monitoring subsystem on the network environment; Feedback and recommendations monitoring subsystem of people and businesses; Document processing monitoring subsystem on Qoffice; Forest resource monitoring subsystem and forest fire warning subsystem at district level and by fire point in real time; Health sector database monitoring subsystem; Public administrative service monitoring subsystem; Education sector database monitoring subsystem.
Among them, the most interactive service with the people is feedback and suggestions. People can feedback and give suggestions on any problems of the district in a timely manner and help the government agencies receive and resolve the problems quickly, accurately and effectively.
In addition, the digital citizen application also provides other convenient features for people such as: Warning information, public cameras, cashless payment - Viettel Money, introducing and promoting local tourism...
The operation of Tien Phuoc district IOC will be an important premise in the process of building e-government, digital transformation towards building a digital society of the district in particular and of Quang Nam province in general.
According to the leader of Tien Phuoc district, in the coming time, IOC will continue to exploit more deeply the available data sources, expanding the integration of data with other systems such as environment, land, agriculture, tourism...
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/khai-truong-trung-tam-dieu-hanh-thong-minh-huyen-tien-phuoc-3144680.html
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