Notably, the Testament is the only document among thousands of documents of President Ho Chi Minh in which he officially used the concept of "Ruling Party" with very specific criteria as the "vital" qualities of the Party.
The Testament (also known as the "Top Secret" Document) is the last national treasure that President Ho Chi Minh left behind. Over the past 55 years, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts and his Testament have always accompanied the nation, illuminating and guiding the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army to always be steadfast and loyal to his revolutionary cause and ideals. The Party is not an organization for officials to become rich . As the founder and trainer of the Party, always concerned about how to build and strengthen the Party to be truly clean and strong, truly worthy of being the leader and loyal servant of the people, it is easy to understand why in his Testament, President Ho Chi Minh "first talked about the Party". 
Photo: Document
However, the special point is that the Testament is the only document among thousands of documents of the revolutionary and journalist Ho Chi Minh in which he officially used the concept of "ruling Party" with very specific criteria such as the "vital" qualities of the Party: Unity; for the people, wholeheartedly serving the class, serving the people, serving the Fatherland; practicing broad democracy; serious self-criticism and criticism; revolutionary ethics of thrift, integrity, impartiality. These qualities create the characteristic nature, superiority, strength and authority, prestige, and culture of the Party among the people, ensuring that the Party enhances its fighting strength, leadership capacity, and maintains its ruling role throughout the entire revolutionary process of our country. In the Testament, President Ho Chi Minh advocated and initiated the most sustainable, but most difficult method of ruling: Ruling through the moral personality of the Party, expressed in each specific Party member. Because, in Ho Chi Minh's thought, revolutionary morality is the root, the foundation of a revolutionary; only people with pure revolutionary morality can do noble and glorious things; without morality, no matter how talented, they cannot lead the people because wanting to liberate the nation, liberate humanity is a great task, but if one has no morality, no foundation, is corrupt and evil, then what can one do? Immediately after the success of the August Revolution, our Party changed from secret activities to the ruling Party. Besides the examples of exemplary cadres and party members, there was still a group of cadres and party members who became degenerate, corrupted, and fell into bureaucracy, commandism, authoritarianism, localism, and preferred to use cronies... This group was the "worms" who lost the prestige and honor of the Party, affected the survival of the Party, caused the people to lose confidence, and gradually distanced themselves from the Party. Therefore, on the one hand, President Ho Chi Minh emphasized that “the Party is not an organization for officials to get rich”; on the other hand, he strictly required “correcting the way of working” and rectifying the Party so that it is worthy of its vanguard role of the class and the nation. Self-building and self-rectification to make the Party clean and strong is the law of existence and development of our Party. In his Testament, he was concerned about the future, the destiny of the nation, the degeneration and corruption of a number of cadres and Party members when they have positions and power. Therefore, he pointed out: "The first thing to do is to rectify the Party, make every Party member, every Youth Union member, every Party cell strive to fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party, wholeheartedly serving the people. If we can do that, no matter how big or difficult the task is, we will definitely win." Once cadres and Party members are imbued with revolutionary ethics, wipe out individualism, they will inevitably unite and "preserve the unity and consensus of the Party like preserving the pupil of their eye." Only with ethics can there be good unity; implementing good and tight unity means Party members have been imbued with revolutionary ethics, which will make our Party truly clean and strong. According to President Ho Chi Minh, the appeal of socialism and communism lies first of all in the ethical values, in the moral qualities and personalities of communists. A culture with people of such ethics, personality, and noble lifestyles, the worst, most outdated, and corrupt things will be eliminated. will be swept away. The vitality and lasting appeal of the Testament The above-mentioned humane values in the concept of the Communist Party's ruling culture create the beauty, vitality and lasting appeal of the Testament - a treasure of President Ho Chi Minh, of the nation, of the people, always illuminating the way and accompanying the Vietnamese people on all paths of development and progress. Over the past 55 years, implementing President Ho Chi Minh's Testament, one of the important achievements is to build a truly united, clean and strong Party, to strengthen the education of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought in the Party and in the whole society. Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought are the ideological foundation, the compass for the Party's actions and have become the dominant political ideology in the life of the country. The work of Party building and rectification has always been promoted and summarized through the National Party Congresses. In the last 10 years alone, right from the beginning of each term, the 4th Conferences of the Central Executive Committee have discussed and issued extremely important resolutions, conclusions and regulations on Party building and rectification work, each time more profound, comprehensive, specific and clear than the previous one. The work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity has been led and directed resolutely, synchronously, comprehensively, methodically, and in-depth, with very high political determination, achieving many clear and breakthrough results, gaining the people's consensus, support and appreciation; consolidating and strengthening the trust of cadres, party members and people in the Party and the State. Many resolutions, directives, regulations and conclusions have brought about practical results, creating a widespread influence in the Party and society. In particular, Directive No. 05 and Conclusion 01 on continuing to implement Directive No. 05 of the 12th Politburo on "Promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle" have contributed to effectively preventing the degradation of ideology, politics, morality and lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" among cadres and party members, especially leaders, managers and heads of organizations, agencies and units. From there, build a team of cadres with strong political will, pure moral qualities, responsibility and correct motivation, pioneering, exemplary, completing assigned tasks well, contributing to creating breakthroughs in socio-economic development, building and protecting the country... It can be affirmed that the instructions and wishes of President Ho Chi Minh on the ruling culture of the Communist Party expressed in the Testament are simple, noble and sacred, having extremely profound significance for the work of Party building. Reviewing his instructions, each cadre and party member must regularly cultivate and practice revolutionary moral ideals, resolutely fight against individualism, practice thrift, fight against waste and negativity; courageously self-criticize and criticize; be proactive and pioneer in setting an example in ethics and lifestyle; resolutely fight against the degeneration of power, corruption, “group interests”, the degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, “self-evolution”, “self-transformation”… That is a practical contribution to “the cause of national renewal will certainly achieve great victory, our Fatherland will become increasingly prosperous, our people will become increasingly happy and prosperous, our country will become increasingly prosperous, powerful, and steadily move towards socialism. That is also a contribution to the successful implementation of the strategic goals set forth by the 13th Party Congress and the testament of the great President Ho Chi Minh, which is also the aspiration of the entire nation: “Our entire Party and people unite to strive to build a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and prosperous Vietnam, making a worthy contribution to the world revolutionary cause”
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