( Bqp.vn ) - On the afternoon of January 9, in Hanoi, Command 86 organized the opening ceremony of the training course on Cyber Warfare (KGM) and Information Technology (IT) for the entire army in 2025. Major General Vu Huu Hanh, Commander of Command 86 attended and delivered the opening speech.
Delegates attending the opening of the training.
Major General Vu Huu Hanh delivered the opening speech at the training session.
Speaking at the opening of the training, Major General Vu Huu Hanh emphasized that in 2024, with the attention, leadership and close direction of the Central Military Commission and the Head of the Ministry of National Defense, the cyber warfare and IT sector has resolutely and synchronously deployed measures and solutions, successfully completing assigned tasks, some of which were excellently completed. In order to successfully complete the tasks of the cyber warfare and IT sector in the entire army in 2025, Command 86 organized a training course to introduce a number of new guidelines and foster knowledge of new contents on cyber warfare, IT, digital transformation, information security, and network security for officers in charge of the cyber warfare and IT sector in the entire army.
In order for the training course to achieve its objectives and requirements, Major General Vu Huu Hanh requested that teachers uphold their sense of responsibility, adhere to the motto of "basic, practical, solid"; provide correct and sufficient training content and programs according to the approved plan; the teaching process needs to be closely related to the characteristics and actual situation of the units so that trainees can grasp the lecture content and immediately apply it to practical work at their agencies and units. Cadres attending the training course need to uphold the spirit of solidarity, proactively overcome difficulties, participate in full training, in the correct composition and time as prescribed; actively research and grasp the content, as a basis for application in work at the unit; proactively discuss content that is still unclear, unclear, or not understood.
Opening scene of the training course.
According to the plan, the training course will take place over two days (from January 9 to 10, 2025). During the training, delegates will study 8 topics with contents on staff work, information security assurance, software, database and technical assurance work such as: Cyberspace operations command; exercise documents; current information security and network security work; some documents regulating the management and assurance of information security, network security and personal data protection in the Ministry of National Defense; e-Government architecture framework towards digital Government version 3.0; some key contents in the 2025 Digital Transformation Plan of the Ministry of National Defense...
Source: https://www.mod.gov.vn/home/intro/detailnews?current=true&urile=wcm:path:/mod/sa-mod-site/sa-mod-qlcd-hcc/sa-qlnnvqp-cchc/khai-mac-tap-huan-nganh-tac-chien-khong-giant-mang-va-cong-nghe-thong-tin-toan-quan-nam-2025
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