Speaking at the opening ceremony, Comrade Pham Van Hau, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for the exercise emphasized the purpose, requirements, and significance of the district KVPT exercise, and requested the Steering Committee (SC) for the exercise to closely follow the exercise guidance documents of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial SC to conduct the exercise seriously and closely, promptly reporting to the SC on issues arising during the exercise. Flexibly apply directing methods to direct the exercise closely to the content of the lesson, principles, mechanisms, leadership and management, and the actual situation of the locality in each stage. Regularly monitor and closely follow the exercise to evaluate the results, ensuring accuracy and objectivity.
Comrade Pham Van Hau, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for the drill delivered the opening speech.
During the organization of the exercise, it is necessary to be close to the local reality, close to the district's combat plan, flexibly apply the principles and mechanisms of coordinated leadership. Each role must firmly grasp its responsibilities, tasks and carefully prepare the content of the lesson, and the tasks and situation of the industry. During the exercise, the practical contents are strict and serious, ensuring absolute safety for people, vehicles, weapons and equipment. Strictly comply with the regulations, rules and conventions in the exercise, deploy the work to ensure strictness and thoughtfulness, ensuring security and safety during the exercise. After the exercise, organize the collection and preservation of documents and facilities according to regulations, organize experience sharing strictly and seriously from the commune to the district. Timely adjust and supplement the plans and plans at each level and each industry in performing national defense and security tasks, contributing to constantly strengthening national defense potential.
Through the exercise, it aims to continuously improve the Party's leadership mechanism, the government's management and administration, and the functional agencies' advisory tasks to build and consolidate the people's posture and a solid people's security posture. Raise awareness and responsibility of cadres, Party members and people about the task of protecting the Fatherland. At the same time, evaluate the advisory capacity of departments, branches, organizations and the combat readiness of the armed forces in the local defense zone, draw lessons to better lead and organize defense zone exercises to meet the requirements of defense tasks in the province.
During the period from August 28 to August 30, the exercise was conducted in 3 phases: Moving the armed forces to combat readiness status, moving localities into defense status; organizing preparations for defensive operations and practicing defensive operations.
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