Trying the famous pho in Hanoi at 4am, the Japanese guest kept nodding, praising the thin and smooth pho noodles and the tender beef stew, so delicious that it was “worth waking up early to eat”.
Misuzu is a tourist from Japan, recently traveled to Hanoi, experiencing delicious specialties.
Among the dishes she has tried, Misuzu said she was especially impressed with the pho that she woke up early in the morning to enjoy.
This is also a dish that a Japanese female tourist rated as a "must-try" when visiting the capital Hanoi.
The place Misuzu visited was a famous pho restaurant located on Cho Gao street (Hoan Kiem district).
The shop used to open on Hang Chieu Street before, even after moving location, it is still crowded thanks to its delicious flavors and unique operating hours.
Misuzu said that to enjoy it, they have to wake up very early and be at the shop at 4am. The shop opens from 3:30pm to 10am, and may close earlier on weekends if the food runs out early.
At the restaurant, Misuzu ordered a serving of beef pho with red wine sauce, priced at 60,000 VND.
The female tourist commented that the pho dish had an attractive appearance, full ingredients, and clear broth with a distinctive aroma, with a bit of fat from the beef stew, which looked beautiful.
When she tasted it, she exclaimed "so delicious", praising the broth for its mild taste, not too salty, enough to feel the aroma of the bone broth.
“The delicious, sweet flavors of the beef stew and the bone broth really blend together, creating a broth that is not too strong in flavor, rich, and suitable for breakfast,” Misuzu shared her feelings.
The female tourist also praised the soft and smooth pho noodles, not too thick, with the fragrant taste of rice flour and a light sweetness like rice, soaked in the broth. The stewed beef was so tender that it could be torn into small pieces with chopsticks and was not greasy, with a fresh taste.
“Both the pho and the broth are clear, light, and not heavy on the stomach. The beef is not too greasy, and the flavor is not too strong, so it goes well with the broth.
Maybe that's why Hanoi people like to eat pho for breakfast," said the Japanese guest.
She also said that the flavor of the pho here is well balanced. If the beef stew is too rich, the pho will lose its delicious flavor.
Even the blanched green onions served with pho tasted sweet, Misuzu said. “I initially thought the green onions would be quite spicy, pungent, and might irritate my nose. But they weren’t spicy at all, and were soft and easy to eat,” she said.
Even when adding a little chili and garlic vinegar, the Japanese female tourist was surprised because the flavor of the pho changed significantly, becoming more delicious.
“After eating pho, I feel like my mind is starting to work again. This beef stew pho only sells out in a few hours, so it’s worth waking up early to enjoy it,” Misuzu said.
She also revealed that because the pho with red wine sauce was so delicious, she spent an extra 40,000 VND to enjoy her favorite stewed beef.
“Because the beef stew and the wonderful broth take a lot of time and effort to prepare, this pho is more expensive than usual,” the customer shared.
The Misuzu Pho restaurant visited is a familiar dining address for many Hanoi diners. Previously, the restaurant had existed for more than 30 years at the intersection of Hang Duong - Hang Chieu. Later, for some reasons, the restaurant moved to the beginning of Cho Gao street.
Mrs. Thoa - the owner of the restaurant was once jokingly called "the most unique pho restaurant owner in Hanoi".
Sharing with VietNamNet reporter, the restaurant owner said that although the restaurant has moved to a new address, the taste of pho remains the same, bearing the typical characteristics of old Hanoi pho.
The broth is simmered from bones, mixed with large, soft rice noodles and thinly sliced rare beef.
The restaurant only serves two dishes: rare beef pho and beef stew pho. Of these, beef stew pho is the most popular.
Large pieces of meat, simmered until tender but still retains the sweet and fragrant meat fibers, mixed with red wine sauce with a characteristic flavor of cinnamon, star anise and cardamom.
Photo: @itsumeshi
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