Pursuant to Decision No. 1887 dated June 4, 2024 of the People's Committee of Lak district on the establishment of an inspection team for the irrigation works of Buon Ma Pumping Station, Bong Krang commune, Lak district. On June 13, Inspection Team No. 1887 conducted a field inspection at the construction site.
According to the report of the Inspection Team: In 2001, the Buon Ma Pumping Station project, Bong Krang commune, was started to be built. The project was invested by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of the province. The project consists of a pumping station and a channel. The pumping station has 4 pump units (33kw x 470m3/h). The channel has a trapezoidal earthen channel with a length of about 1,500 m, the bottom of the channel is 6 m wide on average, and about 3 m deep. The main channel (N1) is 1,600 m long (channel with reinforced concrete slabs). Channel (N2) is about 642.5 m long (channel with reinforced concrete slabs). Channel (N4) is about 835 m long (the first section of the channel is made of PVC pipes and the last section is made of reinforced concrete slabs, reinforced concrete box channel). Irrigation capacity for 150 hectares of rice fields in Bong Krang commune.
In 2011, the Buon Ma Pumping Station project continued to receive 9.4 billion VND from the State budget; Lak District People's Committee assigned the District Project Management Board as the investor. The project includes the following items: Reinforcing the canal with rectangular reinforced concrete (2x1.2)m with a length of 1,493 m. Reinforcing the irrigation canals with reinforced concrete with a total length of 1,300 m.
In 2019, the Buon Ma Pumping Station project continued to receive 1.5 billion VND from the State budget; Lak District People's Committee assigned the District Project Management Board to be the investor to renovate the channel and embankment to prevent landslides and sedimentation of the Buon Ma Pumping Station project. The project includes: Digging and expanding the earthen canal at the end of the channel, L=77 m; Dredging and filling the concrete channel, L=1,490 m; Regulating cluster at the bridge over the channel; Anti-silting panels (186 panels); 1 Weir at Dak Bong Krang stream to lead water into the channel and the existing irrigation canal perpendicular to the channel; Reinforcing the eroded bank of the channel (Dak Bong Krang stream side), L=21 m.
According to the analysis and assessment of the Inspection Team: From 2001 to 2014, the Buon Ma Pumping Station project was assigned to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of the province as the investor. After the project was completed, accepted, and handed over to the People's Committee of Bong Krang commune to manage and operate to irrigate 120 hectares of rice fields in Bong Krang commune.
From the end of 2014 to present, Buon Ma Pumping Station has been managed and operated by Lak Branch Irrigation Works Management Company Limited. After receiving the handover, Lak Branch has maintained the pumping station and signed a contract to operate irrigation pumps for people to sow 2 crops: Summer-Autumn 2018 with an area of 3.79 ha of wet rice and Winter-Spring 2018-2019 with a total area of 5.36 ha. Of which: 3.79 ha of wet rice and 1.57 ha of crops. From 2019 to present, Buon Ma Pumping Station has stopped operating. The reason for stopping operation is due to heavy rains, floods, and mud silting the channel and suction tank in large volumes; in the dry season, the water level drops; the water surface of Lak Lake is lower than the bottom of the channel.
Recording the actual status of the project, the Inspection Team found that: The upper part of the canal system's woven plate was covered with soil, sand, and mud, and the entire canal was covered with mimosa trees. The rectangular canal system, the sections without woven plates, were covered with about 50% of soil, sand, and mud; the suction tank location was completely covered with soil, sand, and mud.
The inspection team concluded that the Buôn Ma Pumping Station stopped operating due to heavy rains and floods over the years, causing a large amount of soil, sand, and mud to deposit in the channel and the suction tank. In addition, due to the El Nino phenomenon, global climate change, and prolonged heat; while people's demand for surface water from Lak Lake with large reserves, in recent years, during the dry season, the water level of Lak Lake has continuously dropped; leading to the water surface elevation of Lak Lake being lower than the bottom elevation of the channel.
After the inspection, the Inspection Team reported to the District People's Committee and at the same time recommended that the District People's Committee plan to hire a consulting unit with experience, knowledge, and capacity in the field of irrigation to survey and assess the reality; propose specific solutions to minimize waste of invested assets, and soon put the Buôn Ma pumping station into operation to pump water for production for people in Bông Krang commune.
Previously, Dai Doan Ket Newspaper had a series of articles reflecting Dak Lak: The irrigation system in Bong Krang commune (Lak district, Dak Lak) has been invested by the State with over 20 billion VND to serve the people in producing 150 hectares of wet rice in Bong Krang commune's fields. However, for nearly ten years, people still have no water for production, nearly a hundred hectares of fields have been abandoned.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/dak-lak-ket-qua-kiem-tra-danh-gia-cong-trinh-tram-bom-buon-ma-10284460.html
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