On November 21 and 22, a delegation from the Ministry of Transport led by Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Lam attended the 30th ASEAN Transport Ministers' Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The conference was attended by 10 ASEAN countries with the Malaysian Transport Minister as Chair and the Head of the Myanmar delegation as Vice Chair of the conference.
Besides the 10 ASEAN member countries, the conference also had the participation of the Minister of Transport of East Timor as an observer.
Ministers and heads of delegations attending the 30th ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
At the conference, ministers and heads of delegations exchanged, discussed and agreed on a number of important contents to orient ASEAN transport cooperation activities in the coming time.
Regarding the development of the ASEAN Transport Sector Plan (ATSP) 2026-2030, the Ministers agreed to focus on addressing the growing needs for seamless connectivity, global trade, climate commitments and economic growth, ensuring that ASEAN remains competitive and connected in the global context, supporting and aligning with the ASEAN Economic Community Strategic Plan 2026-2030. The Plan is expected to be adopted at the ATM Meeting in 2025.
The Ministers endorsed the ASEAN Guidelines on Light Electric Vehicles to promote low-carbon personal transport options and urban logistics. The Guidelines on Urban Freight Transport were also endorsed to develop sustainable and efficient logistics systems in ASEAN cities.
The Kuala Lumpur ASEAN Road Safety Framework 2024 has been adopted, which highlights the importance of improving vehicle safety, road safety regulations, standardization of road signs and traffic rules in the region.
On maritime, the ministers adopted the Guidelines on Public-Private Partnership in the Port Sector and the Guidelines on Port Digitalization and Automation, promoting best practices and sustainable port operations in ASEAN.
Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Duy Lam led the delegation of the Ministry of Transport to attend the conference.
Speaking at the plenary session of the conference, Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Lam expressed that Vietnam agreed with the proposals of the senior officials (STOM). The guidelines on electric vehicles, digitalization and automation of seaports, public-private partnership in infrastructure development, and urban freight transport are all topical and urgent.
The Deputy Minister also introduced plans and target programs in implementing green transformation and commitments to reduce carbon emissions in Vietnam's transport sector, aiming to implement the commitments of the Vietnamese Government at COP 26, bringing Vietnam's net emissions to "0" by 2050.
In addition, the Deputy Minister highly appreciated ASEAN's guidelines on digitalization and automation of seaports as extremely useful for Vietnamese authorities as well as ASEAN countries to apply in infrastructure operations.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Lam signed Protocol 5.
At the conference, authorized by the Government, Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Lam and the Ministers/Heads of Transport Delegations of the countries signed Protocol No. 5 on the Right of Temporary Transportation between points in the territories of other ASEAN member countries within the framework of the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalization of Air Passenger Transport Services (MAFLPAS) to promote the liberalization process in the aviation industry, allowing ASEAN countries to expand passenger transport services more flexibly and conveniently in the region.
Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Duy Lam signed Protocol No. 5 on Temporary Traffic Rights between points within the territories of other ASEAN member states within the framework of the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalization of Air Passenger Transport Services.
In addition to the main program, the Deputy Minister also attended the 23rd ASEAN-China Transport Ministers' Meeting, the 22nd ASEAN-Japan Transport Ministers' Meeting, the 15th ASEAN-Korea Transport Ministers' Meeting and the Special Conference between ASEAN Transport Ministers and Development Partners (ADB, AIIB, ITF, UNESCAP and WB).
On the sidelines of the ATM 30 conference, Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Lam had a bilateral meeting with Mr. Park Sang Woo, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea to promote cooperation in the transport sector.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/hoi-nghi-bo-truong-giao-thong-van-tai-asean-ket-noi-thong-suot-chuyen-doi-xanh-192241122150134545.htm
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