The conclusion stated: On December 6, 2024, the Provincial Party Committee held a conference to deploy a number of key contents on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW and developing and implementing the Project on streamlining the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently in the province. After listening to the Report of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and studying the draft reports, the Conference discussed and agreed on the following conclusions:
1. Unify viewpoints and policies:
- Determine the highest political determination in implementing the policy of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on summarizing Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW and arranging and perfecting the organization of the political system to be streamlined, effective and efficient; this is a particularly important task, a revolution in streamlining the organization of the political system, requiring a very high level of unity in awareness and action throughout the Party and the entire political system, creating consensus among the people.
- Party committees, party organizations, agencies, units, localities, first of all, leaders and heads need to be exemplary, proactive and determined in performing assigned tasks; identify priority work contents and coordinate smoothly in implementation. Urgently deploy tasks in the spirit of the Central Committee of "running and lining up at the same time"; "The Central Committee does not wait for the provincial level, the provincial level does not wait for the district level, the district level does not wait for the grassroots level".
- During the implementation process, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of the Party, the law and practical requirements. The summary must be conducted objectively, democratically, scientifically, receptively, specifically, deeply and urgently; clearly identify weaknesses, shortcomings and causes; propose and arrange a streamlined, efficient, effective and efficient apparatus, ensuring comprehensiveness, synchronization and connectivity.
- The restructuring of the organizational model of provincial agencies must be associated with consistent guiding viewpoints on innovation in the Party's leadership and governance methods; strong decentralization and delegation of power associated with coordination, inspection and supervision; promoting democracy along with strengthening discipline; accelerating digital transformation; strengthening the prevention and fight against corruption, waste, and negativity...
- Strictly implement the principle of one agency performing many tasks, one task being assigned to only one agency to preside over and take primary responsibility; thoroughly overcome the overlapping of functions and tasks, and many cumbersome intermediary organizations; clearly define functions, tasks, working relationships, operating mechanisms, and specific responsibilities on the basis of ensuring party spirit, rationality, legality, and ensuring smooth, effective, and efficient operations.
- The task of streamlining the organizational apparatus is a very difficult, sensitive, and complicated task that directly affects each individual in each organization; therefore, it requires solidarity, unity, consensus, high determination, courage, and sacrifice of personal interests for the common interests of each party member, cadre, civil servant, public employee, and worker.
2. Synchronously implement the streamlining of the organizational apparatus in conjunction with restructuring and building a team of cadres with sufficient qualities, capacity, and prestige equal to the tasks, with reasonable staffing . Innovate the recruitment, training, promotion, appointment, rotation, transfer, and evaluation of cadres in a practical way, for the purpose of arranging people, on the basis of specific and measurable products. Have a mechanism to screen and remove from work those who do not have enough qualities, capacity, and prestige; have a policy to attract and employ people with outstanding abilities.
3. Agencies, units and localities must closely follow the Steering Committee's Plan to implement assigned tasks, ensuring progress and quality . Have a plan and roadmap to ensure that the new apparatus can operate effectively and efficiently immediately, smoothly, without interruption of work. Proactively propose and arrange the organization within each agency and unit after merger and consolidation; prepare personnel plans and review operations, adjust functions, tasks and working relationships of the new agencies and apparatus.
In the immediate future, if the Central Government's regulations and State laws have not yet been adjusted, research and promulgate temporary regulations on the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of newly established or merged organizations and units, in the spirit of inheriting the regulations on the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of organizations and units before the merger or new establishment.
4. Urgently advise on the implementation of policies and regimes to ensure the rights and interests of cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, and workers when streamlining the organizational apparatus.
5. The Provincial Party Committee members determined to have high political determination and set an example of strong and decisive direction for the departments, agencies, sectors, and localities assigned to them . The implementation process needs to be closely monitored to detect and replicate good and effective practices; promptly correct organizations and individuals who lack responsibility in organizing implementation; promptly handle arising issues, ensuring implementation in accordance with the set goals, requirements, and progress.
Agree to direct the staff to summarize Resolution 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017 and send it to the Central Committee no later than December 25, 2024. Direct the development and completion of projects to reorganize the apparatus of the political system no later than February 2025.
6. The Provincial Party Executive Committee agreed on a number of orientations for Party committees, Party organizations, agencies and units under the province to propose streamlining the organizational structure of the political system (Appendix attached).
7. Implementation organization
7.1. Party committees, party executive committees, provincial party delegations, provincial youth union standing committees, district and city party committees directly under the provincial party committee, based on Plan No. 354-KH/TU dated November 21, 2024 of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, conduct a summary and send a summary report on Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW within the prescribed time and based on the orientation of the Central and the province to propose the arrangement of the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently.
7.2. The Party Executive Committee of the People's Committee leads and directs: (1) Issuing temporary regulations on functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of newly merged units; (2) Proposing and streamlining the organizational structure and staffing in agencies, units, and organizations under the scope and management of the Provincial People's Committee (including mass organizations assigned tasks by the Party and the State; merging or dissolving ineffective organizations); (3) Advising on policies and regimes to ensure the rights and interests of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers when streamlining the organizational structure.
7.3. The Party Delegation of the People's Council, the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Party Delegations of the provincial socio-political organizations, the Provincial Literature and Arts Association, the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union, lead and direct: (1) Propose and streamline the organizational structure and staffing in agencies, units and organizations within the scope and field of management; (2) Amend, supplement and issue new documents regulating and guiding according to their authority on functions, tasks, organizational structure, staffing, cadres, civil servants and public employees within the scope of leadership and management.
7.4. Party committees, party organizations, agencies and units under the Provincial Party Committee shall lead and direct: (1) Propose and streamline the organizational structure and staffing in agencies, units and organizations within the scope and field of leadership and management. (2) Develop draft regulations on functions, tasks, organizational structure, working relationships and working regulations of Party committees, agencies, units and organizations. (3) Well implement political and ideological work and policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers within the scope of leadership when streamlining the organizational structure.
7.5. The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department guides Party committees and organizations at all levels to do well in political and ideological work; directs media agencies to strengthen propaganda work, create high unity within the Party Committee and the entire political system, and consensus among the people on policies, requirements, and tasks of streamlining the organizational apparatus in the new situation.
7.6. The Provincial Party Committee's Organizing Committee: (1) Coordinate with relevant agencies to study and propose amendments and supplements to relevant Party regulations and rules; (2) Coordinate with relevant agencies to advise on the arrangement of cadres according to their authority at agencies, units and organizations after streamlining the organizational apparatus; (3) Propose and streamline the organizational apparatus and staffing in agencies, organizations, localities and units under their management; (4) Take the lead and coordinate with relevant agencies to regularly monitor and urge the implementation of this Conclusion, periodically report to the Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee and the Provincial Steering Committee.
1. General issues
(1) End the activities of provincial party executive committees and party delegations to establish party committees directly under the provincial Party Committee.
(2) Dissolve, merge, and adjust the functions and tasks of Party agencies, organizations, People's Councils, People's Committees, socio-political organizations, and mass organizations assigned by the Party and the State in the direction of reducing focal points, streamlining, and operating effectively and efficiently; overcoming overlapping functions and tasks; and reducing intermediate levels.
(3) Reorganize the operations of press agencies, electronic information portals... to improve quality, efficiency, and reduce costs.
(4) Regarding time schedule: Complete the summary of the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW and propose a model for restructuring organizations, agencies, units, and localities before December 31, 2024; complete and report on the project and plan for restructuring and perfecting the apparatus of the political system in the first quarter of 2025, striving to complete in February 2025.
2. Specific issues
(1) For Party committees and organizations
- Merge the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department and the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department.
- End the operation of the Provincial Cadre Health Care Protection Board, transfer the task to the Provincial Party Committee Organization Board, Department of Health and Provincial General Hospital.
- End the activities of the Party Executive Committees, Provincial Party Delegations and the Provincial Party Committee of Agencies and Enterprises; establish 2 Party Committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee:
+ Party Committee of the Provincial Party, mass organizations and judiciary, including: Party organizations in the advisory and support agencies of the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, the People's Procuracy, the People's Court, and mass organizations assigned tasks at the provincial level by the Party and the State. The Party Committee has a specialized advisory and support agency located at the Provincial Party Committee Office. It is expected that some Party affairs tasks of the Provincial Party Committee, mass organizations and judiciary will be transferred to the Party Committee and grassroots Party cells directly under it, and some tasks will be performed by the Provincial Party Committees.
The Party Committee of the provincial Party, mass and judicial agencies includes: Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Standing Party Committee; the Standing Party Committee includes the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee as Secretary, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee as Deputy Secretary and arranges 1 full-time Deputy Secretary. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee appoints the personnel of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.
+ The Provincial Government Party Committee includes: Party organizations in specialized agencies, public service units under the Provincial People's Committee, a number of State-owned enterprises (depending on the scale and importance of the enterprise Party Committee), (other enterprises are transferred to be directly under the district Party Committee); Party organizations of central agencies and units operating in the province. The Party Committee has a specialized advisory and support agency located at the Provincial People's Committee Office (except for the Military Party Committee, the Public Security Party Committee, and the Provincial Border Guard Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee, which remain the same as at present). The Provincial Government Party Committee comprehensively leads and directs the activities of the Provincial People's Committee and its subordinate Party Committees (Party Committees, Party Cells); it is expected to transfer a number of Party affairs tasks of the Provincial Government Party Committee to the subordinate grassroots Party Committees and Party Cells; a number of tasks will be performed by the provincial Party committees.
The Provincial Government Party Committee consists of: Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Standing Party Committee; the Standing Party Committee includes the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee as Secretary, a member of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee as Deputy Secretary and arranges 1 full-time Deputy Secretary. The Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee appoints personnel for the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.
Propose that the Secretariat regulate the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of the two Party Committees mentioned above. In the immediate future, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will temporarily regulate the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of the two Party Committees mentioned above so that they can promptly come into operation after their establishment.
- Review all activities of the steering committees towards ending their activities, only retaining those steering committees with necessary functions and tasks.
Implementing this plan will reduce at least: 1 advisory and support agency of the Provincial Party Committee, 3 Party Executive Committees, 8 Party delegations directly under the Provincial Party Committee (Including: 3 Party Executive Committees, including: Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee; Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Court, Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Procuracy; 8 Party delegations, including: Party Delegation of the Provincial People's Council; 5 Party Delegations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations of the province; Party Delegation of the Provincial Literature and Arts Association, Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations); increase 1 Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee (Increase 2 Party Committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee: Party Committee of Party agencies, mass organizations, provincial justice, Party Committee of the provincial government. Reduce 1 Party Committee of the provincial agencies-enterprises).
(2) For departments and agencies under the Provincial People's Committee
- Merge and terminate the operations of a number of departments and agencies under the Provincial People's Committee in the following direction:
+ Merge the Department of Planning and Investment with the Department of Finance.
+ Merge the Department of Transport with the Department of Construction.
+ Merge the Department of Information and Communications with the Department of Science and Technology to perform state management tasks on science and technology, digital transformation...; transfer some other tasks to: the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and related agencies.
+ Merge the Department of Natural Resources and Environment with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to perform state management tasks on agriculture and natural resources and environment; transfer some other tasks to relevant departments and agencies.
+ Merge the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs with the Department of Home Affairs; transfer the state management function of vocational education to the Department of Education and Training; transfer the state management function of social protection, children, and prevention of social evils to the Department of Health.
+ Transfer the Religious Affairs Department under the Department of Home Affairs to the Provincial Ethnic Committee, establish the Provincial Ethnic and Religious Committee.
- Research and reorganize some other agencies to ensure streamlining:
+ Merge Ninh Thuan Newspaper, Provincial Radio and Television Station, Provincial Party Committee Electronic Information Portal, Provincial People's Committee Electronic Information Portal into the Provincial Media Center, which is a press career unit under the Provincial People's Committee.
+ Merge the Project Management Board for Investment in Construction of Traffic Works, the Project Management Board for Investment in Construction of Civil and Industrial Works, the Project Management Board for Investment in Construction of Agricultural and Rural Development Works of the province into the Provincial Project Management Board for Investment in Construction, which is a unit under the Provincial People's Committee.
+ Research on merging the Provincial Land Fund Development Center and the Provincial Development Investment Fund.
- Continue to consider and arrange the organizational model of some internal units and public service units directly under the departments and agencies under the Provincial People's Committee in the direction of streamlining, effective and efficient operations.
- Review all activities of the steering committees towards ending their activities, only retaining those steering committees with necessary functions and tasks.
Implementing this plan will reduce at least 5 departments, 4 agencies and units under the Provincial People's Committee.
(3) For the People's Council, People's Council Committees, Office of the National Assembly Delegation and Provincial People's Council
- Research and propose streamlining the organizational structure, reducing internal contacts, streamlining staff, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the apparatus and the quality of staff within the scope and field of management.
- Proposal to merge the Cultural-Social Committee and the Ethnic Committee of the Provincial People's Council.
(4) For the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, the Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee and mass organizations assigned provincial-level tasks by the Party and State
- Review the operations of affiliated public service units in the direction of streamlining, merging or terminating operations, only retaining units with necessary functions and tasks. Research on establishing youth union organizations under the Party Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, mass organizations, judiciary and the Provincial Government Party Committee to ensure streamlining and efficiency.
- Research and propose streamlining the organizational structure, reducing internal contacts, streamlining staff, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the apparatus and the quality of staff in agencies, units and organizations within the scope and field of management.
- Review and reorganize mass organizations assigned by the Party and State; merge or dissolve ineffective organizations.
(5) For districts, city Party Committees, People's Committees of districts and cities
- End of the pilot model of the head of the mass mobilization committee being concurrently the chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at the district level, the head of the propaganda committee being concurrently the director of the district-level political center.
- Merge and dissolve a number of committees and steering committees of district-level Party committees; specialized agencies and public service units under district-level People's Committees.
+ Merge the Propaganda Department and the Mass Mobilization Department of district and city Party Committees.
+ Merge the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs with the Department of Home Affairs.
+ Merge the Department of Natural Resources and Environment with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. For Phan Rang-Thap Cham City, transfer the agricultural sector from the Economic Department to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.
+ Transfer the task of advising on religious affairs directly from the Department of Internal Affairs to the District Ethnic Affairs Department, establish the District Ethnic Affairs-Religion Department (for units with an Ethnic Affairs Department).
+ Review the functions and tasks of each specialized department to adjust the fields accordingly.
+ Review and rearrange the District Land Fund Development Center accordingly.
- Establish 2 party committees directly under the district-level Party Committee:
+ Grassroots Party committees of Party agencies, unions, and justice at district level, including: Party organizations of agencies, staff, assistants to Party committees, People's Councils, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, People's Procuracy, People's Court, and mass organizations assigned tasks by the Party and State at district level.
+ The Party Committee of the District Government Block, including: Party organizations in specialized agencies, public service units under the District People's Committee, and some State-owned enterprises in the area (if any); (the Military Party Committee and the Public Security Party Committee directly under the District Party Committee remain the same as at present). The District Government Party Committee comprehensively leads and directs the activities of the District People's Committee and its subordinate Party Committees (Party Cells).
It is recommended that the Secretariat stipulate the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of the two Party Committees mentioned above. In the immediate future, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee shall temporarily stipulate the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and working relationships of the two Party Committees mentioned above so that they can promptly come into operation after their establishment.
- Review and reorganize mass organizations assigned by the Party and State; merge or dissolve ineffective organizations.
The Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee directed to review and report to propose district, commune, village and residential area units that do not meet the criteria and are subject to rearrangement in the period 2026-2030.
Implementing the policy of the Politburo (in Official Dispatch No. 12400-CV/VPTW, dated November 30, 2024 of the Central Party Office):
(1) From December 1, 2024 until the completion of the organizational arrangement according to the direction of the Central and Provincial Party Committees, agree to implement the policy:
- Temporarily suspend the recruitment of civil servants, appointment, nomination of candidates for higher positions or the policy of perfecting leadership and management positions of agencies and units that are expected to be reorganized and streamlined, and the perfecting and supplementing of Party committees and standing committees of Party committees at district and provincial levels for the 2020-2025 term for positions with structures that are expected to be reorganized and streamlined.
- In case of real necessity: For positions under the management or appointment of Party committees, Party organizations, agencies and units, and introduction to participate in the executive committee and standing committee of district-level Party committees for the 2020-2025 term, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the collective leadership of agencies and units shall, based on the situation of the staff and specific task requirements, consider and decide within their authority and be responsible for their decisions, ensuring strict implementation of the Politburo's policies.
(2) For other leadership and management positions in agencies, units, and localities, Party committees, Party organizations, and collective leadership of agencies and units need to closely and thoroughly review the structure, quantity, personnel, and requirements for performing specific tasks and report to competent authorities for consideration and decision according to regulations.
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