Bac Giang Elevator broken, woman, 58 years old, standing outside craned her neck to look inside, suddenly the elevator fell on her head and got her neck stuck in the door.
On May 22, Dr. Pham Tung Son, Head of the Emergency Department, Bac Giang General Hospital, said that the patient was admitted to the hospital in a coma, agitated, with respiratory failure, purple lips and head, weak breathing, blood oxygen index SPO2 88%, and purple marks on the front of the neck as if strangled by a rope.
Relatives said the family ran a restaurant and used the elevator to transport food. On May 21, the elevator broke down. While the repairman was repairing it, the woman stood outside and craned her neck into the elevator shaft to observe. Unfortunately, the elevator fell and her head got stuck in the elevator door. People pried open the elevator door and took the patient to the emergency room.
The medical team actively resuscitated the patient, squeezed the balloon through the endotracheal tube, and administered invasive ventilation to control breathing, while also treating shock and rehydrating. After 10 hours, the patient was awake, able to breathe on his own, and the endotracheal tube was removed.
Doctor Son said this was a rare and extremely dangerous accident. The doctor advised everyone to be extremely careful during their daily activities and work, and not to stand by or watch near an elevator being repaired. In case of respiratory failure due to an accident, it is necessary to immediately rescue the victim and provide respiratory support by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, then take them to a medical facility for timely emergency care.
Thuy Quynh
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