Pursuant to Directive No. 35-CT/TW dated June 14, 2024 of the Politburo on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party; Plan No. 157-KH/TU dated August 5, 2024 of the Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee on implementing Directive No. 35-CT/TW of the Politburo; Notice of Conclusion No. 48-TB/KL dated December 2, 2024 of the Politburo on discussing documents of the 14th National Party Congress at Party congresses at all levels, sending for public opinions and synthesizing comments on documents of the 14th National Party Congress and related documents; the Standing Committee of the Party Central Committee has just issued Plan No. 180-KH/TU on discussing and synthesizing comments on draft documents submitted to Party congresses at all levels.
Accordingly, the synthesis of comments on draft documents aims to gather the wisdom of cadres, party members and people of all walks of life to participate in deciding important issues of the Party and the country; thereby promoting democracy within the Party and the whole society, creating unity of thought and action within the whole Party and the whole people; helping Party committees at all levels grasp the ideological trends, thoughts and aspirations of people of all walks of life, cadres and party members to supplement and develop the Party's guidelines and policies, and the State's policies and laws. In the process of organizing the collection of comments, it is necessary to closely follow the suggested discussion contents of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the direction and guidance of the Party committees; fully, honestly and accurately synthesize the comments discussed at Party congresses at all levels, at conferences and the comments of people of all walks of life; avoid doing things carelessly, formally and ineffectively. Each Party Committee shall prepare a report synthesizing the opinions of the Party Congress at its level and the opinions of the people participating in the draft documents of the congress at the next higher level and the 14th National Congress of the Party; each document shall be compiled into a separate section.
The discussion of Party documents is carried out at Party congresses at all levels. In particular, Party cell congresses and grassroots Party committees (communes, wards, towns and equivalent) discuss summary documents, including: Summary of the Draft Political Report of the 14th National Party Congress; summary of the Draft Report summarizing a number of theoretical and practical issues on the reform process in the direction of socialism over the past 40 years in Vietnam (this document is sent for study, not for discussion); summary of the Draft Report on 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years 2026-2030; summary of the Draft Report summarizing the work of Party building and implementation of the Party Charter submitted to the 14th National Party Congress; political reports of Party committees at their level and political reports of district, city Party committees and affiliated Party committees. Completion date before June 30, 2025.
The Party Congresses of districts, cities and affiliated Party Committees (collectively referred to as district level) discussed the following documents: Full text of the Draft Political Report of the 14th National Party Congress (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on for discussion); summary of the Draft Report summarizing a number of theoretical and practical issues on the reform process in the direction of socialism over the past 40 years in Vietnam (this document is sent for study, not for discussion); full text of the Draft Report on 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years 2026-2030 (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on for discussion); full text of the Draft Report summarizing the work of Party building and implementation of the Party Charter submitted to the 14th National Party Congress (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on for discussion); full text of the Draft Political Report of the 21st National Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee; Political report of the Party Committee at its level. Completion date before August 31, 2025.
The Provincial Party Congress discussed the following documents: Full text of the Draft Political Report of the 14th National Party Congress (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on); full text of the Draft Report summarizing a number of theoretical and practical issues on the reform process in the direction of socialism over the past 40 years in Vietnam (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on); full text of the Draft Report on 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years 2026-2030 (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on); full text of the Draft Report summarizing the work of Party building and implementation of the Party Charter submitted to the 14th National Party Congress (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on); full text of the Draft Political Report of the 21st National Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee (with instructions on the content that needs to be focused on). Completion date before October 31, 2025.
The method of implementing discussion and synthesizing comments on draft documents submitted to party congresses at all levels is implemented at each level. In particular, the lower-level party congresses and party cells synthesize comments on the documents of the 14th Party Congress and send them to the directly higher-level party congress; the Party Committee synthesizes comments from the congresses of affiliated party organizations to report at the party congress at its level. Congresses at all levels must devote adequate time, promote democracy, collective intelligence, and uphold the responsibility of delegates; in discussions, it is necessary to be receptive, listen, and respect each other's opinions, creating high solidarity and unity, especially on new and difficult issues. The report synthesizing comments, after being approved by the party congress, must be sent to the directly higher-level party committee no later than 10 days after the end of the congress.
The collection of opinions from mass organizations and people on the documents of the 14th National Party Congress and the 21st National Party Congress of the province was carried out on a large scale and in depth. In particular, the National Assembly Delegation of the province organized conferences to discuss and contribute opinions to the draft documents of the Congress. The Provincial Party Committee Office advised the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to organize conferences for veteran revolutionaries, former provincial leaders, and retired senior leaders of the armed forces in the province to discuss and contribute opinions to the draft documents of the Congress. The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission coordinated with the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, the Provincial Literature and Arts Association, the Provincial Journalists Association, the Provincial Association of Former Teachers, etc. to organize conferences to discuss and contribute opinions from intellectuals and artists to the draft documents of the Congress; coordinated with the Provincial Fatherland Front to preside over and the provincial socio-political organizations to organize conferences to discuss and contribute opinions from all walks of life to the draft documents of the Congress. The documents discussed include: Draft Political Report of the 14th National Party Congress; Draft Summary Report on a number of theoretical and practical issues on the socialist-oriented renovation process over the past 40 years in Vietnam; Draft Report on 5 years of implementing the 10-year Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030; directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years 2026-2030; Draft Summary Report on Party building work and implementation of the Party Charter to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress; Draft Political Report of the 21st National Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee. The conferences will be held in April 2025.
The order of synthesizing comments on documents and discussion opinions at party congresses at all levels is carried out in order from the congress of party cells and grassroots party committees to the district, city and affiliated party committees and provincial party committees. In which, affiliated party cells synthesize comments and send them to the grassroots party committees according to regulations. Party cells and grassroots party committees synthesize comments from party cells, opinions from all walks of life and comments discussed at the congresses and send them to the Standing Committees of district, city and affiliated party committees no later than July 10, 2025.
The Party Committees of the district Party Committees, city Party Committees, and affiliated Party Committees shall synthesize the opinions of the grassroots Party Committees, opinions of cadres, party members, and people of all walks of life, and opinions discussed at the congress and send them to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Sub-Committee on Documents of the 21st Provincial Congress (via the Provincial Party Committee Office) no later than September 10, 2025.
The Provincial Party Committee Office is responsible for synthesizing and sending to the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and the Provincial 21st Congress Document Subcommittee before April 30, 2025 the opinions of the province's National Assembly deputies; veteran revolutionaries, former provincial leaders, and retired senior leaders of the armed forces in the province.
The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission is responsible for synthesizing and sending to the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and the Provincial 21st Congress Document Subcommittee (via the Provincial Party Committee Office) before April 30, 2025, the contributions of intellectuals (journalists, scientists, teachers, artists); synthesizing comments on the draft congress documents in the provincial press and comments sent via letters to provincial leaders.
The Provincial Fatherland Front is responsible for synthesizing and sending to the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and the Provincial Party Committee's 21st Congress Document Subcommittee (via the Provincial Party Committee Office) before April 30, 2025 the comments and contributions of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and people of all walks of life.
The Provincial Party Committee Office synthesizes comments on the Political Report of the 21st Provincial Party Congress and submits it to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee before August 15, 2025. The Document Sub-Committee receives comments from Party congresses at all levels, from mass organizations and people on the draft documents of the 21st Provincial Party Congress, completes the report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee before submitting it to the Provincial Party Congress. The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission synthesizes comments on the documents of the 14th National Party Congress and submits it to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to send to the Central Party Office before November 15, 2025.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee requests district Party Committees, city Party Committees, and affiliated Party Committees; the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations of the province to develop plans to seriously and effectively implement the contents of the plan; promptly report the progress and contents stated in the plan to the 21st Provincial Party Congress Document Subcommittee (through the Provincial Party Committee Office and the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission for synthesis). The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Commission advises on the issuance of a plan to discuss and synthesize comments on documents submitted to Party Congresses at all levels; guides the content that needs to be focused on in the draft Political Report of the 21st Provincial Party Congress. Directs and orients the work of information and propaganda on the organization of discussions and soliciting comments on draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress and the 21st Provincial Party Congress; Organize conferences to collect opinions according to the prescribed composition and time and develop reports summarizing comments on the documents of the 14th National Party Congress to ensure progress and quality. The Provincial Party Committee Office issued instructions on summarizing comments on the draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress; sent draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress and the 21st National Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee to district, city and affiliated Party Committees to deploy implementation work according to the time in the plan. Nam Dinh Newspaper, Provincial Radio and Television Station, and media agencies located in the province promptly disseminated activities related to the contents of the plan and published the full text of the draft documents of the 14th National Party Congress and the 21st National Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee so that people from all walks of life could participate in discussions and contribute comments on the documents.
Spring and Autumn
Source: https://baonamdinh.vn/dai-hoi-dang/202502/ke-hoach-thao-luan-va-tong-hop-y-kien-dong-gop-vao-cac-du-thaovan-kien-trinh-dai-hoi-dang-cac-cap-c0b0ccd/
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