Medical experts warn that anyone is at risk of Botulinum poisoning because this is not a rare bacteria and people need to have knowledge to prevent and avoid the risk of poisoning from this bacteria.
Botulinum poisoning is poisoning caused by infection with the toxin of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The cause is due to the patient being infected with toxins in poor quality food, eating food that is not properly preserved.
To prevent the risk of Botulinum poisoning, health experts recommend that people clean the environment, wipe and clean the processing area regularly when processing bottled, jarred or sealed foods to avoid dirt, soil, sand and harmful bacteria from sticking to the food.
Food packaging should apply modern techniques. Manufacturers often irradiate food to ensure food safety when packaging. People who package at home have a very high risk of food safety.
Another measure people should apply when sealing and packaging food is to use a salinity of over 5% salt/100g of food because bacteria cannot grow in an environment that is too salty.
People should note not to use expired food, especially canned products that are swollen or deformed because they have been attacked by Botulinum bacteria or other bacteria; or even if they are still within their expiration date and not deformed, if they no longer have the natural flavor when opened, they should not be eaten./.
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