DNVN - Leaders of two major automobile manufacturing corporations, Hyundai from Korea and Toyota from Japan, appeared together for the first time at a racing event on October 27, and announced a plan to cooperate in the field of sports cars.
According to Yonhap, Euisun Chung, Executive Chairman of Hyundai Group, along with Akio Toyoda, President of Toyota Group, participated in the Hyundai N x Toyota Gazoo racing event at the Everland racetrack, located in Yongin, 41km south of Seoul.
The event was also attended by Lee Jae Yong, Chairman of Samsung Group. Hyundai N and Toyota Gazoo are both famous sports car brands of two leading car companies in Korea and Japan.
A representative from Hyundai said that the company and Toyota have agreed to cooperate in producing high-quality sports cars.
Thanh Mai (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/kinh-doanh-va-tieu-dung/hyundai-va-toyota-hop-tac-phat-trien-xe-the-thao/20241028101756253
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