Accordingly, the threshold score ranges from 16 to 19 points depending on the major, except for the Health Science group, the threshold score is applied by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Information Technology is the major with the highest admission floor score based on high school graduation exam scores with 19 points, followed by Marketing, Digital Marketing, Multimedia Communications, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Automotive Engineering Technology, Business Administration with 18 points.
Some other majors with high admission scores are Public Relations, Graphic Design, Banking and Finance, Accounting, and Veterinary Medicine with 17 points. These are also majors that many candidates are interested in, with the highest admission scores according to the early admission methods announced earlier. All other majors have admission scores from 16 points.
This score includes regional and subject priority points and is calculated as follows: Input quality assurance score = Total high school graduation exam score of 3 subjects in the admission combination + total priority points.
The threshold to ensure input quality according to the admission method of considering high school graduation exam scores in 2023 for each specific industry is as follows:
According to the HUTECH representative, all candidates who have taken the 2023 high school graduation exam, are eligible to be recognized as high school graduates and have a total admission score from the above input quality assurance threshold or higher can apply for admission to Hutech during the time of registration, supplement, and adjustment of university admission wishes as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training (from July 10 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30).
Candidates register their admission wishes on the system (Ministry of Education and Training's Admissions Portal or National Public Service Portal), with Hutech school code DKC. Admission results are expected to be announced before 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2023.
For candidates who have met the conditions to be admitted to HUTECH according to one of the early admission methods (regarding academic records or considering competency assessment test scores) and have received a notice of conditional admission from the School, in order to be officially recognized as admitted, candidates need to place their admission wishes according to that early admission method in the first choice position.
The time for candidates to confirm admission and complete the first admission procedures is from the time HUTECH announces the admission results until 5:00 p.m. on September 6, 2023 according to regulations.
Hoang Tho
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