On June 8, news from the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health said that a case of cosmetic accident had just occurred after liposuction surgery at a cosmetic hospital. The patient was taken to the emergency room at Cho Ray Hospital.
According to a report from Cho Ray Hospital, at 7:00 p.m. on June 6, the hospital received treatment and intensive care for a female patient (50 years old, residing in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City) who suffered a stroke after liposuction surgery.
The patient was given timely emergency care and escaped the critical condition.
Doctor Pham Minh Huy, Department of Emergency Resuscitation, Cho Ray Hospital, said that when admitted to the emergency room, the patient was in a coma, with cold hands and feet, a balloon pump through the endotracheal tube, a pulse of 101 beats/minute, and unmeasurable blood pressure. The abdominal drainage from the anterior line contained about 300 ml of blood.
Abdominal CT scan results showed a large amount of free fluid in the abdomen, blood around the liver, free abdominal air, and a pseudoaneurysm in the epigastric vascular bundle (epigastric is the abdominal area with the boundary from the navel up to below the sternum) on the right lower side with a size of 10 x 17 mm. There were signs of active bleeding in the right iliac fossa and hypogastric region (hypogastric is the lowest area of the abdomen below the navel or pelvic region).
The patient was consulted by specialists in gastroenterology, hepatobiliary pancreatology, and emergency resuscitation. The patient was scheduled for emergency surgery. During the surgery, the doctor noted internal bleeding due to a tear in the greater omental vessel (located under the abdominal wall muscles) and stopped the bleeding.
Abdominal area of female liposuction patient after surgery
During surgery, the patient was found to have lost 6 liters of blood and was given a blood transfusion.
After surgery, the patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit for further monitoring and intensive care. One day after surgery, the patient was able to follow medical orders and was able to breathe through an endotracheal tube.
On June 8, the patient was alert, responsive, had stable vital signs, and could communicate.
"Fortunately, the patient was admitted to the hospital in time and received timely blood transfusion, so the liver and kidney damage recovered without leaving any sequelae. The patient can be discharged in the next few days," said Dr. Minh Huy.
Previously, on April 1, also in Ho Chi Minh City, a female patient named B. (45 years old, living in Dong Nai) went to a cosmetic hospital for liposuction surgery. More than a week later, the patient died. The case is also under investigation.
In recent years, in Ho Chi Minh City, there have been many cases of complications and deaths from liposuction cosmetic surgery.
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