1. Instructions for renewing family health insurance card online latest 2024
The procedure for renewing family health insurance card online is as follows:
- Step 1: Access the address https://dichvucong.baohiemxahoi.gov.vn/#/index
- Step 2: Select "Close electronic social insurance".
- Step 3: Select "Renew health insurance card according to integrated family plan with reduced contribution level"
- Step 4: Fill in the complete information of the head of household and information of the household members participating in Health Insurance and the number of months to be renewed. To add a household member, select “Add household member”.
- Step 5: Verify information.
After entering all required information, the user selects “Confirm” to verify the information.
If information such as household head information; member information; members participating in family health insurance; information about health insurance cards of members; members requesting to renew health insurance cards participating at the same social insurance agency are verified as correct, the screen displays the following information:
Health insurance participation information of each member: Identification number, full name, number of renewal months, current health insurance card expiration date, amount to be paid to renew the health insurance card for the household.
- Step 6: Select the beneficiary bank of the Social Security agency.
After successfully verifying the information, select “Beneficiary bank of the Social Insurance agency”, then select “Payment”.
- Step 7: Payment: After selecting “Payment” in step 6, the screen displays a list of banks and payment intermediaries. Users can choose one of two payment methods.
After successful payment, users can print the receipt by selecting “Print Receipt” displayed on the screen.
2. Family health insurance contribution level in 2024
Point e, Clause 1, Article 7 of Decree 146/2018/ND-CP, the family health insurance contribution level is as follows:
- The first person pays 4.5% of the basic salary; the second, third, and fourth people pay 70%, 60%, and 50% of the first person's contribution, respectively; from the fifth person onwards, the contribution is 40% of the first person's contribution.
- The reduction of health insurance premiums as prescribed in this point is implemented when members participating in family health insurance participate together in the same fiscal year.
Thus, the specific family health insurance premiums in 2024 are as follows:
Household members | Family health insurance contribution level in 2024 (Unit: VND/month) |
First person | 81,000 |
Second | 56,700 |
Third person | 48,600 |
The fourth person | 40,500 |
The fifth person onwards | 32,400 |
3. Subjects participating in family health insurance
Health insurance participants include:
(1) Group contributed by employees and units.
(2) Group paid by social insurance organization.
(3) Group funded by the state budget.
(4) Groups whose contribution levels are supported by the state budget.
(5) Group paid by employer
(6) Group participating in family health insurance.
In which, the group participating in family health insurance includes:
- All people with names in the same household registered for permanent residence, except for those in subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and those who have declared temporary absence.
- All people whose names are in the same household register for temporary residence, except for those in subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and those who have participated in health insurance according to the household register for permanent residence.
- The following subjects are eligible to participate in family health insurance:
+ Dignitaries, officials, monks;
+ People living in social protection facilities who do not receive state budget support for health insurance payments.
(Article 17 of Decision 595/QD-BHXH, amended by Decision 505/QD-BHXH and Decision 490/QD-BHXH)
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