On January 16, 2025, in Hai Duong, CP Vietnam held the 2025 Customer Conference. Representing CP Vietnam's customers, Mr. Nguyen Trong Ky - Sales and distribution agent for animal feed, breeds and biotics in Dong Anh market, Hanoi, gave a profound and touching speech about the 20-year journey with CP Vietnam. We would like to post the full text of the above speech.
Mr. Nguyen Trong Ky - Representative of sales agent speaking at the Conference
“ Dear Board of Directors of Vietnam CP Company and all officers and employees of Vietnam CP Company.
Dear agents and partners of Vietnam Joint Stock Company,
Dear delegates,
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Nguyen Trong Ky - Sales agent and distributor of animal feed, breeds and biotics in Dong Anh market, Hanoi.
Today, I am honored to represent the agents and farm owners to speak at the event "Customer Conference 2025" organized by CP at Nam Cuong Hai Duong Hotel.
I would also like to send my best wishes and greetings to Vietnam Joint Stock Company for organizing a meaningful event for the customer system. Today, I would like to send my best wishes to all agents and farms for health, happiness and success.
2024 marks 20 years of my cooperation and development with CP Vietnam. Looking back on the past, I am truly proud to have contributed to the ecosystem of CP Vietnam - a leading unit in the livestock industry that always puts quality and responsibility first.
20 years - A journey of cooperation, development and association with CP Vietnam, I not only received good quality products, but also received help with good quality, standard and safe products, but I also received enthusiastic support from the management board, from the technical staff in providing information about products, technical support in livestock farming and flexible cooperation policies that helped me to constantly develop and bring good values to people in the Dong Anh market, Hanoi.
20 years of cooperation with CP, I not only trade in animal feed, breeding animals and Biotic products, but also the company has built a value chain for raising commercial black chickens. Every month, I provide the company with 30,000 commercial black chickens for the company to supply to supermarket chains.
Thanks to the chain of commercial black chicken farming, I have increased output, helping the number of farmers in Dong Anh, Hanoi have more jobs and more income. What really impressed me about CP Vietnam is not only its outstanding production capacity but also its sense of social responsibility and commitment to the community. That is demonstrated through the chain of activities to support customers and partners in difficult times, especially during periods of market fluctuations, affirming the position and role of CP Vietnam as a reliable companion.
2025 is one of the years with many fluctuations, on behalf of the agents and farms, I would like to wish the company to always stabilize the quality, have new products to meet the needs of customers and have flexible and suitable policies to help the agents develop day by day. And support technology, technical support, scientific support to help farms control diseases and move towards environmentally friendly livestock farming and ensure the regulations of state agencies.
On this occasion, I would like to congratulate and thank CP Company for providing the best products and services to help agents and farm owners continuously develop. Especially the dedication and enthusiasm of the management board and staff. That is the motivation to help agents and farm owners continuously strive to develop, towards a future of development with CP.
On this occasion, I would like to thank the agents and farm owners who have accompanied CP Vietnam in the past. We are the focal points that will spread the good values that CP brings, towards a future of developing the livestock industry in Vietnam.
Finally, I wish CP Vietnam to grow stronger and constantly innovate and always be the leading flag in the livestock industry. I wish all agents and farm owners good health, happiness and success."
Source: https://www.cp.com.vn/truyen-thong/tin-tuc-su-kien/bai-phat-bieu-xuc-dong-va-sau-sac-cua-khach-hang-gan-bo-20-nam-cung-cp-viet-nam
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