At the meeting, Vice President of the Provincial Literature and Arts Association - Nguyen Lanh reviewed the tradition of Vietnam Photography and Cinema Day. Accordingly, 72 years ago, on March 15, 1953, in Ban Bac village, Diem Mac commune, Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 147/SL to establish the Vietnam National Cinema and Photography Enterprise, officially giving birth to the Vietnam Revolutionary Cinema and Photography Industry.
Vice President of the Provincial Literature and Arts Association - Nguyen Lanh reviews the tradition of Vietnam Photography and Cinema Day
Since that historical milestone, Vietnamese Revolutionary Cinema and Photography have gone through a long journey accompanying the country and the people. Over the past half century, generations of Vietnamese artists and cinematographers have wholeheartedly served the Party's ideals and the interests of the nation.
Many artists, film and photography soldiers heroically sacrificed their lives on the battlefield, leaving behind a shining image of artists - revolutionary soldiers and priceless works in the struggle to protect the Fatherland.
Long An is proud to be the cradle of the Vietnamese revolutionary Cinematography industry when the first Photography - Cinematography Group was established in 1947 in the middle of Dong Thap Muoi region. One year later, the first reportage - documentary film of the Vietnamese revolution was born.
In 1990, the Provincial Cinema and Television Association was established with the first member artists such as Cinematographer Tan Si, Tien Thanh, Thanh Nguyen,... Up to now, the Association has grown to 37 members. Of which, 12 members have retired but are still active and contribute actively to the Association's activities.
The Monument of Cinema Zone 8 (Kien Tuong town) reminds us of the glorious time of Bung Bien cinema, where the first bricks were laid for Vietnamese revolutionary cinema (Photo: Que Lam)
In 2024, 5 members of the Long An Cinema and Television Association were admitted to the Vietnam Cinema Association. During the year, the Association continued to maintain the column "Long An Colors" to exploit, promote, and reflect the activities and achievements of the Association's branches in the Literature and Arts Association.
In particular, during the year, members participated and won many awards in the provincial Press Competition. One television work won the encouragement prize of the National Press Competition on the National Assembly and People's Council (Dien Hong Award), one work entered the final round of the National Press Competition on Party building (Golden Hammer and Sickle Award) and 10 works are participating in the 42nd National Television Festival.
Photographer Duong Hoang Hanh received a Certificate of Merit from the Provincial People's Committee.
On this occasion, the Provincial Literature and Arts Association awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Provincial People's Committee to Photographer Duong Hoang Hanh for winning a Silver Medal in the Artistic Photography Contest "Proud of a Border Strip" organized by the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists.
The work "Love between the army and the people in the flood season" by photographer Duong Hoang Hanh won the Silver Medal at the Artistic Photography Contest "Proud of a Border Strip" (Photo: Duong Hoang Hanh)
Khanh Duy
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