According to data from Similarweb , as of August 1, the number of users of the Threads platform was just over 9.6 million, a decrease of more than 90% compared to the peak period.
Over 90% of users have left Threads. |
Accordingly, in July, Meta launched Threads to users to compete directly with rival Twitter. Just after 5 days of launching, CEO Mark Zuckerberg's new media platform has reached more than 100 million users.
Despite the high number of users leaving Threads, Zuckerberg remains optimistic that this is completely normal, and believes that retention will increase as the company adds new features to the app.
In a recent post, Mark Zuckerberg revealed new features that will be “rolling out in the coming weeks.”
“It’s been a good week for Threads. The community is on track to create a lasting app. There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’m excited about the pace at which the team is moving,” the CEO wrote.
According to CNBC , advertisers are watching Threads grow in the coming months, looking for a new social media channel to reach users, especially in the increasingly chaotic context of X (Twitter's new name).
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