At the exam sites, at more than 6:00 a.m., many candidates were present early to prepare mentally for the first exam.
Candidate Minh Anh at Thu Duc High School exam site said that Literature is the subject she is most confident in. Minh Anh predicted that this year's literature exam will include the essay "Country" by Nguyen Khoa Diem: "I feel calm and confident, I am confident that I can get 8 points, and if I fail, I can still do that level or higher."
Trong Duc said that although literature is not his strong point, he is not too worried. Last night, Duc slept early to take the exam this morning. Duc used the combination of Math-Physics-Chemistry to apply to the University of Science and Technology, so the literature section only requires above average. Duc predicted that the exam would include poetry: "I see that in the past few years, there has not been any poetry, so I think there will be poetry. My best poems are Viet Bac and Dat Nuoc. I think if I write those two poems, I will get above 7 or 8 points.")
In Ho Chi Minh City, there are more than 90,000 candidates taking the high school graduation exam. Of these, more than 13,000 candidates are exempted from the foreign language exam and 87 candidates are exempted from all graduation exams.
Ho Chi Minh City has arranged 162 exam sites with 3,800 exam rooms, mobilizing more than 15,900 officers and employees to serve the exam.
In Thanh An island commune (Can Gio district), 24 candidates from Thanh An High School were also brought to the mainland on the morning of June 26, arranged accommodation to take the exam today at two exam locations, An Nghia and Binh Khanh High Schools in Can Gio district.
In addition, Ho Chi Minh City also reminds candidates that in case they forget their documents, they should not return home to get them but go to the examination site to report to the head of the examination site to resolve the issue.
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