Nam A Bank shares have the trading code NAB with a reference price of VND15,900/share. With a fluctuation range of +/-20%, NAB's share price in the first trading session will fluctuate around VND12,720 - VND19,080/share. Previously, on February 29, NAB shares were officially canceled from trading on the UPCoM floor, with a closing price of VND16,500/share.
NAB targets total assets of VND232,000 billion in 2024 and VND260,000 billion in 2025; mobilized capital of VND178,000 billion and VND202,000 billion in 2025; customer loans of VND181,000 billion. Pre-tax profit in 2024 is expected to be VND4,000 billion and VND5,000 billion in 2025. NAB's credit growth orientation in 2024 is 17%, focusing on forestry and seafood with an interest rate of 3 - 3.3%/year in USD and about 6 - 7%/year in VND. NAB also aims to maintain a minimum dividend of 20% or more based on profit.
Nam A Bank officially listed shares on HOSE
Regarding the capital increase plan, NAB aims to increase capital to VND13,000 billion from undistributed profits. It is expected that by the end of 2024, the charter capital will reach about VND13,000 billion and the target for 2025 is that the charter capital will reach about VND16,200 billion. In the period of 2024 - 2025, NAB's capital adequacy ratio (CAR) will fluctuate around 10 - 12%, the bad debt ratio will be controlled below 2.5%, the NIM ratio will be above 3.3%, the ROA and ROE ratios will be above 1.4% and at least 20%, respectively.
According to Nam A Bank, with more than 1 billion NAB shares officially traded on HOSE, it will open up opportunities to access potential investors, capital sources... creating strong momentum for Nam A Bank's growth in the coming time. The bank will continue to implement its strategy with two main pillars: green banking and digital banking to ensure business goals, bringing greater value to shareholders, customers and partners.
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