The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said: Today, the heat in the Northern and Central provinces cooled down while the South remained severe.
Weather forecast in Phu Tho
By 1 p.m. on April 16, severe heat was recorded in many localities such as: Yen Chau (Son La) 38.3 degrees Celsius, Ba To (Quang Ngai) 37 degrees Celsius, Son Hoa (Phu Yen) 36.1 degrees Celsius, Ayunpa (Gia Lai) 37.6 degrees Celsius... Relative humidity was generally 45 - 50%.
The Southern region has hot and extremely hot weather with the highest temperature in Bien Hoa (Dong Nai) 38.3 degrees Celsius, Thu Dau Mot (Binh Duong) 38.5 degrees Celsius... Relative humidity is commonly 40 - 45%.
On the occasion of Hung King's death anniversary on April 18, which is the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month. Weather in the Northern region: Sunny during the day, some places are hot. Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Son La, Hoa Binh are hot and very hot. In the evening and at night, there are showers and thunderstorms in some places, especially in mountainous areas, there are scattered showers and thunderstorms.
Central region: Hot and very hot during the day, especially in the area from Khanh Hoa to Binh Thuan where there is localized heat; thunderstorms in some places in the evening but no rain at night.
Central Highlands and Southern regions: Hot and sunny days, some places will be very hot. After many days of extremely hot weather, from April 17 to 19, there will be showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and evening. Warning: there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind during thunderstorms.
Intense heat, sidewalk beverage vendors in Ho Chi Minh City reap bumper profits
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