Overview of the workshop
According to the conference report, the compilation and publication of the book "Historical events of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee" and the photo book "Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee - 95 years of construction and development (1930 - 2025)" aims to clarify the typical historical events of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee and people over 95 years of construction and development; contribute to summarizing the theory and practice over nearly 40 years of renovation, 33 years of re-establishment of the province, thereby improving the effectiveness of the leadership and direction of Party committees at all levels in organizing and implementing the province's political tasks. The work is also meaningful in enriching and making more vivid the History of the Provincial Party Committee; contributing to preserving, maintaining and promoting the treasure trove of valuable documents about the land and people of Ninh Thuan, leaving them for today's and future generations; this is also a document used for reference to serve the research and study of the History of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee; is the basis for compiling historical works of traditional sectors, associations, unions and local histories; serving the work of propagating and educating Party history for cadres, party members and people; strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, promptly and effectively fighting and refuting erroneous and hostile viewpoints in the new situation.
With that meaning, the research and compilation of the book "Historical events of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee" and the photo book "Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee - 95 years of construction and development (1930 - 2025)" were carried out in 18 months from February 2024 to August 2025 to celebrate the major holidays of the country and the province in 2025. After a period of collection and compilation, the draft of the work has now been completed thanks to the attention, close and regular monitoring and direction of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee; the coordination of agencies, units and individuals inside and outside the province in providing documents and images; the responsible and dedicated participation and comments of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee members through the periods on the detailed outline, criteria for selecting events, images and the draft of the work; the efforts, attempts and responsibilities of the Editorial Board, Editors, and Support Team during the implementation process.
Regarding the book "Historical Events of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee" includes typical, objective, and honest events of the Party Committee and people in the period 1930 - 2025. The manuscript is compiled according to the structure including Introduction, 5 chapters of content and appendix of the book; in which, the chapters are divided into each historical period close to the historical process of the nation and important milestones of the history of the province including: 1930 - 1945, 1945 - 1954, 1954 - 1975, 1975 - 1992 and 1992 - 2025.
The photo book "Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee - 95 years of construction and development (1930 - 2025)" includes images from the establishment of the Tan Viet Party Cell, the Communist Party Cell; events of the Cell, the Provincial Party Committee and associated with the leadership of the Cell, the Provincial Party Committee; the process of formation, construction and development of the Provincial Party Committee; the process of the Provincial Party Committee leading the People during the period of struggle until the August Revolution in 1945; the cause of fighting to liberate the homeland in the resistance war against French colonialism and the US to save the country; during the period of building, defending the Fatherland and developing the province in all fields. During the compilation process, a draft outline was sent to solicit opinions from witnesses, comrades of the Standing Committee of the 14th Provincial Party Committee; former comrades of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee through the periods; critical opinions of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; members of the Steering Committee, Editorial Board, Editorial Board.
At the workshop, delegates continued to analyze and clarify many issues regarding the layout, division of chapters, chapter naming, information about time, event names, event content; opinions contributed deeply to the content of the book Events; contributed ideas on the layout, arrangement and proposed to add some images in various fields to highlight the leadership role as well as the outstanding achievements of the Ninh Thuan Party Committee over 95 years of construction and development.
Comrade Pham Van Hau, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council spoke at the workshop.
In his concluding remarks at the workshop, Comrade Pham Van Hau, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, acknowledged and highly appreciated the comments on the draft, as well as the efforts of the Editorial Board in advising the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee on the process of collecting documents, compiling detailed outlines, and establishing criteria for selecting events and images as a basis for compiling the draft. To continue to supplement and complete the book "Historical events of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee" and the photo book "The Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee - 95 years of construction and development (1930 - 2025)", the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee requested the Editorial Board to receive comments and suggestions at the workshop to supplement and complete the manuscript. In the process of receiving and supplementing the manuscript, if there are differences in the documents, it is necessary to meet and discuss with more witnesses and synthesize a report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for comments and to complete the project according to plan. In addition, he emphasized: At the time when we are implementing Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW of the Politburo and the Secretariat on researching and proposing to continue to rearrange the organization and apparatus of the political system, the compilation and publication of the book "Historical events of the Provincial Party Committee" and the photo book "The Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee - 95 years of construction and development" are very important. (1930-2025)” is even more important, requiring focus on speeding up progress to complete; publish on the occasion of celebrating the 80th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day September 2.
Source: https://ninhthuan.gov.vn/portal/Pages/2025-3-20/Ho%CC%A3i-tha%CC%89o-Nhu%CC%83ng-su%CC%A3-kie%CC%A3n-li%CC%A3ch-su%CC%89-Dang-bo-tinhh7kwb8.aspx
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