This morning, February 7, Le Duan Political School organized a workshop on “Solutions to improve the operational efficiency of People’s Councils of communes, wards and towns in Quang Tri province”. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council Nguyen Chien Thang attended.
Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Chien Thang spoke at the workshop - Photo: SH
The report presented at the workshop said that since the Law on Organization of Local Government, the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Government in 2019, the People's Councils at the commune level in Quang Tri province have had many innovations in organization and operation.
The quality of People's Council meetings has been gradually improved, always ensuring the number of meetings is in accordance with the law; the organization and management of meetings have been gradually improved; the building and promulgation of resolutions of the People's Council have been of high quality; the resolutions are in accordance with the law and suitable to the actual situation of the locality; the effectiveness of supervision activities has been gradually improved; regular and substantive contact with voters... has contributed to the effective implementation of the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws and the People's Council's resolutions.
However, in response to the requirement to innovate and improve the quality of the political system at the commune, ward and town levels, the activities of the People's Council at the commune level still have limitations that have significantly affected the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of the political system at the commune level.
Le Duan Political School organized this scientific workshop to review the research results and consult with experts, scientists, and researchers in both theory and practice related to the topic "Research on the current situation and propose a system of solutions to improve the operational efficiency of People's Councils of communes, wards, and towns in Quang Tri province" of Le Duan Political School.
Conference scene - Photo: SH
At the workshop, delegates had many presentations such as: Current situation and solutions to improve the effectiveness of the People's Councils at the commune level in implementing the Law on Organization of Local Government, the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Organization of the Government and the Law on Organization of Local Government in 2019; Current situation and issues arising in the organizational structure of the People's Councils of communes, wards and towns in Quang Tri province at present; Current situation and solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of the supervision activities of the People's Councils at the commune level in Hai Lang district; Quality of meetings and questioning activities of the People's Councils at the commune level - current situation and recommendations from the reality in Huong Hoa district...
Speaking at the workshop, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Chien Thang emphasized that in recent times, the People's Councils at the commune level have focused on effectively performing their functions and tasks and ensuring the provisions of the Constitution and laws, achieving many important results and contributing to the overall development of the province.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council highly appreciated the efforts of People's Councils at all levels, in which the activities of People's Councils at the commune level have had positive changes, gradually innovated and improved the quality of activities, contributing to promoting the role of elected bodies at the grassroots government level; representing the will, aspirations and mastery of the people.
Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Chien Thang requested the delegates attending the workshop to focus on analyzing and clarifying the current situation and solutions to improve the effectiveness of the People's Councils at the commune level in implementing the Law on Organization of Local Government; Is the current model of the People's Councils at the commune level suitable? And the orientation to build and perfect the model of the People's Councils at the commune level. The quality and effectiveness in implementing the decision-making and supervision functions of the People's Councils at the commune level. The material and financial conditions to ensure the activities of the People's Councils at the commune level...
The workshop will help the Standing Committee of People's Councils at all levels to have a more complete understanding of the current situation. From there, propose appropriate solutions, contributing to orienting the improvement of the effectiveness of the People's Councils at the commune level in the province in the coming time.
At the same time, the Department of Science and Technology and relevant agencies are requested to closely follow their functions and tasks to create the best conditions for Le Duan Political School to complete its research project.
Sy Hoang
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