On the morning of February 28, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) held an online workshop with 64 locations nationwide to provide comments on the draft Feasibility Study Report of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the 2025-2035 period.
Comrade Nguyen Van Hung, member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism chaired the workshop at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism bridge. Comrade Ngo Chi Tue, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism chaired the workshop at the Vinh Phuc bridge.
Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ngo Chi Tue spoke at the workshop. Photo: Duong Chung
To concretize Resolution No. 162 of the National Assembly approving the investment policy of the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has drafted a Feasibility Study Report on the National Target Program on Cultural Development for the period 2025 - 2035 to submit to the Government for approval.
According to the draft report, the specific goal by 2035 is that 100% of localities will include the content of moral education, lifestyle, and new-era family values into the village, clan, community, and commune covenants; 100% of libraries in the library network will meet the conditions for establishment and ensure operating conditions according to the provisions of the Law on Libraries.
Strive to complete the restoration and embellishment of 100% of special national relics and at least 80% of national relics; cultural industries contribute 8% of the country's GDP.
Completing the National Digital Library, building smart libraries, expanding connections, integrating data with libraries in the Vietnamese and international library network; annually, there are at least 6 major international events on culture and arts abroad with the official participation of Vietnam...
At the workshop, delegates gave their opinions on the contents of the program management and operation mechanism; the mechanism to support capital sources for localities to implement the program; solutions to build a cultural environment; propaganda work, raising awareness of cultural development; building and perfecting the system of grassroots cultural institutions; work to protect and promote national cultural heritage...
Commenting on the draft report, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ngo Chi Tue highly agreed with the content of the draft report; at the same time, he requested the drafting agency to study specific goals related to district-level administrative units to be consistent with the policy of arranging and organizing the apparatus in the coming time of the Party, National Assembly and Government.
In the 10 component contents that have assigned the agency to preside over and guide the implementation, he suggested that it is necessary to be specific and detailed in each program content, the method of organization and implementation, assignment and decentralization to localities so that the provinces can base on actual conditions, advise on the content of implementing provincial and regional linkages in cultural development, ensuring effectiveness according to the proposed program framework.
Regarding the funding for implementing the programs, comrade Ngo Chi Tue agreed on the proposed support mechanism as in the draft report, which is to prioritize central budget support for provinces receiving additional balance from the central budget, while provinces with central budget regulations will only support capital for a number of tasks, following the criteria issued by the Prime Minister, especially for special national relics and ethnic minority areas.
Only then can we create a balance of resources for comprehensive cultural development of the whole country, successfully implementing the national target program on cultural development for the period 2025 - 2035 according to the Resolution of the Party, the National Assembly and the direction of the Government.
In the coming time, Vinh Phuc plans to allocate investment resources to cultural heritages, first of all national and provincial heritages, degraded relics, traditional festivals; cultural and sports institutions at provincial, commune, village and residential group levels, including sports complexes, parks, entertainment areas, etc.
Synthesizing and absorbing the opinions of delegates at the workshop, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung emphasized that this is a national target program on cultural development, aiming to build a civilized society, enrich the cultural identity of regions, promote positive cultural factors, shape the cultural environment to form cultured people, meeting the development requirements of society.
He suggested that specialized departments continue to research, supplement and complete the draft report based on the opinions of the delegates and rely on local resources, ensuring the development of a focused and key program, effectively implementing Resolution No. 162 of the National Assembly.
Source: https://baovinhphuc.com.vn/Multimedia/Images/Id/124442/Hoi-thao-gop-y-du-thao-Bao-cao-nghien-cuu-kha-thi-Chuong-trinh-muc-tieu-quoc-gia-ve-phat-trien-van-hoa-giai-doan-2025---2035
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