Hoi An City Party Committee requested to organize extensive political and ideological activities on the book “Building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity” among Party committees at all levels, cadres, Party members and the people. At the same time, this is considered a regular, long-term task, focusing on the anniversaries of major national holidays.
In addition, organize scientific seminars and discussions on the content, theoretical and practical values of the book; update the book's content in the program of the reporter conference, the political theory training program taught at the political center and colleges in the city.
The Hoi An City Party Committee also requested agencies, units, party organizations and unions to organize various forms of Party committee activities, specialized Party cell activities and regular activities to concretize, creatively apply and suit the viewpoints on building and developing an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity in practical conditions.
Thereby helping agencies, units and localities promptly concretize and apply the theoretical and practical issues mentioned in the book to the implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and the guiding views of the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on building and developing advanced Vietnamese culture and people with strong national identity.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/hoi-an-tuyen-truyen-cuon-sach-xay-dung-va-phat-trien-nen-van-hoa-viet-nam-tien-tien-dam-da-ban-sac-dan-toc-3145533.html
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