Colonel, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Long, Head of the Faculty of Logistics and Engineering (National Defense Academy) and Colonel Nguyen Khac Huy, Deputy Chief of Staff of Military Region 1 co-chaired the conference.

Colonel Nguyen Khac Huy, Deputy Chief of Staff of Military Region 1, spoke at the conference.

Colonel, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Long, Head of the Faculty of Logistics and Engineering (National Defense Academy) spoke at the conference.

The discussion focused on the issue of combat environment; studying documents on command and staff work for the defense of the Military Region. Investigating and surveying the actual characteristics of the situation in some key strategic areas; surveying the actual situation of training and combat readiness of the unit in new combat conditions; surveying the infrastructure network system serving command and operation; camera system serving command, operation and training exercises; combat information system; system of support tools for operations on digital maps, electronic sand table system, artillery calculation support system, support for calculation of logistics and technical support.

View of the seminar.

The seminar aims to analyze the characteristics and practical requirements for the ability to apply information technology to build a model to support the Commander in building and making determination for defensive operations in the Military Region and the process of applying the proposed model in evaluating, testing, and simulating determination for defensive operations in the Military Region; using database software; using modeling methods to design the system.

News and photos: BUI HIEP
