On the afternoon of December 25, 2024, the Academy of Journalism and Communication received and worked with the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration. The working session aimed to strengthen the cooperative relationship between the two training institutions, exchanging expertise and skills in a number of key areas such as: training, scientific research, and staff organization.
Scene of the reception and working session with the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration
Attending the working session, on behalf of the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration, there were Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Academy; Associate Professor, Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Academy; Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Academy; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Academy; Dr. Lai Duc Vuong, Deputy Director of the National Academy of Public Administration; Associate Professor , Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hien, Director of the National Academy of Public Administration Branch in Quang Nam; Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Acting Director of the National Academy of Public Administration Branch in Ho Chi Minh City; and representatives of the leaders of the units: Department of Archives and Office Management of the Academy, Training Management Board, Department of Public Administration, Department of Social Management, Department of State and Law, Department of Human Resources Management, State Management Magazine, Office of Party - Mass Organizations.Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Minh Son, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Academy spoke at the reception of the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration.
Speaking at the reception of the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Minh Son, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Academy, gave an overview of the history of the formation and development of the Academy of Journalism and Communication over the past 63 years. He emphasized that in the coming time, the Academy of Journalism and Communication and the National Academy of Public Administration will be under the same roof, which is the common house of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics . According to the arrangement plan of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics , the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics will have two specific academies, the Academy of Journalism and Communication and the Academy of Public Administration and Management, which will be two units for undergraduate and postgraduate training in various majors, along with departments and institutes in the regional academies of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics.Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Party Secretary, Director of the National Academy of Public Administration, spoke at the working session with the Academy of Journalism and Communication.
Speaking at the working session with the Academy of Journalism and Communication, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, Party Secretary and Director of the National Academy of Public Administration, gave an overview of the history of the formation and development of the National Academy of Public Administration over the past 60 years. He also thanked the Board of Directors of the Academy of Journalism and Communication for arranging the time to organize a meeting and exchange on expertise and profession between the two training institutions. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien affirmed that today's meeting was truly meaningful in the context of the two units preparing to merge and expressed his hope that in the coming time, there will soon be ties and cooperation when the two institutions are merged, so that the two sides can take advantage of each other's strengths in both human resources and facilities.Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc, Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the School Council spoke at the reception of the delegation from the National Academy of Public Administration.
Speaking at the reception of the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc, Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the University Council emphasized that, following the direction of Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, there is no distinction but all must be responsible for how to promote the effectiveness of the entire system. The Academy of Journalism and Communication is always ready to share and cooperate with the National Academy of Public Administration in all fields, so that both sides can promote each other's strengths and expertise, and strive to become key national universities.The leadership of the Academy of Journalism and Communication presented souvenirs to the leadership of the National Academy of Public Administration.
The Board of Directors of the National Academy of Public Administration presented souvenirs to the Board of Directors of the Academy of Journalism and Communication.
Delegates from both sides took souvenir photos
Source: https://ajc.hcma.vn/Pages/chi-tiet-tin-tuc.aspx?ItemID=14720&cm=142
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