General Secretary To Lam has just written an article "Lifelong Learning", with the message that lifelong learning to dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to sacrifice for the common good, and become useful people is an urgent requirement.
Giao thong Newspaper respectfully publishes the full text of the article by General Secretary To Lam.
General Secretary To Lam.
The scientific and technological revolution has been taking place strongly on a global scale, creating a huge transformation in social life, posing new requirements, new needs, new tasks, new thoughts, new actions for every Vietnamese citizen, especially for cadres and party members of the political system on the path of building and defending the socialist Fatherland, especially making the most of opportunities, taking shortcuts, bringing the country firmly into the era of development, prosperity, standing shoulder to shoulder with the world powers.
To successfully fulfill the requirements, tasks, and responsibilities in the new period, lifelong learning to dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to sacrifice for the common good, to become useful people is an urgent requirement for each individual, each citizen, especially cadres and employees in the political system.
Lifelong learning is not a new issue. Right after the success of the August Revolution, President Ho Chi Minh launched a movement for the entire people and army to eradicate illiteracy. He advised: "... If you want to know, you must compete to learn. Learning never ends. Learn forever to progress forever. The more you progress, the more you see, the more you have to learn" ; " The more society advances, the more work there is, the more sophisticated the machines are. If we do not study, we will be backward, and if we are backward, we will be eliminated, and we will be eliminated." I eliminate myself" .
During revolutionary periods, especially during the years of renovation, our Party has always paid attention to and encouraged lifelong learning and built the whole country into a learning society. The policy of lifelong learning is mentioned in many Resolutions, Directives and Conclusions of the Party such as Resolution of the 4th Central Committee, Session VII, on continuing to innovate the education and training career, Resolution of the 2nd Central Committee, Session VIII, on strategic orientation for education and training development in the period of industrialization and modernization and tasks until 2000, Conclusion No. 14-KL/TW, dated July 26, 2002, the 6th Central Conference, Session IX, on continuing to implement Resolution of the 2nd Central Committee, Session VIII, Resolutions of the 10th and 11th Party Congresses, Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW, dated November 4, 2013 of the 11th Central Executive Committee on "Fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the conditions of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration", Resolution of the 13th Party Congress affirming "Promoting the building of a learning society, lifelong learning "Revolutionary people must learn all their lives, learn from books, learn from each other and learn from the people; the "sea of learning" is immense and never dries up.
Implementing the Party's viewpoints and policies, building a learning society and lifelong learning has become a movement, a need, a cultural habit and achieved many important results.
Accordingly, a unified national education system has been formed from preschool education to postgraduate training; types of schools, classes, and training types have been diversified, providing learning opportunities for people of all ages. The method of providing and connecting between training levels has been improved; the education network and scale have been expanded throughout all regions of the country; emulation movements to encourage learning and talent have gradually gone into more depth and substance in almost all localities; a healthy educational environment, where learning goes hand in hand with practice, is associated with the movement to eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, build a cultural life, and a cultural family.
In many clans, villages, communes, hamlets, and communes, the emulation movement for learning is developing strongly. The awareness of lifelong learning has been and is permeating every family, every residential area, every training facility, every region, and area...
There have been many typical examples of farmers, workers, cadres, and teachers who actively self-study, are creative in their work, and have made many contributions to the community; many typical examples of applying scientific and technological advances, having many effective research and solutions with high applicability in practice, production, and life; many elderly people, thanks to self-study, self-research, and applying knowledge and experience to production, have helped their families escape poverty, build a new cultural life, and contribute to the local socio-economy.
New models, shining examples of the spirit of never-too-late learning, there are many people at the age of "thất thập cổ lai hy" but still studying for a master's degree, doing a doctoral thesis with the sole purpose of studying to set an example for their children and grandchildren to follow and advise their children and grandchildren to "study, study more, study forever"; "Study to work, to be a person, to be a cadre . Study to serve the organization, serve the class and the people, serve the Fatherland and humanity" , contributing to our country's great achievements after nearly 40 years of renovation.
Besides the results, the implementation of the lifelong learning policy still has some shortcomings and limitations. Training and development still focus on quantity without really paying attention to quality; self-study, practical study and lifelong learning of cadres and party members have not achieved the desired results; there is still a situation of studying according to trends, craze for degrees without really basing on practical requirements, fear of difficulties and hardships in studying, not delving into thinking to rise up to conquer the peaks in science.
The limited professional and technical skills, individualism, and empiricism among a number of cadres and party members affect the quality of public service performance and the quality of service to the people; affect the spirit of daring to think, daring to speak, daring to do, and daring to take responsibility; eliminate the motivation for innovation and creativity; and lack of knowledge and confidence in the ability to propose and implement breakthrough initiatives and solutions.
A number of cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers are satisfied with the knowledge they have learned in schools and training facilities, or pursue their studies to complete their qualifications to qualify for promotion, and do not study or learn regularly to improve their professional qualifications, management capacity, knowledge, integration skills, and adaptability...
Some people are afraid of learning, do not have the concept of regular learning, lifelong learning, so they become backward, conservative, unable to adapt and keep up with the hurried "rotation" of the "stormy" pace of life in the era of science and technology 4.0 and X.0.
The country is facing new opportunities and chances to rise up, to "stand shoulder to shoulder" with the world as President Ho Chi Minh wished and the aspiration of the entire nation.
Our Party has no other interests than to bring the country and people into a prosperous society, where people are prosperous, free, happy and developed; more than ever, we need cadres with innovative thinking, vision, and actions, who dare to think, speak, act, take responsibility, and sacrifice, especially in carrying out revolutions in streamlining and streamlining the apparatus; efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency; and implementing Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW, dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo on breakthroughs in science and technology development, innovation and national digital transformation.
The 4.0 revolution is taking place at an unprecedented scale and speed. The strong development of the knowledge economy, digital transformation, digital economy, and digital society means that part of the content taught in schools today may become outdated after a few years.
Moreover, what is common today did not exist 10 years ago and 65% of current jobs will be replaced by technology in the coming years. With the world being complex, unstable and changing unpredictably, knowledge must be constantly supplemented, human life expectancy must be longer, retirement time must be long enough, forcing the elderly to learn and be active so as not to fall behind modern society.
In that context, lifelong learning becomes a rule of life; not only helping each individual recognize, adapt, not fall behind the daily changes of the current world, enriching intelligence, perfecting personality, overcoming difficulties and challenges to increasingly progress and position themselves in modern society; more importantly, this is an important key to improving people's knowledge and training human resources, promoting socio-economic development, the only way, the inevitable direction of every country to ensure prosperous and sustainable development.
Lifelong learning helps each member of society have the conditions and opportunities to improve themselves, improve the quality of life of themselves, their families, clans, villages, wards, communes and the whole country under the leadership of the Party on the path to becoming a rich, strong, democratic, fair, civilized and socialist country.
Only when we promote lifelong learning in essence, will we be rich in ideas, solutions and initiatives to solve urgent practical demands, new and unprecedented problems; thoroughly overcome "bottlenecks" in mechanisms and policies, formal manifestations in self-criticism and criticism; eliminate stagnation and confusion in solving work in localities, agencies and units; create a team of brave cadres who correctly perceive objective laws, proactively think and master their thoughts, dare to speak up about issues arising from practice, from vivid life, from the demands of innovation and the legitimate demands and aspirations of the people; have determination, dare to take responsibility for the results of work, fields and sectors that they are in charge of, dare to admit mistakes, correct mistakes, take responsibility before the people, before the Party, know how to master themselves and their work; Dare to oppose unjust glory and wealth and, if necessary, dare to sacrifice personal interests for the Party, the Fatherland and the people.
At that time, we will successfully build a team of cadres with qualifications, capacity, good moral qualities, with aspirations to rise up, aspirations to develop, daring to think, daring to do, daring to take responsibility for their decisions to realize revolutionary tasks, creating breakthroughs for the benefit of the people, for the development of the country.
Building a learning society and lifelong learning will only be successful when every citizen is aware of his or her own responsibility for lifelong self-learning; every cadre and party member is always aware that lifelong learning is a revolutionary task with a serious attitude and high self-awareness.
Through lifelong learning, we are aware of our responsibility for building and defending the Fatherland in each specific period and time; have the ability to master and organize our lives; to constantly progress, have better health and quality of life; understand, preserve and contribute to building national cultural traditions; believe in the future of the country, in the Party's correct guidelines and leadership, and have the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country.
Every citizen needs to constantly study political theory, expertise, profession, methods, work experience and the ability to coordinate in a collective to improve organizational discipline, labor productivity and promote the combined strength; every cadre and party member needs to learn about the qualifications of a revolutionary cadre, learn from books, learn from each other and learn from the people; constantly self-study, self-update new knowledge, actively participate in the "digital learning" movement, popularize and improve knowledge of science and technology, digital knowledge; actively propagate and mobilize relatives, families and clans to self-study for life. Through lifelong learning, we can fulfill all tasks assigned by the Party, the revolution and the people.
Each Party Committee, socio-political organization, and professional association needs to clearly recognize the main goal of lifelong learning as developing socialist human beings, thereby determining lifelong learning contents for cadres, Party members, and members associated with launching emulation, evaluation, commendation, and rewards.
The Party and State will soon summarize, evaluate, research and promulgate regulations and procedures, innovate viewpoints on evaluation, screening and planning of cadres, in order to build a complete, clean and strong public authority apparatus, wholeheartedly serving the people; protect cadres who are ready to take the lead, ready to "break through barriers" and make breakthroughs for the common good.
Continue to improve the education system in an open, flexible, and interconnected direction, creating lifelong learning opportunities for all citizens and implementing training according to the needs of the labor market. There are specific solutions to raise social awareness of the role and significance of lifelong learning and its contribution to improving the quality and competitiveness of the national human resources.
Monitor, inspect, and supervise the implementation of pilot projects on innovative and creative proposals; proactively detect emerging issues, promptly encourage, support, and remove difficulties and obstacles, or review, adjust, and make decisions appropriate to the actual situation; have a policy of exempting responsibility for officers who conduct pilot projects whose results do not meet or only partially meet the set goals, or who encounter risks and losses due to objective reasons.
We are living in an era where knowledge, understanding and understanding will help people maximize their potential to take advantage of opportunities and effectively respond to challenges for sustainable development; it is also an era where the amount of human knowledge increases exponentially every day.
Only when the entire Party, the entire people, the entire army, every household and every individual effectively implement lifelong learning, and build a contingent of cadres who dare to do, dare to speak, dare to take responsibility, and dare to sacrifice, can we firmly enter a new era, an era of development and prosperity under the leadership of the Party.
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