Many students expressed concern about the new high school exam structure, especially in math with practical math problems that have long texts, requiring students to have good reading and understanding skills to handle them.
Math questions are more difficult to understand than literature questions.
The reference math exam for high school graduation from 2025 has a new structure of 4 pages, divided into 3 parts: multiple choice, true or false, and short answer. Many students expressed concern about the length and number of words in the exam when they have to read and calculate at the same time.
Dinh Minh Thu, a 12th grade student at Le Quy Don High School (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City), said she was "dizzy" when reading the math problem. "The problem was long with many practical problems, more difficult to understand than the literature problem. I'm not good at reading comprehension, so I often read and forget, it took me a long time to understand the problem's requirements," the female student confided.
This year's 12th graders are the first generation to take the high school graduation exam with the new exam structure according to the 2018 General Education Program.
Accordingly, Minh Thu had difficulty with question 3, part II with the probability of purchasing. The female student said: "I was confused when I read the part about events A, B "will actually buy the product" and "will buy the product". I forgot all the questions I had read so I had to go back to the beginning. Thanks to the teacher's correction, I realized that this question was not difficult, but reading and understanding the questions was really a challenge". This made Minh Thu stressed when she had to analyze the real exam questions herself.
Studying at the same school, Le Tran Hong Ngan was confused by question 4 of Part II related to the meteorite problem. "This question is more than 10 lines long with a lot of data. Even though I read the question and compared the illustrations, I still couldn't figure out the question's requirements. I often get distracted by side information like "objects that can collide and cause danger to the Earth" or "establish observation stations for flying objects," the female student cited.
Also having difficulty with the new exam, Nguyen Thi Thanh My, a 12A12 student at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai High School (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City) was worried that she would "wrongly" fill in the answer in the short answer section. "Not only do we write the numerical answer in the box, we also have to fill in the corresponding number below the answer (like filling in the exam code) and also fill in the minus sign, comma,... in the correct position. This is the part where regrettable mistakes most easily occur," the female student commented.
Math reference test makes students easily confused with large amount of information and many words
3 steps to help students read, understand and analyze the topic
Commenting on the sample math test, Mr. Han Thien Tan, a math teacher in District 4, said that the test focuses on practical math problems, so it is quite long. However, students do not necessarily need to practice "reading comprehension" skills to do math.
To deal with distracting information in real math problems, Mr. Tan advises students to get into the habit of summarizing the problem. "With long, information-rich problems, summarizing helps students remember data more accurately, focus on the main requirements of the problem, and ignore unnecessary details," Mr. Tan instructs.
Mr. Nguyen Minh Thanh, a math teacher at Mac Dinh Chi High School (District 6, Ho Chi Minh City), suggests 3 steps to help students read, understand and analyze the problem: Read the problem carefully 3 times; underline data and specialized terms such as distance, velocity, acceleration, thrust, pull, work, profit, cost, revenue; relate the problem to the curriculum topics such as derivatives, integrals, Oxyz coordinates, probability, etc. and think of the formulas to apply.
"Many practical application problems are often related to situations from physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. Therefore, students with a good foundation in these subjects and practical knowledge will have an advantage when taking math tests compared to those who have studied less natural subjects and have little knowledge of their surroundings," said Mr. Thanh.
Speaking more about the case of filling in and filling in the wrong answers in Part III, teacher Minh Thanh said that "practice makes perfect", students should practice a lot to get used to filling in and filling in the answers, avoiding confusion and minimizing errors when entering the real exam. "Students should also note that in the answer sheet published by the Ministry of Education and Training, the short answer section has a blank space to write the answer in ink, and the section filled in with pencil will be the basis for students to request a re-evaluation later", the male teacher shared.
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