Compared to Decree 84/2024/ND-CP dated July 17, 2020, this draft has many amendments and supplements on scholarships to encourage learning and regulations on exemption and reduction of public service ticket prices for students.
Scholarships for students from specialized schools and gifted schools
The draft amends many contents, including specific conditions for considering and granting scholarships to encourage learning for students of specialized schools, schools for gifted arts and sports (Clause 1, Article 8 of Decree 84/2020/ND-CP).
Accordingly, specialized school students with good training and learning results in the scholarship consideration period must have a specialized subject score of 8.5 or higher or achieve one of the encouragement prizes or higher in the national, regional or international excellent student competition of that year.
Students of gifted schools in arts, physical education and sports with training results at a good level or higher, academic results at a passing level in the examination period, scholarships and medals in national, regional or international competitions of that school year.
The draft states: for high school students, according to the 2018 General Education Program, students' training results in each semester and the entire school year are evaluated according to 1 of 4 levels: good, fair, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. Students' learning results in each semester and the entire school year are evaluated according to 1 of 4 levels: good, fair, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory.
This amendment is necessary to ensure consistency in determining the level of completion of students' training and learning tasks according to the requirements to be achieved as prescribed in the 2018 General Education Program.
For students of vocational education institutions and universities, the draft maintains the provisions in Clause 1, Article 85 of the Law on Education, without adding any additional conditions.
Scholarships with vocational education institutions, public universities
The draft also amends and supplements Point b, Clause 4, Article 8 of Decree 84/2020/ND-CP on sources for forming scholarships to encourage learning for vocational training institutions and public universities. Regarding this content, the draft Government Submission proposes 2 options.
Option 1: For vocational training institutions and universities, learning incentive scholarships are arranged at a minimum of 5% of tuition revenue for public schools and at least 2% of tuition revenue for private schools.
Option 2: For vocational training institutions and universities: study encouragement scholarships are arranged at a minimum of 8% of regular tuition revenue for public schools and at least 2% of tuition revenue for private schools.
Regarding the amendment and supplementation of Point b, Clause 4, Article 8 of Decree 84/2020/ND-CP, the Ministry of Education and Training chooses Option 1. According to this option, the draft Decree does not distinguish between students studying full-time programs and those studying part-time programs or distance learning.
The draft also adds point d after point c, Clause 1, Article 8, the subjects of the scholarship to encourage learning are: "Students of higher education institutions who are subject to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 85 of the Law on Education who are studying training programs to implement Programs and Projects on human resource development for new industries approved by the Government and the Prime Minister".
The draft also adds point c after point b, clause 4, Article 8 on the source of scholarships to encourage learning. Accordingly, the state grants scholarships to the subjects specified in point d, clause 1, Article 8. The scholarship funding is balanced in the annual state budget expenditure estimate for the education and training sector according to the state budget management decentralization.
The draft decree supplements specific regulations on scholarship levels, principles of enjoyment and payment methods of study incentive scholarships for the above subjects.
Free and reduced public service tickets for students
Draft amendments and supplements to Clause 1 and Clause 2, Article 10 on exemption and reduction of public service ticket prices for transportation, entertainment, visiting museums, historical sites, and cultural works.
Specifically, adding 3 types of public transport for which students get discounts: skytrain, subway, ferry.
The draft removes the provision that students are entitled to a discount on service tickets when directly using library services, because there is no concept of library service tickets under the Library Law. At the same time, the Library Law has stipulated the rights of specific library users. Accordingly, children have the right to be facilitated to use information resources appropriate to their age and grade level at public libraries, and are exempted from library card fees.
The draft amendment stipulates that high school students are exempted from paying for visits to cultural institutions such as museums, historical-cultural sites, and scenic spots, and standardizes terminology to comply with the Law on Cultural Heritage. For students, the draft maintains the current regulations in Decree 84/2020/ND-CP (reduced fees for visiting museums, historical-cultural sites, and scenic spots).
“The above amendments incorporate the opinions of the majority of teachers, learners, and educational management agencies, and have a positive impact on providing high school students, especially primary school students, with more opportunities to participate in learning through practical experiences and exploration. This amendment is consistent with the purpose and requirements of the current General Education Program,” the draft states.
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