(Dan Tri) - From 2025, students who win provincial and city-level prizes in culture, arts, sports, and science and technology will receive bonus points when taking the 10th grade public school entrance exam.
The Circular promulgating the regulations on secondary and high school admissions of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) changes the policy of adding points for students taking the entrance exam to public grade 10.
Accordingly, in addition to priority policy subjects, the Ministry stipulates an incentive bonus of 0.5 to 1.5 points for excellent students who win provincial-level prizes organized by the Department of Education and Training or in coordination with departments and branches organized on a provincial scale for competitions organized at the national level.
Specifically, first prize winners will receive 1.5 points, second prize winners will receive 1 point, and third prize winners will receive 0.5 points.
The incentive points are added to the total admission score calculated on a 10-point scale for each subject and exam.
In previous years, the Ministry did not allow additional points for students who won provincial or municipal prizes.
The new circular takes effect from February 14.
Students taking the 10th grade exam in Hanoi (Photo: Manh Quan).
In 2025, admission to grade 10 will be organized in one of three ways: selection, entrance exam, or a combination of selection and examination.
With the entrance exam method, the number of subjects is 3 subjects with math, literature and 1 third subject or a combination exam.
Departments of Education and Training can choose 1 of 2 options. If choosing the 3rd subject, this subject must be among the subjects that are evaluated by scores and the same subject must not be chosen for more than 3 consecutive years.
If you choose a combined exam, the subjects chosen must be among the subjects that are evaluated by scores.
The time for localities to announce the third subject is after the end of semester I and no later than March 31 every year.
With the admission method, the basis is the training results and learning results of the years of secondary school general education program or secondary school continuing education program of the admission subject.
Regarding the exam duration of each subject, literature is 120 minutes, math is 90 minutes or 120 minutes, the third subject is 60 minutes or 90 minutes, and the combined exam is 90 minutes or 120 minutes.
The exam content is within the secondary school general education program, mainly grade 9 program.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/hoc-sinh-gioi-cap-tinh-thanh-pho-duoc-cong-diem-thi-vao-lop-10-cong-lap-20250108083434018.htm
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