“Shock” and “hurt” are what Ms. Nguyen Thi Mai Huong (Hai Ba Trung district, Hanoi) just experienced when she received the news that her child's application, which was mostly 10 points, was rejected in the admission round to grade 6 at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted.
“My mother and I spent all our elementary school years preparing a good report card, hoping to get into grade 6 at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, but we never thought we would be rejected from the application round like this ,” the young parent said, choking up.
This student had a total of 10 points in his academic results, but his application to grade 6 was rejected by Amsterdam school (Photo: PHCC).
The total of 17 periodic end-of-year tests at primary school level (Math, Vietnamese for grades 1 and 2; Math, Vietnamese, English for grades 3; Math, Vietnamese, Science, History and Geography, English for grades 4 and 5) of Ms. Huong's child was 168 points. However, in grade 1, her child's Music subject was ranked "Completed".
For Ms. Huong, the school’s unreasonable admission regulations have shattered the students’ dreams even before they have taken any aptitude tests to get into their dream school. Therefore, all the efforts of both the children and their parents have not been rewarded in the end.
Similarly, Ms. NTMQ (Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi) said that her child's application was rejected because the first grade Art study results only reached the level of "Completed". In grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, the child achieved the title of "Excellent completion of learning and training contents". In grade 1, the child achieved the title of "Good completion of learning contents". Ms. MQ's child's application almost reached perfection if there was not a secondary subject ranked as "Completed". When receiving the information that her child's application was not accepted, this parent felt "deeply shocked" and "indescribably sad".
Students "failed" Ams school right from the application round because the Fine Arts subject was ranked "complete". (Photo: PHCC)
Ms. Đ.TH (Nam Tu Liem District) also expressed disappointment when her child's report cards from grades 2 to 5 all scored 10 points but still failed the application round. Ms. Đ.TH added that there are currently more than 100 parents whose children's applications to grade 6 at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted were rejected for the same reason. Some parents discussed submitting a petition about the school's admission requirements.
Every year, the admission requirements for grade 6 at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted change.
In 2020, students must achieve the title of "Excellent completion of learning and training content" in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5. Candidates must achieve a total preliminary score of 137 points or higher to be eligible to participate in round 2 - the entrance exam.
In 2021, students who are eligible for admission must meet the following conditions: Year-end report cards for grades 1 to 5 must have the title of "Excellent completion of study and training contents" or higher, of which, in the 2 years of grades 4 and 5, they must have the title of "Students who have excellently completed study and training contents".
In 2022, candidates need to have transcripts from grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 with the title of "Excellent completion of study and training content".
In 2023, the admission requirements are considered to be more stringent. In addition to the total of 17 required scores of at least 167 points, the document proposing the admission plan for grade 6 at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted in the 2023 - 2024 school year clearly states:
"Primary school report cards of students are evaluated according to Circular 30/2014/TT-BGDDT dated August 28, 2014 and Circular 22/2016/TT-BGDDT dated September 22, 2016 of the Ministry of Education and Training, specifically: The final report cards of grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of students are evaluated as "Completing the learning and training contents well" or higher".
In this year's 6th grade entrance exam, Amsterdam School requires students to have a "flawless" transcript from the first grade. This change has left many parents disappointed as their child's dream of entering the school has been "broken halfway".
Mr. Nguyen Hai Son - Principal of Hai Ly Secondary School (Nam Dinh) is concerned about the outbreak of "grade-fixing" when the school requires students to have perfect academic records as above. " Looking at reality, there are students who are not talented in Music or Fine Arts, is it too much to ask them to be excellent? ", he wondered.
Moreover, only looking at the student's report card to evaluate the student's ability is difficult to ensure fairness and accuracy. Talents will have no place when education still focuses on virtual achievements.
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