DNVN - The draft Law on Digital Technology Industry (CCNNS) is being finalized to create a solid legal corridor, promoting CNCNS to become a spearhead economic sector. Many opinions suggest more specific regulations on incentives, support for businesses, innovative startups... to ensure feasibility and effective implementation immediately after the law comes into effect.
Currently, the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment is seeking opinions from affected parties on the Draft Law on Digital Technology Industry (Draft).
The draft stipulates policies to support the development of the digital technology industry, including: support for building and developing brands; developing foreign and domestic markets; incentives; developing human resources and digital technology talents; incentives for digital technology zones; managing and exploiting digital data; promoting the smartening of industries through the application of digital technology; procedures for establishing and investing in digital technology zones, etc.
The documents are expected to affect businesses operating in the information technology and digital technology sectors.
At the 8th Session, the National Assembly discussed and gave opinions on the draft Law on CNCNS. The majority of opinions of the National Assembly deputies agreed on the necessity of promulgating the Law on CNCNS (draft Law) and basically agreed with many contents of the draft Law.
Illustration photo. Source: Phenikaa-uni.edu.vn.
According to the report on reception, explanation and revision of the draft Law on CNCNS of the National Assembly Standing Committee (NASC), digital transformation is currently identified as one of the important driving forces for developing productive forces, perfecting production relations and establishing a digital production method. Therefore, Vietnam needs to soon promulgate the CNCNS Law. The promulgation of the CNCNS Law at this time is necessary and appropriate to create a legal corridor for CNCNS development, making CNCNS a major contributor to the country's economy.
Regarding the CNCNS development policy, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly said that some opinions said that the regulations on CNCNS development policy are still general, lacking specific and breakthrough contents and have not clearly defined the subjects of application. This makes implementation in practice difficult, and at the same time, has not shown significant differences compared to the IT sector.
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly found the opinions of the National Assembly Deputies very valid and directed to absorb and revise this content in the direction of specifying detailed incentives, specific subjects, criteria for determination... in order to fully and promptly institutionalize the Party's policy on CNCNS in Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo, ensuring feasibility and implementation immediately after the Law comes into effect.
There are opinions suggesting that support policies must be comprehensive and focused, not only to help small and medium enterprises overcome barriers but also to create a favorable environment for CNCNS to become a key economic sector, contributing to improving national competitiveness in the context of globalization and digital transformation.
In response to the opinions of the National Assembly Deputies, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly has directed the reception and revision of this content in the direction of detailing incentives and support for enterprises in research and development; market access and support for product and service production activities... ensuring comprehensiveness, comprehensiveness and focus. These regulations aim to fully and promptly institutionalize the Party's policy on developing human resources and enterprises in Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo.
There are suggestions to add more details on financial and investment support mechanisms for startups in the CNCNS sector in Clause 6. Along with that, it is necessary to stipulate incentives for Vietnamese CNCNS enterprises when expanding into international markets. This policy will help reduce financial burdens and promote innovation to create a sustainable technology ecosystem.
In response to the above comments, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly directed the agency in charge of the appraisal to coordinate with the agency in charge of the drafting to receive and specify policies to support research and development in Articles 17, 18, and 19; and the incentive mechanism in Article 37 of the draft Law.
Regarding the proposal to add policies on startups and innovation in the CNS, or add a separate section on startups and innovation in the CNS; develop regional policies as centers of innovation and high-tech science; policies on national brands for CNS; policies on technology, human resource training, international cooperation; develop policies on popular digital education, including CNCNS for all people.
In response to the above comments, the draft Law has been revised to include specific regulations on innovative startups; policies on national CNS brands are integrated into regulations on CNCNS development programs; policies on technology, human resource training, and international cooperation.
Regarding the proposal to supplement regulations clearly defining the role of the private sector, international organizations and FDI enterprises in investing and transferring CNS, the draft Law has been revised in the direction of clearly defining investment, production, business and transfer of CNS as industries and professions with special investment incentives and special incentive policies in Article 37 of the draft Law to encourage the private sector, international organizations and FDI enterprises in investing and transferring CNS...
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/cong-nghe/hoan-thien-luat-cong-nghiep-cong-nghe-so-de-tao-dong-luc-phat-trien/20250312040251601
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