The progress of the remaining packages of the Project is as follows: Package CP05 - Depot architectural works reached 99.4%; Package CP06 - Design and installation of railway system 1: Locomotives, Depot equipment, CC/SCADA, signals, information and power supply - elevated section reached 99.6%; Package CP07 - Design and installation of railway system 2 (E&M): Environmental control system, elevators and escalators, fire prevention and fighting system and drainage system - elevated section reached 99.6%; Package CP08 - Design, supply and installation of railway system 3: Railway for the entire line and railways in the Depot (including the 3rd rail) - progress of the elevated section reached 99.9%; Package CP09 - Ticket system - progress of the elevated section reached 98.3%.

To proceed to trial operation before official operation, the Project is conducting operational training, system safety assessment and reporting, and acceptance.

Below are some pictures at 8 elevated stations of the Nhon - Hanoi railway line:

The elevated stations have an overall design shaped like a bird of peace. The stations are surrounded by green carpets, planted and watered automatically.
The station roof has a V-shaped structure with a relatively large slope so that it can self-clean when it rains; making maintenance simpler.
The roof glass system is selected as heat-insulating, UV-resistant glass to ensure natural light during the day, protecting the health of passengers waiting and getting on and off the train at the platform level.
Passengers can access the elevated station by 4 entrances and exits from 4 directions on the sidewalks on both sides of the road.
The system of stairs, escalators and elevators is convenient for the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women and children.
The project's 8 elevated stations are approximately 22.5m high, 24m wide, and located 8m above the road surface.
Each station is designed with 3 floors. In which, the platform floor - where passengers wait and board the train, comes with a system of information instructions for passengers, and a safety control system for operation.
Currently, the fare collection system is fully installed at the transit level of 8 elevated stations. The system is designed according to European standards, with equipment mainly originating from France.
Some of the system's equipment are: Automatic ticket vending machine (TVM), door system, ticket vending machine located at the ticket office (TOM), card initiator (CIM), handheld ticket checking device (PCD)... With the AFC automatic ticket collection system, when arriving at any station of the route, passengers can choose to buy many types of cards and tickets.
The official names of the 8 stations are based on the geographical locations that the route passes through, including: Nhon, Minh Khai, Phu Dien, Cau Dien, Le Duc Tho, National University, Chua Ha, Cau Giay. Not only meeting the requirements of function and technology, each elevated station is also designed with its own image to promote and honor the culture of the capital.

The urban railway is an architectural landscape highlight for the western area of ​​the city.


* Please visit the Economics section to see related news and articles.