Impressive results
- Sir, in 2024, what are the outstanding achievements of My Son tourism?
* Mr. Dang Huu Phuc: Over the years, My Son Relic Site has increasingly affirmed itself as a model in the work of preserving and promoting heritage values, ensuring a harmonious relationship between cultural and economic development. Many international cooperation projects in conservation and restoration have been established and brought about impressive results.
In 2024, in addition to traditional products, the My Son Cultural Heritage Management Board will renew products, art performances, and multilingual explanations to suit the needs of tourists.
Currently, the management board is serving tourists in 8 languages, including Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, English, Italian and Spanish, presenting 40 stories corresponding to 40 stops at the relic complex.
With this new approach, traditional, high-quality visitor sources such as Australia, North America, Europe, Korea, Japan and India have returned strongly, equivalent to the peak visitor numbers of the years before the COVID-19 pandemic.
The number of visitors to My Son Relic Site in 2024 is estimated at 446 thousand, including 405 thousand international visitors, accounting for 90%. Total revenue is approximately 72 billion VND, reaching 120% compared to 2023.
- To continue promoting the heritage value, what strategy will My Son propose in the coming time?
* Mr. Dang Huu Phuc: First of all, it is to create a breakthrough in human resource development, focusing on building and consolidating a scientific organization and reasonable structure.
In addition to training human resources for conservation work, My Son selects and trains highly specialized human resources with the ability to effectively participate in tourism promotion, connecting products to create a practical value chain.
At the same time, My Son continues to effectively apply digital platforms and strongly develop cultural industries as other places have done. This helps to maximize the value of My Son but has little impact on the heritage.
In addition, strengthen the connection with heritages and tourist destinations in the region to create a boost to promote heritage values. Because My Son has a strategic position on the Central Heritage Road.
Strict protection of core area
- For the core area of My Son, what protection solutions does the locality propose, sir?
* Mr. Dang Huu Phuc: My Son continues to strictly protect the core area, tightly control the landscape around the heritage, including the entire landscape of Hon Den, Nui Chua, the surrounding area, along with existing or potential cultural values.
In particular, we take into account the factors of linking cultural conservation and forest economic development. We pay attention to effectively implementing the projects "Conserving the ecological diversity of My Son special-use forests", "Establishing a forest to protect the landscape at My Son historical and cultural relics" and supporting the livelihoods of people in the heritage area.
These issues are implemented synchronously to both raise awareness of officials, people and tourists about the important value of joining hands to preserve the green color of My Son, and exploit tourism services, especially cultural and ecological tourism, contributing to improving the green tourism index.
On the other hand, My Son focuses on quickly, effectively and qualitatively implementing the planning and management of the My Son Relic Site to serve as a basis for preserving and promoting the value of the relic in the direction of strengthening joint ventures, associations, and strongly attracting socialization to ensure compliance with regulations.
- How is the issue of socialization in tourism activities in My Son promoted?
* Mr. Dang Huu Phuc: Socialization is necessary but must be harmonious, comply with commitments to UNESCO, and ensure compliance with the Heritage Law to promote heritage values.
The goal is that what is under the State's management and protection must be planned and implemented by the State in compliance with current laws; what needs joint ventures, associations, and attracting socialized investment resources to jointly exploit and promote the advantages and potentials of heritage must be strongly encouraged, diversifying types of services and tourism suitable to the nature of heritage.
- My Son tourism must be community-oriented, what is your opinion on this issue?
* Mr. Dang Huu Phuc: Over the years, the preservation and maintenance of My Son heritage has had the cooperation and contribution of the community, helping the relic overcome the period of ruin and revive day by day.
As a heritage of humanity, Duy Xuyen district authorities and management board continue to pay attention to and expand tourism development to neighboring areas so that the community can take advantage of the potential and advantages of the heritage, proactively create products and services that meet the needs and tastes of tourists... From there, create a strong mutual relationship, benefit together, and develop together.
- Thank you for this conversation!
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