In the days leading up to the Lunar New Year, in Phuong Vien flower village (Tan Phuong commune, Thanh Thuy district); Nha Nit peach blossom village (Thanh Dinh commune, Viet Tri city); Tien Du flower village (Phu Ninh district); Long An peach blossom village (Ha Loc commune, Phu Tho town), every house is busy and bustling. Garden owners are always busy taking care of, pruning, netting, fertilizing, potting... chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, gerberas, peach trees, peach blossoms... waiting to be brought to the market to serve people to welcome the new spring. Tet is always considered the "golden season" for flower and ornamental plant growers because this is the time to harvest gifts after a year of hard work for a more brilliant spring...
In the days leading up to the Lunar New Year, in Phuong Vien flower village (Tan Phuong commune, Thanh Thuy district); Nha Nit peach blossom village (Thanh Dinh commune, Viet Tri city); Tien Du flower village (Phu Ninh district); Long An peach blossom village (Ha Loc commune, Phu Tho town), every house is busy and bustling. Garden owners are always busy taking care of, pruning, netting, fertilizing, potting... chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, gerberas, peach trees, peach blossoms... waiting to be brought to the market to serve people to welcome the new spring. Tet is always considered the "golden season" for flower and ornamental plant growers because this is the time to harvest gifts after a year of hard work for a more brilliant spring...
Along the way to Thanh Dinh commune, Viet Tri city, many peach blossoms, peach blossoms... are sold to serve people during Tet.
Peach blossoms bloom in the early morning sun
People in the localities take the time to go to flower villages to choose a satisfactory peach tree for their family.
Large, old, beautiful peach trees are carefully transported by crane to customers' homes by the garden owner.
Mr. Nguyen Van Tinh's family in Tan Phuong commune, Thanh Thuy district grows 600 peach trees, 2-25 years old, starting to put them in pots for sale.
Peach trees are carefully cared for and pruned before being brought to market.
The peach trees have been neatly trimmed by the garden owner, convenient for customers to buy and play during Tet.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Nho - Head of Phuong Vien flower and ornamental plant growing village, Tan Phuong (Thanh Thuy) takes care of roses in preparation for Tet.
During cold days, flower growers always turn on the lights so that the flowers bloom in time for Tet.
Rows of chrysanthemums shimmering under the electric lights waiting for the day to be shipped out
Flower growers cover flowers with nets to ensure they stay fresh and beautiful during transport.
Harvesting chrysanthemums
Content: Phuong Thanh - Presented by: Dinh Tu
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