GĐXH - Ms. Hoa (39 years old) had a persistent cough for many months, mistakenly thinking it was a respiratory disease, the doctor discovered that her cough was caused by gastric reflux, and needed treatment to avoid further progression.
According to information from Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Ms. Hoa (living in Ho Chi Minh City) went to the hospital because she had symptoms of cough, heartburn and nausea. Thinking that she had a respiratory disease, Ms. Hoa went to a respiratory clinic near her home for a check-up and was prescribed bronchitis medication.
However, after 3 months of treatment, the cough showed no signs of improvement. The coughs often came in the middle of the night and lasted for hours, seriously affecting her sleep and health, so she went to the hospital for examination.
On March 25, Master Doctor Doan Hoang Long, Center for Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery of Digestive System, said that Ms. Hoa was diagnosed to rule out respiratory causes. The patient had esophageal pH impedance measured within 24 hours to assess the relationship between reflux and clinical symptoms. Gastric reflux is determined to be due to acid when the pH is less than 4 for at least 5 seconds during the reflux process. Conversely, if the pH is more than 4, the reflux is not due to acid. The results showed that Ms. Hoa had gastric reflux due to acid. This is the cause of chronic coughs occurring at night.
Ms. Hoa was prescribed medication, combined with changes in lifestyle, exercise, and a scientific diet. After 2 months of persistent medication, regular check-ups, and lifestyle changes, Ms. Hoa's cough was completely gone.
Beware of signs of cough due to gastric reflux
Doctor Hoang Long said that cough due to gastric reflux accounts for more than 25% of chronic cough cases but is easily confused with other diseases so it is often overlooked, causing the disease to progress seriously. Although cough is not a "typical" symptom of gastric reflux, in reality, examination and treatment show that chronic cough (lasting from 8 weeks) caused by reflux accounts for a large proportion.
Coughing is the body's natural reflex to protect the airways when there is an increase in acid from the stomach into the esophagus. When reflux moves up and out of the esophagus, it stimulates the nerve plexus in the esophagus and pharynx, causing the cough reflex. If not treated promptly, prolonged coughing can cause dangerous complications such as chronic cough; pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. More seriously, it can cause esophageal ulcers, esophageal stricture, Barrett's esophagus (precancerous esophagus), and even esophageal cancer.
Patients with gastroesophageal reflux often have symptoms such as burning in the chest, heartburn after eating or at night. Bloating, indigestion, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, laryngitis, sleep disorders... can also occur. However, in many cases, cough is the only symptom, so patients often go to the Respiratory or ENT clinic before going to the Gastroenterology clinic.
What to do when you have a cough due to acid reflux
Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment such as lifestyle changes, medication, surgery. In addition, prevention from risk factors such as dividing meals, limiting foods that stimulate the stomach (spicy, greasy, citrus, coffee, fast food ...), maintaining light exercise, balancing work and rest time, controlling stress, keeping the spirit comfortable and happy.
Dr. Long emphasized that cough caused by gastric reflux is a difficult disease to diagnose, so when you have persistent cough symptoms, you need to go to reputable medical facilities and hospitals with specialized equipment for examination, accurate diagnosis and specific treatment.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/ho-dai-dang-nhieu-thang-khong-khoi-nguoi-phu-nu-39-tuoi-di-kham-phat-hien-nguyen-nhan-bat-ngo-172250325102656218.htm
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