Infiltrating the "magic" line of transport business vehicles:
Part 1: Easily buy fake yellow license plates
Part 2: "Magic" vehicle registration to get transport badge
Carefree forging documents
Circular 58/2020 of the Ministry of Public Security stipulates: After December 31, 2021, transport business vehicles must switch to yellow background license plates.
In Hanoi, transport business vehicles must change to the number 29, for example 29E, 29F, 29H... The number 30 such as 30H, 30K, 30N... is only for private vehicles with white license plates.
A man named Hoang Anh pasted a contract vehicle badge issued by the Hanoi Department of Transport to Hung Thinh Transport Service Cooperative on a KIA car with license plate 30G-403.xx.
This means that when a new vehicle is purchased or a vehicle with a white license plate is converted to a commercial vehicle, the registration certificate must have the letter V and a QR code.
As mentioned in the previous article about the trick that Hoang Anh (claiming to be a member of Binh Minh Transport Service Cooperative), after buying a fake yellow license plate to help the driver register and switch to a commercial transport vehicle, this person took a photo of the inspection certificate and vehicle registration of the reporter to apply for a contract vehicle badge.
According to regulations, when a vehicle owner switches to a yellow license plate, the police will collect the white license plate registration and issue a yellow business transport vehicle registration certificate with the letter (V).
To register a vehicle for a transport business and apply for a badge while still keeping the white license plate, Hoang Anh used a fake registration method: After the vehicle owner took a photo and sent the vehicle registration, he used photoshop software to erase the letter T and replace it with the letter V.
Next, images of documents such as fake transport business registration and transport business vehicle registration papers will be sent to the notary office for certification without the need for the original. The documents will then be uploaded to the website of the Hanoi Department of Transport to request a badge.
Badge issuance process loophole?
Regarding the process of granting this badge, a traffic expert said that the cooperative can only fake the letter T into the letter V, the QR code on the vehicle registration cannot be faked.
If the licensing officer scans the code with his phone, the license plate information on the registration will still be a white background plate and can prevent the badge from being issued right at this stage.
"When a driver is granted a transport business badge but the vehicle's real documents still have a white license plate, there is a problem with the application processing process. This is a loophole in the Department of Transport's issuance of contract vehicle badges," said this expert.
Checking the number of vehicles that have been granted badges on the website of the Hanoi Department of Transport, the reporter found that cooperatives such as Hung Thinh, Binh Minh, and Toan Phat have more than a dozen vehicles each month. Currently, vehicles 30G, 30K, and 30H have forged vehicle registration papers to be granted contract vehicle badges.
Among the vehicles granted by cooperatives in the last 2 months, almost 100% of the vehicles with the first 30K - 30L - 30H have fake registrations such as: 30H-692.70, 30K-603.09, 30H-572.37, 30K-922.53, 30K-912.71, 30K-928.21, 30K-826.12, 30K-805.34, 30L-287.67, 30H-491.78, 30L-214.17, 30K-895.73, 30K-936.94, 30L-002.93, 30K-672.09, 30K-455.47, 30L-013.43, 30L-024.49, 30K-694.46…
No medical examination but still have health certificate
So after nearly a week, Hoang Anh has completed for us the steps such as installing fake license plates to register and convert to a commercial transport vehicle, and applying for a contract vehicle badge. These are the two most important documents for drivers to be granted accounts by technology car companies.
The driver's medical certificate after being forged.
To have a passenger account, technology companies like Grab, Be... require drivers to submit documents such as: CCCD with chip, driver's license, vehicle registration, business vehicle inspection, contract vehicle badge, avatar, health certificate, and owner SIM information.
The last procedure we needed to do was to get a health certificate. Using the excuse that we were afraid to go to the doctor, we asked Hoang Anh to help. Hoang Anh immediately said: "Your health certificate is already included in the 6 million VND procedure package, you don't need to go to the doctor anymore."
According to a traffic expert, if the procedure is correct, the cooperative will have to refer the driver to a qualified hospital for examination.
However, there are currently some cooperatives that have purchased fake health certificates, the signatures and hospital seals are also forged with blank information.
Drivers who have needs, or are not in good health, or even drug addicts, do not want to go for a medical examination. The cooperative fills in the driver's information on the medical examination form. The technology car companies will activate the account when they see that the driver has submitted all the documents, they do not know which documents are fake.
After Hoang Anh downloaded and completed the installation of the Grab and Be driver account, in the profile section, the reporter saw a "Health certificate" with the words Hospital E (Hanoi).
Bright red round stamps and signatures, "comments" with the single phrase "normal", the names of specific doctors... Specialist doctor Phan Thao Nguyen concluded: "Healthy enough to drive" without having to go through any medical examination.
"After registering the business vehicle and having a Grab or Be account, he removed the yellow license plate, reinstalled the white license plate, and re-registered it as a personal vehicle (white license plate) to carry passengers normally.
You only need to do those two things, I will take care of the rest of the procedures for applying for a contract vehicle badge, health certificate, and opening an account. After activating your Grab or Be account, please transfer all the money to me," Hoang Anh said.
If you need it, just call and it's done.
After installing the yellow license plate and completing the vehicle inspection, Hoang Anh made an appointment with us to go to the office of Binh Minh Transport Service Cooperative located at 45A, No.10, Duong Noi service land, Ha Dong to complete the remaining procedures.
When we arrived, we were quite surprised to see the sign outside the door saying Binh Minh Transport Service Cooperative, but when we went inside, on the wall there was the words Toan Phat Transport Service Cooperative. There were many employees working there.
We were asked by Hoang Anh to sign many types of documents, including a transportation service contract with the cooperative.
Hoang Anh gave us a contract vehicle badge issued by the Hanoi Department of Transport to Hung Thinh Transport Service Cooperative (Doi 2 village, Dong Phuong Yen commune, Chuong My district, Hanoi) chaired by a person named Vu Thi Kim Luyen.
Responding to the question about Hoang Anh being a member of Binh Minh Transport Service Cooperative but the badge is of Hung Thinh Transport Service Cooperative, Hoang Anh said: "Both of my HXTs are one. All cooperatives do this, the accountants calculate whichever side is suitable for them."
According to research, Hoang Anh is currently the legal representative of Toan Phat Transport Service Cooperative whose headquarters coincides with Hung Thinh Transport Service Cooperative. At this headquarters address, there is also Nam Hung Transport Cooperative.
After completing the remaining procedures, we transferred the remaining amount of 3 million VND to Hoang Anh.
Suggesting that many friends also wanted to follow this form, Hoang Anh immediately accepted and said: "Currently, our cooperative is managing 3,000 drivers. If your friends have any needs, just call me. We have many employees, about 10 people ready to support."
How is the crime of forging documents and seals handled?
According to lawyer Dang Van Cuong, Head of Chinh Phap Law Office, those who commit document forgery can be prosecuted for forging seals and documents of agencies and organizations. Offenders can be fined from 30 to 100 million VND, sentenced to non-custodial reform for up to 3 years or imprisoned from 6 months to 2 years.
If the crime is organized; commits the crime 2 times or more; makes from 2 to 5 seals, documents or other papers; uses seals, documents or other papers to commit less serious crimes or serious crimes; illegally gains from 10 to 50 million VND; is a dangerous recidivist, the offender shall be sentenced to imprisonment from 2 to 5 years.
If making 6 or more seals, documents or other papers; using seals, documents or other papers to commit very serious crimes or especially serious crimes; illegally gaining 50 million VND or more shall be punished with imprisonment from 3 to 7 years.
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